World of Warcraft Murloc City Guide

Chapter 371 Magatha is up to something

Lul Talon and his murlocs continued to eliminate the threat of the Windfury Harpies in southern Mulgore.

In the next few days, Dr. Wavell's super firework beam launcher continued to exert its power, and three more small-scale Windfury Harpy territories were cleared.

The Lur warriors assigned all dangerous jobs to the tauren. Even the murloc peons had to do the work of cleaning up the harpy excrement. Instead, they became the most leisurely group with the 3,000 fighting murlocs in the large team. .

Old Blind Eye and Brak, a group of bloodthirsty murlocs stared at the battle taking place in front of their eyes with red murloc eyes. Every time they wanted to rush forward to fight the Windfury Harpy, they were stopped by Lul.

"Bain said, you murlocs are here to help, and the main force in the battle is us tauren." Lur never spoke much, and he always used this sentence to call the murlocs back.

Yang Yi ordered the murlocs to obey Lur's command. Old Blind Eye and Brak could only hang their big murloc heads and retreat to the supporting team at the back unwillingly, continuing to act as cheerleaders.

Yang Yi could see that with the tauren in front, there was basically no danger to the murlocs in fighting the harpies. A few days have passed, and the Harpy's territory has been cleared. So far, no fishman has been injured.

The fish-man engineers who control the fireworks beam launchers have changed several times. After being honed with real guns and live ammunition, these fish-man engineers have become more and more proficient in their control skills.

Before coming to Mogaolei, Yang Yi thought that he could not take any chances in coming all the way to join the war, so he used all his strength. He was prepared for the worst, but he didn't expect it to be like this.

Yang Yi doesn't have any masochistic tendencies, so it's best if he's not in danger. He was happy to follow the team and enjoy the beautiful scenery of Mulgore along the way. He should be taking the murlocs on a trip.

All the nests in the latest Windfury Harpy stronghold were destroyed, and the excrement on the ground was filled up.

Lur casually patted off the harpy feathers stuck to his body and walked up to Yang Yi. "Mayor Poseidon, all the Harpy strongholds in the south have been cleared. We need to return to Bloodhoof Village to rest."

"Okay." Yang Yi nodded. He was very satisfied with Lul's command and dispatch. "The fireworks are running out faster than expected. I'll take this opportunity to go to Thunder Bluff to see if I can replenish a batch."

After saying that, Yang Yi exchanged a few words with the old blind man, then mounted the bat mount and flew towards Thunder Bluff.

In fact, the fishmen brought enough fireworks to Mogolei this time, and Yang Yi just found an excuse to leave.

After arriving at Thunder Bluff, Yang Yi immediately went to the Elder Highlands to find the old woman Magatha.

Yang Yi came to Mogaole with another task, which was the dirty work assigned to him by Magatha.

The last time they met, Magasa closed her eyes and said nothing, and Yang Yi was kicked out without saying a word.

This time, Yang Yi came to see Magasa and had something to say.

Even if this dirty work has to be done, the remuneration for the work must be clearly negotiated first. Otherwise, when the work is done and the other party says, "I never promised you," you will have to suffer the consequences of being dumb.

Yang Yi wants to get Magasa's support.

With the support of this tauren crone, the Forsaken can all join the Horde. If Magatha can support it, there should be hope for the alliance between the fish and the tauren.

Arriving at the tent where the old woman Magatha lived, the two elite big black bulls were still acting as guards at the door. I guess they should be Magatha's personal guards.

Yang Yi stepped forward and explained his intention. Of course, he didn't mean to negotiate terms with Magatha, but he came with the tamed Sky Blade Azeri.

A large black bull came into the tent to announce.

After waiting at the door for a while, the big black cow came out and asked Yang Yi to take the wind snake in.

Entering the tent, it was still the same inside.

The old woman Magatha was still sitting quietly on the blanket on the ground with her eyes closed, and the brazier in front of her was still burning with flames.

Seeing that Magasa was motionless, Yang Yi organized his words and was about to speak, when a strange wind blew and swept him upside down and flew out.

Yang Yi flew straight out of the tent and fell into a daze.

The two big black cows guarding the door held their bellies and laughed.

Yang Yi was so embarrassed that he quickly got up.

"What the hell is this old cow doing again?"

Yang Yi couldn't understand, so he could only curse secretly in his heart.

The next moment, a neighing sound came from Magatha's tent, and the sound sounded extremely miserable.

"It's Aizeri's neighing!" Yang Yi immediately recognized the sound coming from his pet. "Ezeri was left in the tent, what did the damn old cow do to it?"

Yang Yi wanted to rush into the tent, but the two big black bulls at the door blocked him with wooden axes.

The two big black bulls guarding the gate were both higher than Yang Yi. He had no choice but to peek into the tent and wait.

For some reason it was dark inside and nothing could be seen.

Ezeli neighed and then stopped barking, which made Yang even more uneasy.

"Azeri was asked by Magatha to tame Azeri. As one of the three giants of Thunder Bluff, she shouldn't go to great lengths to kill a wind snake." Yang Yi thought to himself.

