World of Warcraft Murloc City Guide

Chapter 346 Bai Xiaotong is a talent

At the entrance of the Thunder Bluff Auction House's big tent, there was a middle-aged man in a white shirt walking back and forth among the crowd, constantly bowing his head to sell papers in his hands to people attending the auction.

But the market was very bad, and not a single piece of paper in the hands of the middle-aged man was sold.

The middle-aged man was very frustrated. He came to the bulletin board dejectedly.

At this time, the figure of a golden fish-man came into the middle-aged man's eyes, and his eyes lit up.

Discover the wrongdoer.

No, we found potential customers.

The middle-aged man regained his composure and pushed towards the golden fish-man.

"Dear Mayor Poseidon, it is really inconsistent with your distinguished status to be crowded in the crowd. I have a copied list of auction items here. Each one only costs 1 silver coin. Do you want one?" The middle-aged man asked Yang Yi said.

Yang Yi turned around and looked at the middle-aged man talking to him, feeling that he seemed a little familiar.

He used the Lord's Eye to look at the other person's name and remembered it immediately.

Bai Xiaotong, isn’t this a colleague who makes money by translating for others at crossroads?

Yang Yi and this adventurer named Bai Xiaotong can indeed be regarded as peers. He came up with the way to make money by translating emails for people after being inspired by Bai Xiaotong.

It seems that just like the business of making money by translating emails is getting less and less, as more and more adventurers master the language of the Azeroth world, it is not easy to make money from Bai Xiaotong's translation work, and they are all switching to copying and auctioning. List now.

Selling a transcribed auction list for 1 silver is a bit expensive. After all, hiring a low-level mercenary from the mercenary guild only costs 1 or 2 silver coins a day.

There are not many people like Yang Yi who control the resources of a small town, and they always use gold coins as the unit.

If you want to know the auction information, you can just go to the bulletin board and read the list yourself. Although this is a little troublesome, it doesn't cost money. No wonder no one patronizes Bai Xiaotong's business.

When Bai Xiaotong saw that Yang Yi was silent, he quickly stepped up his sales offensive. "How about I make it cheaper for you, a 15% discount. This paper and ink are valuable. I used a whole bottle of ink to copy one copy, and I sold it at the cost price."

Yang Yi's silence was not because he was hesitating about the price, he was just using his skills to check Bai Xiaotong's information.

After coming back to his senses, Yang Yi reached out and touched his money bag, took out a silver coin and threw it to Bai Xiaotong.

"The discount is inconsistent with my identity. I will take 1 silver coin." Yang Yi said.

“The boss is awesome.”

Bai Xiaotong happily accepted the silver coins and handed Yang Yi a copied auction list.

The reason why Yang Yi bought Bai Xiaotong's list was firstly to "thank" this colleague for bringing him a way to make money by translating emails, and secondly because he really felt that his status was not suitable for being crowded in the crowd.

Yang Yi's golden fish-man appearance is very conspicuous, and many adventurers recognize him. He was squeezed into the crowd, and from time to time adventurers would come to get close to him, and those with weak hands would secretly reach behind and touch his dorsal fin. Who could bear this?

"With a status like my lord, you still need to be a bit grand when you go out. Bringing a few followers will not only make you look more popular, but also save you a lot of trouble." Yang Yi thought to himself.

With the auction list transcribed, Yang Yi didn't need to read the bulletin board. He went directly into the auction house's big tent.

The auction house was bustling with activity.

Yang Yi took a glance and found that there were several tauren auctioneers alone, and there were countless people participating in the auction, with adventurers accounting for the majority.

Yang Yi first found the auctioneer who was auctioning consumables and stood outside the crowd to watch.

The order of item auctions is from low to high quality. The first items to be auctioned are ordinary quality items like [Delicious Wind Snake].

There are not many auction items of ordinary quality. After all, most items of this quality are worthless.

Soon after, it was the bidding turn for the [Delicious Wind Snake].

Originally, Yang Yi was worried that the price of 10 silver for [Delicious Wind Snake] was a bit too high, and he was afraid that no one would bid.

Unexpectedly, when the auctioneer called out [Delicious Wind Snake], there were immediately people bidding, and the competition was very fierce.

Yang Yi was overjoyed. He observed and found that the bidders were basically adventurers.

It seems that what Slak said is right, [Delicious Wind Snake] is very popular among adventurers.

Judging from the intensity of the bidding, it was more popular than expected.

In the end, [Delicious Wind Snake] was bought by a wealthy adventurer at a price of 1 gold each, which was 10 times the starting price of 10 silver set by Yang Yi!

"1 gold each, 100 is 100 gold! I never thought that the lake in the backwater oasis would be a big treasure. Every [mutated fish] swimming in the lake has shining gold coins." Yang Yi was overjoyed.

[Delicious Wind Snake] has a recipe that has been circulated for a long time, indicating that the use of [Mutated Fish] is not unknown.

But the problem is that [mutated fish] are only found in the three oases in the Barrens, and these three oases have long been occupied by the Kokar centaurs. The fierce Kokar Centaur regards almost everyone as an enemy, so people cannot obtain [Mutated Fish] and cannot make [Delicious Wind Snake].

Now the other two oases are still under the control of the Kokar Centaur. Only the backwater oasis produces [Mutated Fish]. No wonder the [Delicious Wind Snake] was snapped up by adventurers as soon as it came out.

