Warhammer: I am the Hammer of the Empire

Chapter 90: The Greater Good in the Smoke of War is Not as Useful as Explosive Bombs

Chapter 90 The smoke of war is everywhere, but the good way is not as useful as explosive bombs.

When the concept of murder was born in that world, the race of Titanium had not really appeared, and even the races like the Ancient Saints could not calculate the long time.

And it is obviously too wishful for such a "young man" to use those things well. The smile of the Lord of Change is not something that can be easily grasped. When Titanium picked up a stone and smashed its own foot, the once rich planetary capital also turned into billowing black smoke.

The Rainbow Missile Boat, which Titanium is proud of, is a beautiful streamlined vehicle that bombards the city with a suspension engine at high altitude, forcibly pushing the complex city roads into ruins, allowing those Genestealer bastards to hide themselves better.

The Fire Clan soldiers have already started to order the gunboats to bomb without caring about the losses, but compared with the Genestealers, the loss of civilians is more timid.

Death enveloped the city, the pearl of the Tau Empire, and the one who made radar and detection ineffective, allowing the aliens to completely control the city, the senior exoclave of the Water Clan, Mr. Mingde-Yiti, whose name is so long that he can't miss it for the second time, watched the painful scene of the city turning into a sea of ​​fire beside Catachan.

"What kind of creature is that?" Catachan replied. "Gene stealers, the vanguard of the bugs."

The senior Water Clan official asked. "Vanguard? We call that thing a vanguard?" Catachan nodded. "They are nothing. Even he has seen more terrible things in the Empire. Compared to that, I should worry about how to survive now."

"He saved me only because you have the command. Tell those soldiers on the ground that they should do something about our heretical things now."

"Don't do good!" That sentence, that ridicule that was wrong to him, hurt the old Tau official in the face of reality. Time and time again, the 4th Infantry Regiment of Skadi sprinkled all kinds of insults on his face, letting those thumbtack-like pains destroy his reason. Now, he wants to prove the value of doing good.

He raised his communicator and said calmly. "Fire Clan, Korvi (Tau language for the main company), Central Commander, he is the heir of "I"li. Arno. Danliten of the Water Clan-has been mentioned."

The retreating Fire Clan commander-in-chief replied. "Sir, what advice do you have?"

"Normally, the Water Clan should not interfere in the affairs of the Fire Clan, but Ru Ming's good path is being humiliated. I'm sorry that he has overstepped his bounds, but he thinks they must cooperate with the Imperial Guard." The Water Clan officer said so, and the Fire Clan commander also answered.

"Sir, it's not that he doesn't want to, but they occupy the Aether Palace, and they will shoot anyone who approaches, and they can't communicate with them at all..."

The Water Clan officer said. "Use the Gothic language he said as a signal, so that the enemy's attitude towards us can change slightly."

The Fire Clan asked. "What?"

The Water Clan officer shouted in his most standard accent. "No, the Emperor!"

There was a long silence on the communicator, and the Catachan sergeant cast a complicated look. Although he didn't understand, it was true that Catachan didn't want to command the Fire Clan. They were all warriors and must know the meaning of the Gothic language.

The Fire Clan officer said in a heavy tone. "I have received the recording. Thank you for your sacrifice for the good cause." The Water Clan officer replied. "Very good, that is not a sacrifice. I will broadcast his words to the Imperial Guards next." The Water Clan officer continued in Gothic. "The 4th Skadi Infantry Regiment, he is the blue skin we fought. If we are still serving our Emperor, please listen to him. The chaos of Ming is their own fault, but they are already doing their best to remedy it." "He is now praying that the hateful gene stealers will not spread to other worlds of Titanium, because he realizes that the life span of Titanium is slightly shorter than that of humans, which makes them fatal poisons to Titanium." "He does not want us to help for free. If the war is won, he will withdraw from that world, and the whole beautiful world will become our credit and part of the human empire." After the words were spoken, the Fire Clan commander did not understand Gothic, but he felt heroic, and felt that such words would definitely move humans. He replied. "Amazing, my lord, if he fails, he will commit seppuku with the Blade of Unity." The Water Clan officer replied. "You are the one who really works hard. Please don't sacrifice your precious life for such a stupid thing. If you want to die, he hopes you can die with honor." Fire Clan simply replied. "I will do it in a good way." This sentence carried all the determination that should be answered. The communicator hung up, leaving only the sound of electricity. But the Catachan sergeant who witnessed the whole process cast a complicated look at the alien. The senior officer of the Water Clan said. "Don't look at him like that. He will do it in a good way." Catachan commented. "In his life, he has seen two people who can make such a choice like me without the limitation of race. He admitted that he couldn't do it even if he denied it. One of those two great people denied me, and the other denied his leader." "I made him want to shoot me to death because I was more threatening than many aliens, but he had to admit that there were hundreds of millions of titanium in that world, half of which were the descendants of the damned gene stealers. If he shot, the Skadi Fourth Regiment would not get that world." The senior Water Clan official bowed and answered the soldier with the etiquette of the titanium tribe, answering his loyalty and calmness.

