"This is...the secret letter from the young master!"

Seeing this coat of arms, Leijuan did not dare to be careless, and quickly took out the token that he had carefully put away and compared it again and again.

Only then was he sure that this letter really came from the young master.

Leijuan opened the envelope and found that it was inside There was nothing else but a blueprint, a piece of paper with a few numbers on it, and a pill.

And that blueprint was the method for extracting gunpowder!

Lei Juan only read it once and made it quickly. Judgment.

The gunpowder extraction method that the young master gave me is far beyond any technology he knows at the moment, even the most sophisticated mechanism is inferior to it, and the few words on the note are even more shocking! Leijuan felt great pressure

"I will study the method of gunpowder with all my heart and leave it to the future, it will be of great use to me."

Lei Juan took a look and knew what the young master meant.

He asked Jiangnan Pili Hall to study the method of making gunpowder with great concentration, and leave it to the future when the young master needs it.

At the same time, the elixir in the letter moved Lei Juan even more.

Although Leijuan has martial arts skills���However, he has been frail and sickly since childhood and has been bedridden all year round.

But after taking the elixir sent by the young master, Lei Juan's ailments seemed to disappear overnight!

Lei Juan was surprised, but also felt grateful to the young master from the bottom of his heart.

After recovering from his illness, Leijuan immediately devoted himself to the research and development of gunpowder.

However, the research and development of gunpowder is far more difficult than any mechanism Leijuan has come into contact with before.

Until ten years ago, the gunpowder extracted by Leijuan and Pilitang.

Only then did he truly achieve the kind of power that Young Master required.

Afterwards, Lei Juan followed the Young Master's instructions and moved the Pili Hall to a secluded place in the south of the Yangtze River that was rarely visited by people.

In this way, even if the gunpowder is ignited, the outside world will not notice it.

After receiving the letter from the young master yesterday, Lei Juan immediately led the disciples of Perak Hall to move the gunpowder overnight.

Store it in the underground warehouse that Perak Hall has prepared.

Only a portion of gunpowder of inferior quality is left in the warehouse

"The young master has a clever plan. Even if we wait for a hundred years, we will not be able to compare to the young master."

Thinking that every step he has taken now is within the expectations stated in the young master's secret letter.

Lei Juan is even more confident. According to the young master's instructions, he only needs to sell these secondary gunpowder to him at a very high price.

People from various countries who discuss cooperation can then concentrate on studying the drawing rewards given to them by the gold list.


"Firegun, what is this?"

Ying Zheng frowned slightly when he heard the names one after another that he had never heard of before.

The feeling of not knowing made this emperor of all ages feel slightly unhappy.

Gai Nie and Gai Nie, who also didn't know what the fire gun was. Luna and the others naturally kept silent at this time.

However, when Gai Nie's eyes fell on Ying Wuying, Gai Nie's heart suddenly moved.

"I wonder if the Ninth Prince knows the origin of the fire gun?"

Gai Nie suddenly said to Ying Wuying.

Hearing that Gai Nie actually took the initiative to ask people one day, the people in the hall were slightly shocked.

They all turned their heads to Ying Wuying.

"Wuying, do you know where this fire gun came from?"

Although Ying Zheng didn't quite believe that Ying Wuying knew this, he still asked with a glimmer of hope.

Ying Wuying glanced at Gai Nie, who only felt that Ying Wuying looked at him and seemed to have I feel a chill all over my body.

Could it be that I just said the wrong thing


"I don't know."

Ying Wuying still behaved in that lazy way, but before Ying Zheng frowned, Ying Wuying still added

"However, Erchen guessed that this gun must be something related to gunpowder."


Ying Zheng looked stern after hearing his analysis.

Lower your head and think deeply

"Forget it, let’s look at the gold list first."

Now that nothing can be discussed, Ying Zheng is determined to put this matter behind him.


【Kyushu·Supreme Mysterious Power List, No. 18】

【Datang, bad people!】


"Bad person?"

"Did I make a mistake, bad people are also on the list?"

"Aren't the bad guys the personal bodyguards of His Majesty the Tang Emperor? What kind of mysterious supreme being can there be?"

"Don't ask me, I don't understand either."

On the streets in Datang, we saw the names of organizations that were familiar to the people of Datang on the list.

The people on the streets suddenly broke out in a heated discussion.


"Bad person? Isn't that the Jin Yiwei of the Tang Dynasty?"

"How could such a powerful person be on the list, even ranked eighteenth?"

In the study, Emperor Zhengde frowned.

If bad guys can be on the list, doesn't it mean that his imperial guards can also be on the list?

Isn't this gold list a bit too low-level?

Emperor Zhengde muttered secretly.


"bad person……"

Ying Zheng narrowed his eyes slightly and looked at these three words thoughtfully.

"Your Majesty, as far as I know, bad guys are a secret department of the Tang Dynasty government."

"He is responsible only to the emperor for his actions."

Zhang Han cupped his hands and said

"oh? Isn't that the same as your Shadow Guards and the Ming Dynasty's Jinyi Guards?"

Ying Zheng looked at Zhang Han

"I expected this to be the case."

Zhang Han was also puzzled. This bad guy was obviously just an ordinary emperor's bodyguard organization in the Tang Dynasty.

How could he rise to the top of the mysterious supreme power list, and even be ranked eighteenth!

"If this is true, wouldn't my Shadow Guard also be on the list?"

Thinking of this, Zhang Han's heart suddenly jumped.

But he also knew that this was probably his fantasy.

Ying Zheng groaned and tapped his fingers on the table.

"What do you think?"

Although the question was directed to everyone in the hall, Gai Nie, Yueshen and others saw Ying Zheng's eyes turned to Ying Wuying first.

They all understood what Ying Zheng meant and shut up knowingly.

Only Ying Wuying himself didn't seem to receive the hint from Ying Zheng's eyes, and was still enjoying the wine leisurely.

Even though Ying Zheng was calmer, his eyes were almost unbearable.

"My son thought."

Hu Hai couldn't bear it any longer and couldn't help but speak.

"This bad person can be on the list, either because there is something wrong with the gold list, or because this bad person is weird."

Hu Hai felt that his answer was excellent, and he was waiting to receive Ying Zheng's praise.

Who would have thought that Ying Zheng didn't even look at him?

"Wuying, what do you think?"

Ying Zheng said in a deep voice.

Unexpectedly, Ying Zheng even spared himself a look. The smile on Hu Hai's face suddenly froze.

Ying Wuying glanced at Hu Hai lazily.

"The eighteenth brother has finished speaking, what else can I say?"

Hu Hai didn't expect that he would answer the question before Ying Wuying. Not only did he fail to get praise from Ying Zheng, but he was knocked down by Ying Wuying.

However, before he could react, Ying Zheng glanced at him.

Hu Hai's heart suddenly became cold and he couldn't say anything.

"oh? Is this really all you think about?"

Ying Zheng obviously didn't believe what Ying Wuying said.

Upon seeing this, Ying Wuying spread his hands helplessly.

"Erchen thought that this bad guy must have some strange behavior."

"But the question at hand is, is the bad guy's weirdness a result of a different intention, or is it someone else's gift to him?"

"Or... there is some special reason why they have to be weird."

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