This is what makes things rare.

[Delicious Wind Snake] As soon as the auction was over, Yang Yi ran to the auction house manager and happily took out the money. It was just the auction commission of 10 gold coins that made him feel pain for a while.

Then Yang Yi came to the jewelry auction area.

The four kinds of pearls Yang Yi commissioned for auction were all of excellent quality. The auction had the largest number of jewelry of this quality. He had just put the items up for auction today, so he was placed at the back of the auction.

It would take some time to finish the auctions.

Yang Yi was not in a hurry.

The 90 gold from the auction of [Delicious Wind Snake], plus the money from the previous sale of [Thorny Algae] and [Living Root Grass], made the number of gold coins in his purse exceed 100.

With this money, Yang Yi planned to bid for herbs first.

[Blind Grass] and [Ghost Mushroom] both appeared on the auction list.

Yang Yi was lucky. There were not many people competing with him. He spent a total of 55 gold coins and bought all the two herbs.

After paying the money and taking the herbs, Yang Yi returned to the jewelry auction area.

The auction of [Lustrous Small Pearls] and [Colored Pearls] had ended. There was no big surprise. These two pearls, which were not rare, did not sell for a high price. They were almost sold at the starting price.

There are still [Black Pearl] and [Gold Pearl] that have not been auctioned yet.

Yang Yi was waiting outside the crowd, looking at the auction list he bought from Bai Xiaotong, looking for suitable equipment.

The equipment on the auction list is the largest in number and the most popular.

Yang Yi was dazzled after looking for a while, because there are too many types of equipment and they are too complicated.

Weapons alone are divided into daggers, fists, one-handed axes, one-handed hammers, one-handed swords, long-handled weapons, staffs, two-handed axes, two-handed hammers, two-handed swords, bows, crossbows, guns, throwing weapons and magic wands.

Weapons are not bad, just choose what you usually use, and a large part of them will be eliminated.

Armor is more complicated than weapons. First of all, the protective gear worn on various parts of the body is divided into cloth armor, leather armor, mail armor and plate armor, and then there are cloaks, off-hands, shields, necklaces, rings, accessories, idols, holy covenants, totems...

For Yang Yi, who has not done his homework, there is so much equipment that he doesn't know where to start.

Yang Yi was overwhelmed by the sight, so he simply rolled up the auction list in his hand and planned to put it in his bag first.

"Hey, there are words on the back of the paper."

After Yang Yi rolled up the auction list, he suddenly found words on the back.

He curiously opened the auction list again and turned to the back.

"These words are not the common language of Azeroth, but the Earth Star language. It seems to be a novel translated by Bai Xiaotong. Maybe because the paper is too expensive, the used paper is reluctant to throw away, so the other side is used to copy the auction list."

With nothing to do, Yang Yi simply started reading the novel.

The novel has no beginning, to be precise, the beginning should be written on another piece of paper.

("So, just like that, I was surrounded by at least a hundred murlocs!" The bearded man drew a long arc with his hand to emphasize.

The brown minotaur took a breath in surprise. "So how did you solve it?" Even her voice was full of brown strength.

"I have no other choice, dear." Marcus patted the sword lying on his thigh, "I can only kill them all on the spot!")

What a bullshit, a human was surrounded by at least a hundred murlocs, and he killed the murlocs in the end. This plot clearly discriminates against murlocs.

Yang Yi was unhappy, but he continued to read on.

(Tanda smiled demurely, blinking her long eyelashes hard. She picked up a piece of cheese and put it to Marcus' lips: "Try this, I made it myself."

The handsome paladin stammered: "No - no. I, uh, am lactose intolerant."

Tanda put the cheese back in the bowl. "Oh, are you sure? You mean you can't stand me?" The plump minotaur stepped forward and stood face to face with Marcus. The huge height difference made his face. Due to the obstruction of vision, he had to wave his arms to resist, but he could only touch her solid back - his vague apology only made the minotaur woman laugh uncontrollably and hug him tighter.)

Human male and minotaur female, this is a bit exciting.

(Just as his other hand touched her tail, the light dimmed and a tall figure appeared at the door. "What the hell..."

Tanda exclaimed: "Bacchus, no!"

Marcus turned his head, gasping for breath, and looked at the angry minotaur. "You misunderstood!")

Wow, it's still the plot of the old man next door.

Yang Yi watched with relish.

Next, the human old king and the minotaur cuckold king fought.

(Tanda raised her hind legs high and stomped down with thunderous force. The man and the bull trembled at the same time, obviously stunned. "Stop it, both of you!"

Marcus calmed down, looked at Tanda, and then looked at Bacchus. Their hair was disheveled, and their naked, rough skin was glistening with sweat. Just as they stared at each other, the handsome Marcus spoke: "Well, since we are almost naked...")

Wow, this plot twist, is this the legendary "three of us, a family" fairy plot?

A human, two minotaurs, forbidden love, wild gay love.

No way, no one really likes to read this kind of heavy taste plot.

There are so many books in the world of Azeroth, and the adventurer named Bai Xiaotong actually chose to translate this kind of novel, what a talent.

According to the development of the story, the connection between humans and cows will be carried out next.

New knowledge, all new knowledge.

In order to learn, Yang Yi must read it.

However, the story ends abruptly here, because it has reached the last line of the entire page.

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