World of Warcraft Murloc City Guide

Chapter 137 A first exploration into the deep sea

Yang Yi returned to Ratchet Village from the water forging house on the seaside. Although the water forger Kagumoji promised to work hard to forge the clam shell shield, he was the only water forger in the village and he had to forge enough equipment for a murloc brigade. The clamshell shield took too long to wait.

Yang Yi came to the village level 3 tannery holding a clam shell shield.

The tannery is a general-purpose building. After being upgraded to village level 3, it is already a large earth and stone house of more than 200 square meters.

Yang Yi walked in. There were more than twenty murloc leatherworkers and leathermaking apprentices busy in the tannery.

The talent of the murlocs in leathermaking is also very average. Fortunately, many murlocs have the expertise of dexterous hands, so Ratchet Village has trained many level 1 and 2 leatherworkers.

None of the murloc leathermakers in the village has yet been upgraded to an intermediate level leathermaker, and the current level 2 murloc leathermakers are not very talented.

When Yang Yi, the village chief, walked in, the fishman tanners and apprentices in the tannery immediately stopped what they were doing to say hello to the village chief.

Yang Yi let the murlocs continue with their work and only called one of the level 2 murloc leatherworkers over.

This level 2 murloc leatherworker is a D-qualified murloc with "Dexterous Hands" and "Details" specialties respectively. He is currently the best murloc leathermaker in Ratchet Village.

"There is a clam shell shield here. Let's see if we can add a layer of armor to this shield." Yang Yi told the fishman leatherworker, and he handed the clam shell shield he brought to him.

"Village Chief, the armor piece is not suitable for being embedded in a shield."

"Try it. The village is in urgent need of a good shield."

Seeing Yang Yi's persistence, the fishman tanner didn't say much and took the clam shell shield with both hands.

Putting the shield on a large table, the Murloc Leatherworker took out a large pile of medium-sized armor pieces.

Armor pieces are usually used to embed defensive equipment on breastplates, legs, hands and feet to improve the defense of the equipment. This installation does not require too complicated skills.

The murloc leatherworker took out his leatherworking tools and began to try to add a layer of armor to the clam shell shield.

Yang Yi, who had nothing to do, took a tour of the tannery. The murloc leatherworkers here were basically producing armor pieces and some low-level leather equipment.

Because there are no excellent murloc leatherworkers, the tannery in Ratchet Village cannot take the high-end route. It has always been mainly producing leather armor pieces and low-grade leather suits of ordinary quality. These armor pieces and leather suits are generally rarely used by the murlocs in the village. They are mainly used for selling to outsiders, relying entirely on small profits but quick turnover to make money.

Nearly an hour later, Yang Yi's idea of ​​using armor pieces to strengthen the clam shell shield came to nothing. The instructions for using the armor pieces did not indicate that they could be used on shields. No matter how hard the fishman leatherworker worked, it was in vain.

Yang Yi left the tannery.

"Currently, relying solely on the murlocs in the village to make clam shell shields is far from enough in quantity, and even the quality needs to be improved. The Kokar Centaur will come again at any time, and currently we still need to spend some money to buy some shields and equip a team first. Only the fighting fish can do it.”

Yang Yi thought that for the time being, he would still have to rely on external purchases of equipment for emergencies.

The tannery was built next to the central square of the town. When Yang Yi walked out of the tannery, the old blind man happened to come to the square with the murlocs who were cleaning up the battlefield.

The fishmen responsible for cleaning up the battlefield each held several pieces of equipment, which were all trophies captured on the battlefield.

"Lord." The old blind man ran over after seeing Yang Yi. He reported: "Lord, a total of 150 longbows were seized, as well as nearly 200 long spears, axes and other melee weapons."

"Very good, put away the unused equipment first and sell it to a goblin merchant someday." Yang Yi said.

"Lord, what to do with those centaur prisoners?" the old blind man asked.

"Kill them all, and then cut off their left legs." Yang Yi said harshly.

The centaur race is cruel and fearless, even to their own tribesmen. To them, the captured tribesmen are no different from being killed in battle. There was no use keeping these centaur prisoners in Ratchet Village, so Yang Yi directly ordered them all to be killed.

There are still bounties on Kokar centaurs at the crossroads, and the left ears of these centaurs are proof of receiving the bounty.

The old blind man went to arrange for the fishmen to deal with the captured centaurs, and the tauren Bain and Jerrick also came over at this time.

"Chief of the Ratchet Murloc Village, taking advantage of the centaur's defeat, we plan to take another trip to Thunder Peak with a soothing potion." Jerrick said.

Bain continued: "After appeasing the kodo beast, I will go directly to the crossroads. This time we are here to say goodbye."

"Is it time to leave?" Yang Yi thought that the mission of retaining the two tauren was indeed unreliable. He said: "These violent Kodo beasts have something to do with our Ratchet Village. Let me take Ratchet with me." The village fishmen should accompany you to Thunder Peak, lest those centaurs come out to cause trouble again."