Yang Yi was right. Magatha didn't want to kill Azeri.

Not long after, a small hurricane swept Azeri out of the tent and fell to the ground with a thud.

Yang Yi quickly ran over to see his pet, and found that a snake scale was suddenly missing from the front of the crest of the snake's head, as if someone had torn it off with brute force.

Needless to say, this was definitely Magatha's doing.

Although Aizeri's eyes were open, he was as lifeless as a dead thing, and blood was still flowing out from the injured area of ​​the snake's head.

Yang Yi picked up Aizeli from the ground. His body was limp and had no strength at all.

Ever since Aizeli was tamed by Yang Yi, he has been flying around all day long. He wants to spit fire at everything he sees, and his energy is extremely high. I didn't expect that after just staying in Magatha's tent for such a short time, he would look like this miserable.

Seeing this situation, Yang Yi couldn't help but feel sad. What the old woman Magasa did was unreasonable.

After Ezeri was blown out by the hurricane, there was no more noise from Magasa's tent. The two big black bulls guarding the door drove Yang Yi away with big wooden axes.

Although Yang Yi knew that Magasa must have a purpose for doing this, he felt extremely unhappy.

"Damn old cow, she does all kinds of bad things. Sooner or later, I will take off your horns."

Yang Yi hugged the pet and walked away, cursing in his heart as he walked.

Arriving at the animal pen on the central platform, Yang Yi handed the dying Aizeli to the animal pen administrator.

There are many hunters coming and going in Thunder Bluff, and injured hunter pets are very common. The stable manager was an old tauren hunter. He glanced at Azeri and then went to get a piece of food.

"Your pet lost too much blood. Feed it this [roasted quail]. This is one of the favorite foods of most carnivorous pets. The wind snake has a strong recovery ability. Feed it every day and rest for a few days. Refreshed," the stable manager said.

"Thank you." Yang Yi took the [roasted quail] and brought it to Aizeli.

After seeing the [roasted quail], Aizeri stretched out the snake letter to explore a few times, then bit into the food and swallowed it.

"Look at his appetite, I think it might be better after a night's rest." the stable manager joked.

After thanking him again, Yang Yi closed the cage door of the animal pen and let Aizeli rest in the animal pen.

After eating [roasted quail], Aizeli's spirit recovered somewhat, but his strength has not yet been restored. It was lying in the animal pen and spitting snake messages towards Yang Yi, as if it wanted to communicate with Yang Yi.

Although there is a slight soul connection between the hunter and the pet, they still cannot understand the animal's language, and Yang Yi doesn't know what Aizeli is expressing by swallowing the snake letter.

Yang Yi observed that the wound on Aizeli's head had stopped bleeding. The strange thing was that the wound did not heal and scab, but formed a piece of pink and tender new flesh. The shape of the new flesh is exactly the same as the missing snake scale, as if there was no snake scale here in the first place.

"Ezeri, what did Magasa do to you just now? What on earth is she doing?" Yang Yi couldn't solve the doubt in his heart, and he muttered in a low voice.

At this moment, a trace of blood suddenly oozed out from around the new piece of flesh on Ezeli's head. It seemed to have gained a new strength just now, and it seemed to have gained a new strength. It suddenly flapped its wings and tried to fly away. But he was trapped in the animal pen.

Yang Yi was startled. If Azeri continued to toss like this, he might lose his life.

Yang Yi was worried, but the next moment Azeri's performance made Yang Yi shocked. The wind snake opened and closed its mouth and started spitting out human words. "I asked you to go quickly, but you delayed me for other things."

This is a female voice, the voice is old and fierce.

Yang Yi was stunned when he heard Aizeri's words.

After coming back to his senses, Yang Yi remembered that the voice that Aizeri spoke just now was very familiar, as if it was the voice of the old woman Magatha. Yang Yi had heard Magatha speak before when he followed Nala to find Magasa.

It was Magatha who sent a message to herself through Azeri!

Thinking of this, Yang Yi looked around nervously.

Fortunately, the stable manager had already left, and no one nearby heard Ezeli speak.

"Are you an old woman?" Yang Yi asked Ezeli.

Ezeli didn't answer.

It wasn't until a while later that Ezeli spoke again. "follow me."

This time, Yang Yi was even more certain that it was the voice of the old woman Magasa.

After Ezeli spoke again, he kept flapping his wings and slamming his body into the animal pen.

Yang Yi was about to help open the cage door of the animal pen, but stopped after thinking about it.

"It seems like she can't hear or see." Yang Yi guessed.

Yang Yi deliberately didn't open the door, wanting to test whether Magatha could see through Ezeri, and the result seemed to confirm his guess. Ezeli only knew how to fly forward, as if he couldn't see that he was locked in the animal pen.

After confirming his guess, Yang Yi quickly opened the cage door and let Azeri fly out.

Then, Aizeli flew out, and Yang Yi quickly ran forward and followed closely behind.

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