Without saying a word, Sergeant Catachan pulled out his short blade and cut off the approaching fourth-generation gene stealers, which were the most numerous in the world. The Fire Caste warriors guarding the senior officials of the Water Caste had been resisting them for a long time. lost heavily.

"They were discovered. Do you know where my alien soldiers are? They're going over there!"

Shui Shi replied. "They should be going to Aether's palace, let's go!"

As a diplomat, he raised a pulse rifle for the first time. He touched the thing, it was so heavy that he wanted to die.

But even Catachan has to admit that although he can't hold a gun and is not proficient in shooting, his clumsy and stupid look continues to inspire other aliens.

"It's all about goodness!" Han Xuan of the Shui clan used pulse rifles to kill the bastards who invaded their world. Because the aliens are bloody, titanium is not a soft persimmon!

The Fire Caste warriors continued to slaughter those damn aliens who lacked command under the cover of the Manta Ray's multi-guns and drones.

But such a small amount of courage will not change the situation of the battle. In the final analysis, the advantage lies with them and even other races from the beginning. The Titanium is not weak, but they do not know who their enemy is, which leads to Such a tragedy.

Death, betrayal, darkness, this small race encountered such a small betrayal for the first time. When the so-called good road encountered a real Warhammer-style surprise, they were powerless to ask for help from the experienced big brother.

When the Chimera's multi-link bombs shattered those chitin armors, and the Guards' melta destroyed those Tau vehicles launched by the traitors, it was the most terrible betrayal for the Tau, and it was wrong for humans at the beginning. Doesn't exist.

"How far is it from the city, Lieutenant?" Alan Bair asked.

Zaiwei replied. "About 4 kilometers. According to the current marching speed, we will arrive at noon tomorrow."

"How many bugs will you kill tomorrow, Staff Officer?" Alan Beyer's.

"There were 4,500 in total, and about 60% of them were from the same four batches. The mimic bugs made him feel like he was paying the Tau wrong. "The staff officer replied.

Alan Beyer continued to ask. "Second Lieutenant, am I fishing again?"

The ensign complained bitterly. "Boss, he has damaged six vehicles today. He is not a Sentinel mecha pilot, nor is he a knight noble from the empire driving a Titan!"

Alan Bayer buttoned his ears. "Okay, okay, but they still haven't seen a commander like a bishop or a nest master, or even a gene stealer leading the army. They still haven't fought against the enemy's regular army, but he can guess that they are probably here now. Fight for the star port in that world."

"If they are fighting on such a large scale, it means that they have felt the approach of the Great Devourer. There is no doubt that they are escaping from that world."

the second lieutenant asked stubbornly. "Why, boss? If he refuses them, he will just stay there and enjoy it. Should the Great Devourer reward such meritorious officials?"

"Reward? Reward with its big mouth? Genestealers are just props to the insect swarm. After they are used up, they naturally have to be recycled. If I recycle the props, why don't I just smash them and melt them? I definitely did that when I grew up in the hive city. Live that job." Alan Bayer sighed, his soldiers are actually like this... It turns out that only those who have a background in the imperial education are good soldiers. If you have time, you must find an opportunity to further educate the soldiers of the Skadi Fourth Regiment. .

The second lieutenant made a sad face. "I'm more of a cheat than the boss!?"

Alan Bayer gave his armor a shot of hot melt, and the intense energy penetrated the outside of his armor, turning the iron there into molten metal.

"Oops! Boss, do I want to kill someone?" the second lieutenant shouted.

Alan Beyer replied. "If you talk too much, Toji will punch my inspection hole."

The second lieutenant was quiet...