Yang Yi wanted to go to Thunder Peak with two tauren. The two tauren knew that Yang Yi was worried that they would be attacked by centaurs again, so they did not refuse.

There are six kodo egg-laying valleys on Thunder Peak, and the kodo eggs have been hatching for more than two months now. Originally, the kodos gathered here at this time were leaving with their cubs, but at this time, the irritable adult kodos were still lingering under Thunder Peak.

Jerrick seems to have a natural affinity for kodos. He can slowly walk up to the irritable kodos and feed them a soothing potion.

Jerrick gently stroked the kodo beasts' heads with his hands, and these peaceful kodo beasts began to take their cubs away from the egg-laying valley of Thunder Peak and begin their long journey.

After the defeat of the Kokar centaurs, it seemed that they all hid in their camp. At the end of the day, the murlocs of Ratchet Village followed the two tauren throughout the Kodo egg-laying valley. They successfully calmed all the irritable adult Kodos. Many beasts, Thunder Peak also temporarily calmed down.

Bain and Jerick left, and Yang Yi and the murlocs from Ratchet Village returned to the murloc village.

This trip to Thunder Peak is still a big gain for Ratchet Village. Kodo cubs need to stay with their parents until they reach adulthood. Those kodo cubs whose parents were hunted by centaurs cannot survive. Yang Yi asked The village murlocs brought them all back to the Kodo Valley in Ratchet Village.

The two tauren left, and the Kokal Centaur had just calmed down after a defeat. Yang Yi began to arrange for the murlocs in the village to dig copper mines.

For safety reasons, Yang Yi did not plan to build mines on land now. He decided to send fishmen to dig copper mines in the deep sea like in the canyon fishman village.

Yang Yi asked the fishmen in the village to take the captured fishman slaves to the trench.

Yang Yi had only investigated the situation under the trench from a distance before, but had not actually seen the copper mine veins, so he went with him this time to see the details.

The copper mine vein on the seabed was in the deep-sea trench under the Tidus Stairs. Yang Yi followed the murloc slaves who had been mining in the trench and dived down for a while before arriving at the mining site.

At this depth, it was almost pitch black.

The fish-man's big eyes are like two small round lanterns in this environment. This is the light reflected by the fish-man's big eyes. Although the fish-man has night vision, he can only see the ten things in front of him. Blurry image from a few meters away.

The experienced fishman slaves skipped work and immediately started digging with mining picks. The copper ore nearby was basically exposed on the sea rocks, making it relatively easy to collect.

The murloc slaves absented themselves from work and started working. Yang Yi led the fighting murlocs to patrol around the mining site.

It's very quiet here, and basically nothing was found after a patrol.

"It is said that the stepped terrain of Tidus Stairs extends all the way to the bottom of the sea, even to the sunken Kaldorei city, but no one has ever confirmed this rumor."

Yang Yi remembered the legend about the Stairs of Tidus in the deep sea trench. According to legend, the city of Kaldorei sank into the deep sea after the Well of Eternity exploded.

According to records, ten thousand years before the war broke out between humans and orcs, the world of Azeroth had only one huge landmass surrounded by boundless oceans. The name of this land was Kalimdor. At that time, many different races and creatures lived on the land of Kalimdor and struggled with the harsh natural environment.

At that time, the center of Kalimdor was a lake full of mysterious energy. This lake was called the Well of Eternity. This Well of Eternity was the source of magic and natural energy for the entire world of Azeroth.

The Well of Eternity draws energy from the boundless darkness outside the world of Azeroth and continuously releases energy to the entire world of Azeroth. This energy provides nutrients for all kinds of creatures in the world of Azeroth.

The Kaldorei were the ancient name for the night elves, who built a magnificent city near the Well of Eternity.

Later, the leader of Kaldorei, Queen Azshara, caused the destruction of the Well of Eternity for some reasons.

The destruction of the Well of Eternity caused a massive explosion, a horrific and devastating result that tore the entire world apart.

The powerful earthquake caused by the explosion of the Well of Eternity completely changed the world of Azeroth. Seawater roared into the cracks in the Kalimdor continent. Most of the land on the Kalimdor continent was torn apart, leaving only a few fragments. Continents surrounded this newly formed ocean.

In the center of the new ocean, where the Well of Eternity once existed, is now a huge whirlpool of chaotic energy. This terrible whirlpool is endlessly spinning crazily. It is a relic of that cataclysm and the end of an ideal era.

This newly formed ocean is called the Endless Sea. More than 10,000 years have passed since the cataclysm, but even now it is not a simple matter to cross the Endless Sea.

"Now that we're all here, we have to dive down and give it a try. It should be much easier as a fishman to find the city that sank to the bottom of the sea."

