Warhammer: In the Name of Ashes

Chapter 41 What to do? Waiting online, it's quite urgent

Chapter 41 What to do? Waiting online, it's quite urgent...

In front of the City of Vision, there was a small black line moving on the edge of the huge square. It was a group of people headed by Calvin who were walking slowly.

Senior officials from the management department of Vision City were diligently guiding the way while thinking at high speed in their brains about how to send these giants wearing heavy armor quietly and unobtrusively into the core building complex. In the reception department, it is a difficult problem worth working on.

Considering that the rare numbers of Calvin and the Astartes behind him might cause unnecessary chaos, the officials who tried to no avail finally chose to ask Calvin for help.

After getting permission from Calvin, the leading young official in red robe used the communicator in his hand to contact the rotating director of the college.

The response speed of the management department was unexpectedly fast. Under the dispatch of the other party, the edge of the square was used to build the underground building complex of the square in the early years. In the project, a freight elevator specially used as an entrance for large structural materials was temporarily brought out of hibernation. wake.

The dome of the huge elevator entrance slowly rises from the turned-out stone slabs on both sides. Without the activation of the corresponding password, it would be difficult to imagine that a mechanical creation of this scale was sleeping less than 10 meters above the surface.

As for the number of similar or larger hidden buildings in the palace area, it is probably difficult for the Emperor himself to count them.

This elevator will carry Calvin and his party directly to the underground rail transportation system of Horizon City.

With the help of this system, they can enter the heart of Event City in as quiet and confidential a manner as possible.

When everyone arrived directly below the main building complex of Vision City, the official who had been leading the way said to Calvin:

"The throne is above. The rest hall prepared for you and your brothers has been prepared. You can go there to rest first. About tomorrow morning, the spacecraft carrying the last batch of students will arrive. You can then Check out the entire student body together.”

Calvin nodded noncommittally. It didn't matter in Calvin's eyes whether he saw these students earlier or later.

The battle group currently has no major tasks other than transformation, and after the recruits receive Titan from Terra, what awaits them is not the original transformation and selection process.

Since the Primarch Calvin officially returned to the battle group, the pharmacist brothers of the Custodian Order of the Fifth Company have begun to stop preparing materials related to the transformation surgery.

On the contrary, large batches of refrigerated dormant life-support capsules were taken out of the warehouse and quickly installed and debugged. The matching sleeping hall was also worked overtime to expand and build near the medical room department.

In the plan of the Chapter's mentors, starting from this batch of new students, every batch of students in the next 70 years will be sent directly to this newly built large-scale building complex under Titan - the Sleeping Hall. .

There they would remain dormant, allowing their age-appropriate bodies to cease growth at low temperatures to await the day when the seeds derived from the Primarch Calvin were sent back from Mars.

Only after Calvin's gene seeds are cultivated and copied on Mars and returned to Titan will they be implanted with new gene seeds as planned and start the subsequent transformation surgery.

In layman's terms, the Gray Knights are blasting soldiers. Well, if the success rate of the operation is satisfactory with the blessing of new gene seeds, it will be the kind of blasting soldiers that can be produced in batches of 1,000 at a time.

Regarding the supporting arrangements for the planned increase in personnel, new training equipment and personnel have begun to be put in place at the Silver Blade's station.

After the construction of the new residential area has been completed, construction of the new training area has also begun.

Under the supervision of the brothers of the Order of the Sword of the Sixth Great Company, the mortal auxiliary troops are working day and night to transform the space beneath Titan.

The noisy construction noise has been going on for three full years, but the instructors and company commanders are happy with it.

No matter how noisy the environment in front of them is, as long as they think of the recruits who will be walking out of the medical cabin in batches 52 years later, the instructors will feel better. The entire Titan base was enveloped in a long-lost atmosphere called "hope."

The road to the reception area continues, and Calvin is still thinking about the students he will meet tomorrow.

But behind his back, these fake sin-washers, the champion swordsmen of the war group, began to use psychic powers to communicate privately.

This kind of psionic usage, which is similar to the psionic version of BBS in Warhammer World, is a luxury that belongs exclusively to these high-level psykers.

After all, it is too difficult for ordinary psykers to use all their strength to transmit a sentence completely and without damage to the target's brain without burning out the other party's brain.

But for the Paladins, this is just a small training subject for the precise use of psychic powers in daily life.

"Look, Titan doesn't seem too happy?" These were the words of Paladin A on the team's psychic communication channel.

"If he knew you gave him such a nickname, he might be even more unhappy." The answer came from Paladin B.

"So what? Isn't it the tradition of our Paladins to give each protected target a nickname? As for the name, that is our freedom. Even if he is a Primarch, we must respect this tradition." Paladin C continued what the first two people said.

"Speaking of which, why do you insist on using the name Titan?" Paladin B asked Paladin A.

"When you follow him to the battlefield one day, you will thank me." Paladin A said.

He quietly glanced at Calvin, who was still following the footsteps of the mortal officials in front of the team, then turned back and said to everyone with his spiritual power:

"Think about it, when we follow him into the battlefield, are we going to have to repeat the battle cry we had when there was no Primarch?"

"So?" This is the question asked by all the Paladins.

Paladin A felt very happy after looking at the questioning expressions of his comrades around him:

"Of course a new battle cry, like learning from our brothers on Terra - 'For the Titans and the Lord of Earth!' would be nice, wouldn't it?"

………………After a brief silence in the psychic channel, everyone responded enthusiastically:

"This is good!"

"This is acceptable!"

"Plus one upstairs!"

"You're such a fucking genius!"


Paladin A's speech was widely recognized by his comrades. Satisfied, he smiled happily.

He adjusted his appearance and continued to join in the "silent communication" with his comrades while walking at a (relatively) brisk pace.

And Calvin, who had been leading the way without looking back, his seemingly calm face suddenly became a little embarrassed. He touched his nose nonchalantly:

"For the Titans and the Lord of the Earth? Hiss...it sounds good, but it's a bit embarrassing. What should I do? Wait online? It's quite urgent..."

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