Following Gu Yuan's order.

Hundreds of researchers wearing gold protective suits rolled in with the needed supplies.

They were all personally trained by Gu Yuan.

The relevant experimental procedures and experimental plans were also compiled by Gu Yuan himself.

He used his god-level wisdom and talent to conduct the most rigorous deduction and refinement of the overall plan.

Everything is done to perfection.

But even so.

Nor can he guarantee success.

God-level wisdom talent is abnormal.

But the best solution cannot be drawn out of thin air.

Want to go further.

A huge amount of information is needed to support it!

This is truly like crossing the river by feeling for the stones!

No one knows what the outcome will be!

"Let’s do it!"

Gu Yuan ordered in a low voice.

The researchers immediately began to take action.

The psychiatrist performed hypnosis and psychological suggestion in advance.

The anesthesiologist injected anesthetics at designated points to relieve the experimenter's limb pain as much as possible.

The nurse injected a large amount of stimulants and forcibly raised the experimenter. Physiological indications.

The surgeon cut open the body of the experimenter and placed strange objects in specific parts of the experimenter.

Things that were of great significance to them were deliberately placed around them to strengthen their body. The will to survive. Everything is going on in an orderly manner.

Gu Yuan stands motionless in this earth-shattering experiment.

What he wants to do is transform into a humanoid supercomputer.

Deal with the changes in the situation of each experimenter.

Fully optimize and iterate the process of creating the Trickster.

Do everything possible to increase the success rate! At the same time, if there is any abnormality, take command and deal with it in time!

Things changed very quickly.


One of the experimenters suddenly let out a heartbreaking scream. He began to twist wildly on the hospital bed.

On the exposed skin, strange mildew spots appeared! It looked extremely scary!

It was like igniting It was like a fuse from a gunpowder barrel!

The whole place was instantly detonated!

All of the one hundred experimenters started to tremble wildly, shaking violently more than fifty times in one second!

The bones were violently broken!

Some suddenly opened their eyes, and dark blood and tears flowed from their eyes!

Others were vomiting and diarrhea, and it was obvious that there were horrible black hairs growing all over their bodies!

The strange pollution is attacking them!

Every experimenter is suffering from unimaginable pain!

The screams are like hell on earth!

Most of the researchers, such as Zhou Zixuan and Lu Qingxue, are so scared.

He turned his head away.

He couldn't bear to look at it anymore!

This scene was too tragic!

Even Zhang Yonggui, who had endured severe pain, bowed his head silently.

Suppressed all his emotions and maintained absolute rationality!

He saw every detail and every change in his mind!

These are the most precious first-hand information.

It is an indispensable information support for optimizing the method of making the Trickster!

As he watched, Gu Yuan was deducing and analyzing frantically, looking for new instructions from his mouth.

"Bed No. 14, be prepared for amputation!"

"Bed No. 25, add 300 units of jute alkaline!"

"Bed No. 69, do cardiac pacing, use maximum power!"

"Bed No. 97, turn up the decibels and play her favorite song to climax!"


Zhou Zixuan couldn't help but turn her head slightly.

Look at Gu Yuan.

This man is unparalleledly handsome, with a firm profile and sharp eyebrows.

She couldn't understand it.

How on earth could Gu Yuan stay rational in this situation!


"The situation is so tragic, won't you panic?"

Gu Yuan's eyes didn't change at all. He just whispered indifferently.

"These experimenters risked their lives to follow me to explore the strange laws."

"Any extra emotion is irresponsible to them!"

"A strange era is coming. For the future of the Dragon Kingdom and the future of mankind, some sufferings must be endured."

"If someone must be this cold-blooded executioner"

"Then it's just me"

"I bear the glory and the sin on my shoulders!"

Zhou Zixuan trembled all over.

A pair of beautiful eyes were filled with shock that could not be concealed!

Gu Yuan's words gave her an unparalleled psychological impact!

What kind of pattern is this!

He is not doing it for his own selfish gain.

Instead, she was doing her best for the future of the entire Dragon Kingdom!

Lu Qingxue also looked at Gu Yuan with something different in her eyes!

For a moment,

Gu Yuan's image changed. It was so noble and majestic!

It gave her an indescribable urge to follow this man forever!

Then the two women gathered up their courage and sat next to the computer..

Started to help Gu Yuan record various data.

They must not let their dean work alone!

(PS: This angle is a special angle for the weird article. The author is also very worried about whether you like this type of article)..

So, I hope that readers who like this kind of subject can vote for free flowers and comments!

This can give the author more motivation!

As long as the data is good, the author can write 20,000 words every day!! )

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