Passing through an invisible curtain, David finally found Paradise Island.

“The view is truly heavenly.”

Especially after passing through the gloomy sky, violent storms, and raging seas outside, one scene later, it was cloudless inside, and the sea and sky were the same color, incredibly blue.


The wind blew gently, and the seagulls chirped and flew gracefully across the sky.

Comparing the two, it seems that what you just experienced is just an illusion, making people feel like they have traveled to another world - a paradise.


The careless Diana blinked in confusion and stood up from the cliff.

Doubting whether she had an illusion, she saw an outsider entering Paradise Island from the outside.


Wearing a golden close-fitting war dress and a starry crown on her head, Diana jumped off a sea cliff dozens of meters high and landed on the beach like a cannonball. Her slender and well-proportioned legs steadily supported the huge force of her fall. resolve.

"Are you a man?"

She looked at David with novelty and surprise, as if she was seeing a new creature she had never seen before.

"Short hair, no bulge on the chest, an Adam's apple on the throat, and strong features. This is exactly the same as the man in the painting."

After thousands of years of boring life, a little novel change finally broke into her world.

[Curiosity from Diana +85, joy +81...]

"Of course I'm a man."

The crown, battle skirt, and golden rope tied around the waist were beautiful and heroic. A hint of surprise appeared on David's brows, and he smiled.

I never thought that the first Amazon I would see when I landed on Paradise Island would be Wonder Woman.

He also thought that Wonder Woman might have left the island, suffered other encounters under the time ripples he caused, and went to other places.

"Is this strange?"

"No, there are a lot of men, but this is the first time I've seen a man. There are no men on Paradise Island."

Diana looked surprised.

"How did you get in?"

"Is it like what my mother said sometimes when she looked outside worriedly at night? After thousands of years, the power of God King Zeus has been weakening, and the magic barrier may not be able to protect Paradise Island for long?"

While she looked at David's whole body, her eyes swept across David's Adam's apple and face many times, and she murmured excitedly.

“Men seem to be more beautiful than what they appear on the scroll.

But why don't you have a beard? "

Confusion appeared on Diana's face, this was different from what she saw on the scroll.

"Because I'm not old enough."

When people asked why she didn't have a beard, it was easy to think of a eunuch in the palace. David was a little unhappy with the innocent girl-like Wonder Woman in front of him.

"How old are you? Three thousand years old?"

Diana curiously named an age that she thought was still young.

The Amazons are an immortal race, and everyone here lives longer than Lei Xiaogu.

"He soaked in the Lazarus Pool all year round and gained eternal life at the cost of having his character distorted. Everyone here has it."

A strange color flashed in David's eyes.

Not to mention Diana, the son of Zeus, the King of the Gods, and the Queen of the Amazons. Thousands of years are nothing to the long, almost endless lifespan of Wonder Woman.

"How wonderful an immortal race would be."

His lips turned up into a smile.

As long as he takes down the Amazons, the people on the island will always provide him with the mood points he needs, never ending.

"Wait a minute, are you strong enough to run on the ocean?"

The eyes of the man in front of her seemed a bit evil, and for some reason a chill suddenly ran down her back. Diana, like a confused female leopard with explosive hair, took a step back and assumed a fighting stance.

“Mother has been worried about the weakening of the magic barrier and Ares found us.

Are you Ares? "

The naive brain found a reasonable explanation.

David looked at the untainted innocence in Diana's eyes and was speechless for a while.

"Diana, stay away from him!"

There was a rumble of horse hoofbeats, and a queen with still graceful grace and majesty came riding a war horse and leading hundreds of heroic Amazon female warriors.

She sensed that the magic barrier was touched and someone broke into Paradise Island.

Moreover, the reaction of the magic barrier was very violent, and it was not a mortal who entered by mistake.

Hippolyta felt like she was facing a formidable enemy and hurriedly led part of her army to the wide sea cliff. She saw her daughter and the outsider standing together, only a few meters apart. Her face changed drastically and she shouted.

"Archers, prepare!"

A group of brave and proficient Amazon female warriors raised their bows and arrows, their muscles showing graceful lines and strong and powerful arms. Accompanied by the heart-wrenching sound of the bow strings, arrows with cold gleams were aimed at Dai Dai on the seaside. dimension.

The dust kicked up by the horses' hooves from behind, and the female warriors with solemn expressions were coming one after another.

"Outsiders, tell me who you are!"

Hippolyta drew her sword, glared angrily, pointed at David and shouted.

Since he is not a mortal, the possibility of accidentally arriving here is too small.

Don't be the pioneer of Ares' search for Paradise Island.


Two arrows were shot at David's feet, which was full of warning. He raised his eyebrows and looked at nothing, as if he saw two small branches stuck in the ground.

[Vigilance from Hippolyta +10.1, hostility +5.1...

Vigilance from Antiope +6.5... Vigilance from Critella +2.2,...]

A series of refreshing reminders of emotional points passed by like a waterfall, and David could hardly stand it.

The emotional points this group of Amazons can provide easily exceed what Clark can provide at the same time when his intense emotions are intense.

"It seems that I have come to the right place, Paradise Island."

Not all Amazons are here.

call out!

Diana swung the mantra lasso around her waist, broke the air, and threw it sharply at David, wanting to help her mother and tribe control the outsiders first.

"Is this the Lasso of Truth?"

David stretched out his hand and grabbed the rope with lightning speed. The golden mantra lasso wrapped around his arm. He looked at it with curiosity, his eyes flashing.

Legend has it that the mantra lasso was made of the golden belt of the earth goddess Gaia by the fire god Hephaestus, a skilled craftsman among the Greek gods. It is indestructible and unbreakable.

"Legend has it that even Hercules couldn't break it, and the one who was trapped could only tell the truth."

She originally wanted to use the lasso of truth to wrap around David's waist and tie his hands along the way, but she never expected that the lasso of truth she threw would be caught, and shock appeared on Diana's beautiful and heroic face.

"Since my childhood, no one on the island has been able to keep up with me, not even my mother."

"Outsider, who are you?"

Seeing David coming into contact with the Cord of Truth, the brave and wise queen who had ruled the Amazon clan for tens of thousands of years seized the opportunity to shout and question him.

"What's your purpose here!"

Diana used her hands hard, trying to pull David over and restrain him under his feet, but she didn't want to pull him away after she exerted her strength.

The lasso of mantra is like a lasso on a towering mountain peak.

A wonderful feeling filled his body, urging him to open his mouth and speak his true words. It was difficult to resist.

"My identity? You don't need to know this..."

Diana increased her strength, and David glanced and threw away the rope. He looked at Hippolyta on the cliff, as if he didn't see the fierce female warrior with hundreds of bows aimed at him, and smiled.

The Lasso of Mantra is one of the artifacts possessed by Wonder Woman in the comics. Superman's supposedly indestructible physical defenses are often broken, but the Lasso of Mantra almost never fails.

He didn't doubt the rope's ability.

Seeing David break away from the rope, Hippolyta's eyes narrowed, thinking that it would be impossible to get any more useful information.

But she didn't expect David's next words to make her expression change instantly, and all the Amazon female warriors glared at her.

"...You just need to know that I am here to conquer you Amazons."

Standing on the beach, David slowly spoke and directly stated the purpose of his trip.

As soon as the words fell, the air suddenly fell silent. In the next moment, the emotions rushed past faster, like an out-of-control flood, and the hostility of thousands of enraged Amazons surged in like a tidal wave!


kill him! "

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