Warhammer: In the Name of Ashes

Chapter 18 Transformation Surgery and Change of Self

The base of the Gray Knights is not far from Terra, but the level of confidentiality is extremely high. There are very few people in Terra who have the right to know about the existence of this chapter.

It is placed on an inconspicuous moon in the orbit of cool Saturn. Legend has it that this base was built on orders from the Emperor himself. From the beginning, there was only one simple mission - to serve the Gray Knights who were not even born at that time.

The entire satellite was hollowed out here, and layers of corridors and halls spread underground. Various underground buildings form a huge underground building complex according to the needs of the Gray Knights.

The Prime Minister of the Empire, Malcador, the most powerful psionic being among mortals in history, also personally used the most powerful psionic power in the Empire besides the Emperor himself to shroud the fog of war forever after the base was built. it's here.

Just to protect the Gray Knights from the prying eyes of the evil gods of the Warp and their minions lurking in the Empire.

The cruiser striker Aidan and Calvin were on arrived here soon, and the two of them were separated after a brief farewell.

Aidan needed to return to his company headquarters to deal with the political affairs that had accumulated during his absence, and Calvin, three days after being taken to the residential area where the candidates were located, was with this batch of people in underground 11 The top medical team of the Chapter was anesthetized and implanted a gene seed.

In the quiet medical room, Calvin stripped down to a pair of nose pants and lay on the operating table. There were only automatic surgical instruments and a giant in white power armor around him. This is the professional pharmacist who belongs to each battle group in charge of genetic modification and seed recovery.

"Where does the seed I want to be implanted come from? Which war group does it belong to? Is the success rate high?" Calvin, who seemed calm, was still a little nervous at this moment. He looked at the only living person in the room and endured. kept asking.

"Ah~ Aidan is such a big mouth, has he really told you everything?" The pharmacist was not wearing a helmet, and a modified huge double-pupil mechanical prosthetic eye was arranged one above the other.

The two prosthetic eyes and the remaining eye observed Calvin's whole body.

Hearing Calvin's question, he raised his eyebrows slightly and turned around to look down at Calvin. He said with a strange tone.

"Is this your seed? Listen to me, he comes from..." Calvin's eyelids suddenly became heavy. Within seconds, he felt an unprecedented sleepiness coming from the back of his head.

His remaining consciousness was still struggling to hear the pharmacist's words, but there seemed to be another sentence in the pharmacist's remaining eyes:

"Da Lang, come on, take some medicine..." Then Calvin passed out.

"Look, it's not that I didn't say anything. It's that you didn't listen to the end..." The pharmacist shrugged and straightened up.

"Has the hemp turned over? If so, get to work quickly. We'll be waiting later."

Outside the medical room, another pharmacist who controlled the automatic surgical instrument came in. he asked the apothecary standing by Calvin's bed.

"It's over. Can you not overturn the 5 times the dose? It's a pity for this little chatterbox, I want to tease him again."

"Then let's get started." The pharmacist at the door walked to the bedside, and together with the original one, they looked at Calvin on the bed, and leaned down together while making strange laughter, and the lights flickered on and off. Next, terrifying sounds came from the medical room from time to time...

Well, the above paragraph is just Calvin’s imagination, not counting.

According to the pharmacist, the implantation operation was successful. The seeds were successfully placed behind the liver and close to the spine. Two blood vessels connected from the liver and the anterior branch of the spinal cord respectively can fully ensure the survival rate and transformation effect of the seeds.

The next step is to put Calvin into the life support cabin according to the procedure, let it sit for a while and then observe.

See if he has any rejection reaction to the seeds. If not, then whether his growth can meet the basic indicators of the transformation surgery.

No one can help Calvin during this process, it all depends on his own will and the emperor's blessing.

According to the Astartes genetic modification process, Calvin should have been unconscious at this time.

Or, it could be based on his strong body or the activity of the newly implanted gene seeds in his body.

His most likely state at this stage is to fall into the memory of the war between the source of this seed's bloodline: the Primarch and his descendants.

This was a gift given to them by the great Emperor and Primarch. Here, they will grow up rapidly in the memories of their predecessors about the war.

Through these memories they can instinctively inherit information about the enemies of the Astartes, as well as mature methods of fighting against these enemies, without paying a heavy price.

In turn, the newcomers who inherit this memory will instinctively try to use the bodies of these Astartes while absorbing the memory.

This in turn is mentally mapped onto the body that is undergoing development and transformation after the gene seed is implanted, which will further promote the changes in this body.

In the next step of the transformation surgery, the basis for organ implantation has been reached.

So each superhuman organ began to be implanted step by step into the predetermined position of the host body.

Every implant step in the process is rigorous. The implantation of any new organ must be based on the successful implantation of the previous organ.

On the other hand, failure in any step will directly declare the overall failure of the reconstructive surgery.

When the real body is transformed and begins to operate on its own, or the transformed person's spirit reaches the limit of its mental endurance in the process of receiving these memories, the body will stop growing.

The former means the birth of a new demigod, while the latter will only be thrown into the destruction room and become nameless tombstones on the road to the transformation of these demigods from mortals.

They have no names, and if they must have one, they have only one name to share - losers.

As for our protagonist, not long after he was put into the life-sustaining capsule, he began to face a bizarre battle in his spiritual consciousness.

Yes, there is no induction of the original body's bloodline, and there is no combat memory of the predecessor.

There was only one old man in front of Calvin, an old man with a slurred speech and a stooped body.

What made his hair stand on end was that he recognized the old man the moment he saw him. It was himself!

Calvin stood in a thatched hut. In the agricultural world where he was born, during the harvest season, the serfs, forced by the strong pressure of the empire, were so busy from morning to night that they had no time to return to the villages and towns to rest, so they built thatched houses haphazardly on the edges of the fields.

It was a dark night outside the house, but inside the house there was only an old man lying on a worn-out straw mat with his elbows resting on a wooden table, looking at him and smiling in the dim candlelight.

"You...are still here. It's better to come, it's better to come. I've been waiting for you all my life, and finally I'm here." The old man said inarticulately.

"You! Who are you?" Calvin, who has lived in two lives, has never seen such a strange scene. A possibility that he neither dared nor wanted to imagine appeared in his mind.

"Who am I? Don't you know? Or don't you dare to think about it? Think again, think again..." The old man was not aggressive at all, but the words in his mouth were like a sharp sword, stabbing Calvin. Almost at a loss.

"Eh... you don't want to say it, then let me tell you. I am you!" The old man looked at Calvin who was trembling all over, picked up the teacup in his hand and took a sip, then said slowly.

Send first and change later!

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