Warhammer: In the Name of Ashes

Chapter 88 Traveling Far Away

The sun rises and sets as usual.

The Empire will not stop maintaining itself because of the existence or non-existence of a certain person.

High-level demon inquisitor Terlinka Lyudmila, who has been loyal to the Empire for hundreds of years, does not have this qualification, and Calvin does not have this qualification either.

No matter what he thinks about this matter, it is inconvenient for Grey Knight Calvin, who is currently only a pure execution unit, to make any interfering remarks at this time.

Calvin has the right to speak.

With his influence in the Chapter, it is no problem for the Grand Master Council to keep a mere high-level inquisitor in the internal meeting of the Holy Hammer Order for his wishes.

But what is the price? Does Calvin understand the consequences of letting the Grey Knights break the convention and interfere with the internal management of the Holy Hammer Order with his willfulness this time?

The consequence is that even if the Inquisition fully accepts this cross-border behavior without any rebound.

Even if the other party hands over the right to judge this matter at the first time, can the Grey Knights accept it?

There is no need to resist. The other party just hands over similar businesses, which is enough to overwhelm the tight human resources of the Grey Knights.

So Calvin could only choose to remain silent.

After he finished his report, he accepted a new round of tasks under the arrangement of the Supreme Grand Master.

"Orpheus?" Calvin looked at the mission briefing in his hand quietly.

There was no accurate mission information, no accurate mission location.

Grand Master Walden explained that the prophecy from the Brotherhood of Prophet informed the Grand Master Council that there would be servants of the Empire in the Orpheus sector on the edge of the distant Storm Sector who needed their assistance.

Such actions seemed so hasty and reckless.

But the irony is that it is precisely such purely idealistic actions that have saved the fate of the entire galaxy and even the star field countless times in an environment where precise plans cannot be implemented.

What is more coincidental is that when the Inquisition usually needs help to shake people, the first reaction of their respective psykers is also the same divination to see if there is a Grey Knight fleet nearby...

Please note that there is no descriptive error. It is divination, not initiating contact with the other party.

The idealistic world is so unreasonable, just like you try to understand what "I think" means.

In the second millennium after the founding of the Inquisition Order of the Holy Hammer, they found their own exclusive armed forces - the Grey Knights.

When it comes to how to use this destructive hammer, the Inquisition, as the hands that wield it, also needs to take on the responsibility of finding the enemy and identifying the enemy's eyes and brains.

So what is the specific use process?

How can we ensure that the power of the Grey Knights is maximized?

Their cooperation and dispatch within the territory of the entire empire have achieved a kind of mutual psychic foreknowledge.

The Grey Knights usually don't need to know where the enemy is, they just need to know where to go to be found by the Inquisition.

The front-line judges of the Inquisition also don't need to know where the Grey Knights are.

They often only need to apply for assistance and wait for a while, and the information of a space coordinate given by the headquarters psychic chanting class can guide them to find the Grey Knights on standby nearby.

The specific operating principle of this mechanism is something that Calvin cannot understand.

In fact, among all the members of the entire chapter's high-level Grand Master Council, the only one who can truly understand the principle is the Grand Master Crom of the Prophet Brotherhood in the Council.

But this did not prevent this mature mechanism from making full use of the human resources of the Grey Knights in the past thousands of years...

Calvin walked in the corridors of Titan wearing silver dreadnought armor, and the heroic sculptures and windows on both sides could not attract his attention.

He now needed to recall his troops and his comrades who were temporarily assigned to other task groups after he fell into a coma.

The Mentor Council had obviously made relevant arrangements for this, otherwise it would not have been able to see these champion swordsmen who were supposed to be fighting outside in such a short time after Calvin woke up.

In fact, only Gavins was explicitly ordered to keep an eye on Calvin on Titan and be on standby.

The rest of the guards had received orders to go to different battlefields when they saw Calvin return safely to Titan.

This was not a matter of people leaving and tea being forgotten, but the waste of human resources of ten champion swordsmen was too extravagant for the Grey Knights.

Although the prophet of the regiment did not know the details of Calvin's condition, he had a rough estimate of the cause of his coma and the time of his awakening.

Therefore, when Calvin's soul and body grew up and awakened according to the normal progress, he could see all the members of the Honor Guard so easily and unnoticeably.

The dispatch and difficulties in it really made it difficult for the Mentor Council, but unfortunately Calvin did not know the hard work.

Perhaps it would take a long time, when he really mastered this force, he would see the veterans' concern and love for him in the documents of these personnel dispatches when he accidentally flipped through them.

Calvin once again returned to the Champion Hall where the Paladins lived, and the eleven Paladins led by Gavins had already prepared and were ready to go.

The moment he entered the hall, Calvin felt the presence of those familiar souls waiting for his arrival in an orderly manner.

They didn't even need to have any extra conversations. The link between consciousnesses was reestablished the moment Calvin entered this space.

There were no superficial greetings and etiquette in the thought flow brought by will, and even formed language and words were rare.

Because such communication of information at the soul level is essentially a kind of body language belonging to the soul, all acquired descriptions are clumsy and narrow behaviors.

Under such efficient communication, several years or even decades of unfamiliarity and each other's experiences may only need a shake and display between souls to fully express.

This is the case with Calvin's team at the moment. They are familiar with the current situation of their comrades around them almost in an instant.

In the past five years, what injuries have they suffered, what experiences have they gained, and even what new martial arts progress have they made...

These complex information were known to every soul in the entire team in just a few seconds. This is the charm of the mind communication channel.

Calvin led them to the assembly point on the airport on the surface of Titan.