Such "little fights" are not uncommon in the simple Skadi 4th Infantry Regiment. When the soldiers of the 113th Infantry Regiment of Falaksia saw this, they felt funny but did not dare to laugh. After all, they were wrong to deny their commander. .

But the veterans of Skadi's Fourth Regiment have already begun to use their communicators to mock the second lieutenant for making various mistakes. For example, I made the boss angry again. The second lieutenant blushed and said, "That's called a tactical proposal, tactics, do you understand?" Do you know any tactics?

These words made the atmosphere heated up, and everyone laughed uncomfortably. Even the newcomers smiled because of this. The female captain of Falakxia saw this, and her evaluation of the imperial regiment became more and more serious. high.

That is also the reason why Alan Bair often teases the second lieutenant. That guy is not only powerful, but also a living treasure. Because his birth in the hive city gave him strong resistance to pressure and ability, the God Emperor gave him very good things. Luck, and Alan Beyer was giving him what he wanted most, a military career that was enough to change his life.

The Astra Militarum always needs to be passed down from generation to generation. Whether there is a mismatch between old soldiers and new recruits, or a misguided command, there will always be an unquenchable Imperial flame to forge the world's most powerful Imperial warhammer, which can be wielded in the dark universe. Use the brightest attack to hit those demons and monsters in the face, making them regret having entered human territory.

But there was a burning smell in the air, and Alan Bair noticed that the situation was not bad. In front of him was the ruins of the city. In just a few hours, the once beautiful Tau city had turned into such a thing.

Synthetic materials and strong titanium-based lightweight alloys, as if they were made of a crystal-like material, could even withstand laser gun fire. However, they covered the ground like rubble, which was once filled with people of all races. The izakaya where all the creatures gathered together to have fun turned into a pile of ruins, with abstract Tau writing clumsiness protruding from it.

"Be alert, they are passing through that area..." Alan Bair ordered, and the entire infantry regiment came quietly, so that the sounds of the Chimera engines and sentries were tirelessly outputting reassuring noise.

Countless laser guns and powerful weapons of the Empire were aimed at the ruins. The ground was filled with the bodies of hybrids of Tau and Genestealers with distorted faces after the war, as well as the disgusting first and second generation hybrids.

Three legs and arms, four legs and arms, fangs protruding from the cheeks, and the skin is very blue. It is bent over, and its head is half blown open by a titanium pulse rifle.

"Dead, continue..." Before the scout finished speaking, a faint cry came from the ruins. It was in the Tau language. If translated, it would probably be...

"Just no, relatives, just no, ascend."

The thing raised its weapon, and the legs and arms of the battle suit were equipped with individual Tau melta weapons, a melta weapon that uses coils to accelerate heating!

Alan Bairhanxuan. "Climb eastward, sergeant!" But it was too late, and the loyalist turned into a ball of heat and evaporated.

Alan Bair ran angrily to the ruins. He shot the stone and smashed it. Then he saw half of his body lying on the east side of the ruins. He was wearing a Tau xv25 command battle suit, and his helmet was completely broken. , revealing the terrifying long tongue inside and the three eastward forehead marks unique to Genestealers.

"Leading the army? There are indeed such relatives in that world, but is there anyone who defeated them?"

Alan Byerma noticed something good, and the sound of the Tau floating engine also appeared in his ears. He immediately shot and killed half of the monsters in front of him, and then shouted. "Padong, fire freely!"

The Skadi Fourth Regiment could hardly obey the order. Countless people crawled near the rubble of the crystalline building and the Chimera armored vehicle, using powerful firepower to suppress the slowly emerging Tau Devil Ray armored transport vehicle, because the Warhammer World could not In the dark forest, under the current situation, can East Alan Bair risk making his soldiers obey any alliance treaty?

The genestealers beg to be killed, and so are the blueskins!

But the devil fish actually showed off the powerful firepower of the Imperial Guard. It used the soldier drone in the crew to pop up and loudly played a sentence that everyone in the empire could understand, even if they were not proficient in the Gothic imperial world. Hui Minghong's words.

"No to the Emperor! No to the Emperor!"

Weird feelings kept appearing, and the Gothic language with a strange accent and those words of loyalty seemed to be incompatible, but Alan Bair ordered it. "Cease fire. Have they encountered friendly forces? Although they don't want to admit it, there are not all idiots among the blue men. Let them listen to what they used to ask for help!"

Although he said that, Skadi's 4th Regiment did not have the money to use a large number of individual explosive weapons ()

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