Yang Yi decided to dive into the depths to take a look. He didn't know where the legendary sunken Kaldorei city was, so he left the other fighting murlocs behind and led a small team of fighting murlocs directly there. The location of the mining site dived downwards.

It was pitch black in the deep sea, and there was silence all around.

Yang Yi and a group of murlocs kept diving down, and he felt as if he was in endless silence and darkness.

Because there was no reference anywhere, Yang Yi and the others seemed to have no effect no matter how hard they tried to swim downstream.

"It's such a terrible feeling."

Yang Yi felt furious. He didn't know how long he had been swimming. He only knew that the deeper he dived, the greater the water pressure he felt. It was so great that even he, a fishman, found it difficult to move.

Yang Yi stopped. He looked up, down, left and right, and found that it was still dark no matter which side.

"We can't continue to dive. There are already fighting fishmen who can't stand the pressure of the sea water and have difficulty breathing."

Yang Yi quickly stopped the fighting fishmen who were coming together, and gave up his plan to continue diving.

The sunken cities of the Kaldorei may be tempting, but it's not worth losing your life for.

Yang Yi and a group of murlocs began to swim upstream. As time passed, a hazy bright color gradually appeared above their heads. Only then did Yang Yi feel at ease.

"No wonder no one can find the sunken Kaldorei city. It is very difficult for a race like fishmen that can live in the deep sea to dive down, let alone people from other races."

Yang Yi gradually felt relieved after seeing the light on the sea. At this time, a blue light suddenly appeared in the sea in the distance. This bright light was not big, and it was far away from Yang Yi and the others, but it was extremely obvious in the dark sea water.

"Village chief, there is something coming over there." The fishmen following Yang Yi also discovered the blue light group in the deep sea, and they immediately reported it to Yang Yi.

Yang Yi stopped and looked at the direction of the electric light.

The blue light group in the deep sea lasted for a few seconds and then disappeared without a trace. After Yang Yi and the others watched for a while, they still did not find the electric light appearing again.

Not daring to stay any longer, Yang Yi continued to swim upstream with the fishmen.

"Village chief, the light has appeared again!"

After continuing to swim upstream for a while, a fishman suddenly shouted.

Yang Yi turned around and saw that the blue light group had indeed appeared again, and it seemed to be a little bigger.

"Well, something is strange. It seems to be coming towards us." Yang Yi realized that it was not that the light group was getting bigger, but that the light group was approaching in their direction.

"Go upstream at full speed!" Yang Yi immediately ordered.

Yang Yi remained cautious about this unknown group of light appearing deep under the sea.

Yang Yi led the fishman upstream at full speed, and the light group appeared again, becoming bigger and bigger.

The closer he got to the sea, the brighter the light in the water became. Yang Yi finally used the eagle eye technique to see the true face of the light group when he was approaching the mining point.

It was emitted by a creature the size of a three-year-old child. It looked like a combination of the upper body of a human and the lower body of a giant python.

"It's a naga!"

Yang Yi recognized it. This was a small naga, and it was a female naga.

The Naga tribe is a powerful aquatic tribe in the ocean. They often enslave fishmen as slaves and tame many powerful creatures such as dragon turtles and flying snakes for them to drive.

It is said that the Nagas were once elves. They were distorted by the energy of the Well of Eternity's explosion and became the snake-like creatures they are today.

The little naga seemed to be avoiding something, and this naga's vision was much stronger than that of Yang Yi and the others. She seemed to have seen Yang Yi and the others in the dark deep sea from the beginning.

Not only was the little Naga not afraid when she saw the murloc crowd, she was actually very happy. She quickly swam towards Yang Yi and his group of murlocs.

After a few breaths, Yang Yi discovered that more than a dozen small red bright spots appeared behind the little naga. These small red highlights are in pairs, moving close together in pairs, which looks very strange.

"That's the lobster man." A fish man said.

Those red highlights are actually the small eyeballs on the vertical eyes of the lobster people. These lobster people living in seawater also have night vision, so their eyeballs will reflect red light in the dark.

Yang Yi understood after hearing this fishman's reminder.

"It turns out they are lobster people. It seems there are only seven or eight in number. I don't know why they are chasing this little naga. Is it because they don't want to make a delicious meal for the naga so they rioted?"

The Nagas enslave the fish people mainly to do cool labor, but the Nagas keep the lobster people in captivity mainly to eat shrimp meat. The lobster people deeply hate the Nagas.

The little naga swam over quickly, and Yang Yi gathered all the fighting murlocs here just in case.

"You Mugels, stop those lobster men!" After approaching Yang Yi and the others, the little Naga suddenly shouted at them, sounding like he was giving an order to the fish men.

Yang Yi was stunned when he heard this. The little guy was very energetic and his words were quite arrogant.

It's just that the little guy doesn't seem to be very clear-headed, and she probably doesn't understand the situation in front of her. .

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