There are also four other teams here. A total of eighty Grey Knight brothers from different companies and orders have assembled here and boarded the ship.

Oerlikon, the Grand Master of the Third Company, will be in charge of the operational command function of this trip, and Stern, whom Calvin met in the Grand Master's office the night before, will exercise specific front-line command.

The Terminator Squad led by Calvin (actually two teams, but due to the need for escort, they acted together and were not separated each time.) is the heavy-armored force responsible for the frontal assault in this operation.

They are of course the decisive force, and will stay with the commander as a reserve team until the decisive moment.

Calvin himself can observe the orders of Captain Stern up close, and observe and understand how the Grey Knights operate effectively in a company-level battle in this battle.

This arrangement was jointly decided after all members of the Mentor Council agreed.

After they confirmed his will and responsibility in the last mission, the next mission this time is to let him know clearly:

When he is in a position to decide the lives of countless people in a certain war zone, what kind of choices and decisions should he make.

In this expensive class, Stern will teach Calvin by example what he should do as a theater commander.

In their plan, this also fills the last qualification for Calvin to transform from a soldier to an officer.

After being carefully maintained and prayed, the engine of the Supreme Decree started up again with full force.

The roaring and regular engine noise can prove the joy of the machine soul, and even make the mood of the mechanical priests beside it better.

In the background of the prosperity of the solar system day and night, there are countless spaceships and warships shuttling through the galaxy at all times, contributing to the operation of the entire imperial center.

Against the background of these ships, the figure of the Supreme Decree leaving all the way to Manzeville Point did not attract anyone's attention.

The process of the spacecraft entering the subspace was smooth and quiet under the guidance of the navigator.

After thoroughly confirming that it had entered the scheduled route, Ms. Vivian, who had been standing in the navigator's seat on the bridge, finally breathed a sigh of relief. She turned her head and pointed to the highest point of the bridge to indicate the smooth progress of the current process.

The Grand Master Oerlikon, who was sitting on the highest command seat, also responded to the loyal lady with a respectful look.

Since he was not in the command sequence, Calvin rarely had to put his energy into such a complicated process.

After asking his direct superior, Captain Stern, he walked down the command platform and walked towards the living area belonging to the Grey Knights.

The journey had just begun. Calvin felt that in addition to daily training, he had time and was necessary to understand the background information of the target area.

This was a basic quality of a soldier in his opinion.

In this long-distance subspace travel with a single jump distance of more than 5,000 light years, time happened to become a burden that must be handled accurately.

He followed the navigation information downloaded on the ship by the Thinker system on his body and walked all the way to the rear of the battleship. Along the way, because the confidentiality level of the units involved was getting higher and higher, fewer and fewer crew members could be seen in the passage.

After passing through a heavy door guarded by a single machine soul, he finally came to the exclusive knowledge storage place in this space city.

This treasure trove of knowledge that theoretically belongs only to the Grey Knights lives up to its name of taboo, and has greatly broadened Calvin's horizons in terms of security and defense.

It is unknown how the original Grey Knights communicated with the mechanical priests who were responsible for designing this battleship, but it can be seen that after comprehensively considering the needs of the Grey Knights and certain possible application scenarios, this temple that should have been carrying sacred knowledge was transformed into a super-large "disposable garbage recycling device" by the priests of Mars.

A huge spherical building floating in a spherical space with a diameter of more than 100 meters.

This is the first scene Calvin saw after entering the library gate.

The spherical building is where the library is located, and the stable force field generators around it allow the entire library to float quietly in the center of the space.

A metal ladder at Calvin's feet suspended between the wall behind him and the sphere was the only way to enter the library.

Calvin held on to the railing at hand and looked up and down. Unsurprisingly, he saw at least a plurality of anti-ship-level melta weapons above, as well as an irregular shape on the edge of the ship for dropping large supplies at the end of the field of view below. hatch.

"So who is this thing for? If you are so worried, why not just ban its use?" Calvin muttered to himself.

While thinking about the details in his eyes, he stepped on the escalator and walked toward the interior of the library.

The Gray Knight's own purity never needs to be questioned, so there is no need to go to such trouble if it is just the Gray Knight.

Then transform a facility like the library into this level of defense, with a clear goal of skipping the possibility of rescue at the beginning and directly choosing to destroy it on the spot:

Its target user group is not the Gray Knights, but some easily polluted people who, in the eyes of the Gray Knights, are extremely dangerous and have to be accommodated, such as...

"Good day, distinguished arbiter, Yuri Alexey Gagarin, trainee inquisitor of the Ordo Demonicum, salutes you."

A young and emotional voice came from in front of Calvin. Calvin raised his head and saw the young figure of the other party making an eagle salute to him.

"Good day, agent of the Emperor's will. No need to be formal, please feel free to do it." Calvin responded.

He gently raised his right hand to stop the other party's desire to communicate further, and then walked towards the area of ​​interest.

Calvin doesn't like voices that are too emotional, because he understands that the career he is in cannot be accomplished by passion alone.

Souls that rely too much on passion always have a small proportion of rationality, and their love and loyalty always disappear as without warning as they came.

Generally speaking, in Calvin's eyes, this kind of person can be worked with but never worthy of trust.

Therefore, although he did not understand how the other party came to him through step-by-step screening, this did not delay his natural attitude of keeping away from him.

There is still a long way to go, and Calvin is not a headstrong person.

In his opinion, he has enough time to learn what he wants to know, and at the same time, he also gives the other party enough time to prove his reliability, or vice versa.

Who knows, but he has enough patience.

After the editing, the word count is a little more than the original.

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