Indescribable cyberpunk

Chapter 46 Rock Climber·Sand Scorpion

Cut off a video and attach a sentence: Find the location of the jungle in this video.

This is the test content Wu Tong prepared.

"This video is a short section of the video I downloaded from the dark web that I showed you last time. I have asked someone to find its location. It is some distance away from us, but it is not too far. The high-speed train takes about 2 hours. I specifically asked the person that he could reach the place based on the plants and environment in the video. I took this as a test question. If you can't even do this, you are not qualified to join us. "

"By the way, I forgot one thing. Our team doesn't have a name yet. Now the name of my account is used under the video. The little monster is a bit childish. I want to be handsome and cool. From now on You can’t tell people that we are a little monster studio.”

Reply to the submitted emails one by one, send the test content, and then delete some meaningless emails.

"Big Monster Studio?"

Zhu Jue looked at his phone and replied casually.

"It's not as good as a little monster. At least it's a little cute. Is there anything more reliable?"

"Well, the monsters we are looking for are often related to various legends and mysterious events, so why not call them the Weird Research Group?"

"Okay, this name is good. I'll change the name of the publisher below. This will be the name of our studio in the future. I can also go online to register an exclusive forum for us, so that those who watch our videos can come Post them here, and then encourage them to tell them about the strange events they discovered in the form of bounties, so that we have an additional relay station for information!"

Wu Tong's fingers were flying on the keyboard, and he would jump to the comment area at the bottom of the Yuntu website to post a post, and then jump to the page created by the forum to fill in some information. His thinking in some directions was quite vivid, and he could draw inferences from one example. normal.

According to the division of labor between the two of them, Zhu Jue naturally didn't need to worry about this matter. When he was bored, he simply got up and sat on the sofa in the back, opened the Order Watch Mall, and found that there were still hundreds of thousands in deposits in his bank account. Plan on spending some more.

"Wu Tong, I plan to buy a motorcycle. Do you have any recommendations? It shouldn't be a very conspicuous one, just practical. I can't always rely on you to pick me up and drop me off."

In the past two days, Zhu Jue came from the old city and contacted Wu Tong directly to ask him to pick him up. Now that the video is on the shelves, he will definitely be very busy in the next period of time and cannot continue to trouble him.

"If you want to buy a motorcycle, you can look at the products of Yuanfan Machinery Group. Crown and Blue Wing are not as famous as Yuanfan in this regard. Their motorcycles basically have all types. You can search for rock climbers. I heard It seems to be one of the top ten most stable types among federal motorcycles. The advertisement claims that it can stabilize the body even in a strong earthquake of magnitude 7. It can also be used directly as an off-road motorcycle and has strong resistance to any terrain. adaptability."

Wu Tong seemed to have studied these things and said without looking back.

Enter the name of the rock climber in the search interface of the mall, and then a light will extend from the side of the watch in front of you, and at a very fast speed, a motorcycle with a dark brown streamlined shape will be outlined at a 1:1 ratio. I wish Jue Jue from He stood up from the sofa and walked to the motorcycle under the virtual projection. There was a fluctuating audio pause prompt floating above.

Just click it.

"Yuanfan Machinery Group's latest model this fall, Rock Climber Sand Scorpion, is equipped with the latest intelligent control system"

Dotted lines continued to extend from everywhere in the virtual projection. With the detailed introduction of the audio, Zhu Jue was confused about some special terms, but there were still a few points that deeply affected him. For example, the rock climber Sand Scorpion carried only The system allows it to drive unmanned. As long as it sends out a self-set voice signal through the Bluetooth headset it is worn, it can immediately wake up the Sand Scorpion within a kilometer and let it drive in front of it with the automatic driving system.

Moreover, this type of car uses fingerprint and facial recognition. Before the security system is disabled, if others try to steal, they will be warned immediately and the vehicle owner will be notified. It can even be done with one click. Alarm and target thief.

Purchase choice, confirmed!

"First-level informant, Mr. 357, due to your special status, Yuanfan Machinery Group will select accessories suitable for the combat environment for you. Please choose the combat equipment that requires additional assembly on the Rock Climber Sand Scorpion."

As soon as the mechanical beep ended, some pictures began to appear around several parts of the Rock Climber Sand Scorpion, such as the impact shock absorbing parts at the front end, a rhombus-shaped sharp metal corner, rapid-fire machine guns on the left and right of the front tires, and the rear tail of the motorcycle. The nitrogen acceleration device, if fully installed, can increase the vehicle speed to 200 km/h in an instant.

All can be controlled by voice!

Purchasing through the mall in Order Watch is different from entering the official website of Yuanfan Machinery Group online. The latter only provides the most common models, while the former can enjoy direct online weapon configuration because it defaults to government employees.

The basic price of the Sand Scorpion is 450,000. If you order an accessory, the price will jump to 530,000. After all, it is a high-tech product.

"No external accessories, just a prototype."

Zhu Jue thought about it and found that he still had about 500,000 in savings. Although he had thought about spending some of it before, he didn't want to spend it all at once, so he didn't choose to make extensive modifications.

Moreover, most of the accessories must have the authority of investigators to use them. For example, the two rapid-fire machine guns are high-power weapons and cannot be installed just by installing them.

This latest model of rock climber Sand Scorpion can reach a maximum speed of 120 kilometers per hour even when naked. Coupled with various built-in functions, it is enough for Zhu Jue!

"Cancel the assembly of external pendants. Thank you for choosing Yuanfan Machinery Group!"

The voice and virtual image disappeared instantly, leaving only the final settlement interface.

"Purchase successful!"

Seeing the string of numbers in his account decreasing at a speed visible to the naked eye, Zhu Jue smacked his lips. He spent all the money before he could warm it up.

Lying on the sofa, I felt like my body was being hollowed out.

"Wu Tong, please quickly find a way to find something for me to do, otherwise I will feel so bad about my money~"

Zhu Jue squirmed on the sofa like a caterpillar. Thinking of the few tens of thousands left in his account, he felt uncomfortable all over.

"Someone has already responded to my recruitment email. Do you want to come with me for an interview? This is too fast."

Wu Tong was also a little surprised when someone responded less than half an hour after the email was sent.

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