Warhammer: I am the Hammer of the Empire

Chapter 35 The above verdict, imprisonment.

Chapter 35: Sentence, imprisonment.

In fact, the outpost is not far from Karu City, and it can be reached by walking on flat ground in about an hour with meaty legs. The reason why Alan Bair's first march took so long was entirely because of his new legs.

But the second time was obviously much smoother. Although they were covered in dirt and their bodies were dirty, the soldiers and most of the weapons arrived in front of the city, and the greenskins were also hindered by the explosion and could not get there for a long time.

The guard looked east from Gaosong's battlements. A large number of defensive equipment formed the iron and copper walls there, but that was still not a fortress world, but rather a small hive city set up to ensure that the residents of the empire would not be killed by the harsh environment. , whose years of existence can be traced back to the foundations of the Dark Ages.

The huge city like a spire is wrapped in steel and concrete, and a large number of spaceships shuttle back and forth to the star port at the top to ensure the transportation base and prevent a large number of fighting soldiers from dying of hunger and lack of supplies.

A large number of buildings in the city are like the former nest of Alan Bair, but there is no east floor and bottom floor, and there is no suffocating lack of oxygen. The vents can discharge fresh air in, but there is still no sunlight. .

After showing his military rank, Lieutenant Alan Bair's troops entered the outer city, and the Astra Militarum garrison platoon came back to confirm the matter. They were quickly investigated and questioned in various ways, but under Alan Bair They were given the opportunity to meet the major general in an armored vehicle.

Of course, it’s also thanks to Alan Beyer’s staff... staff... should I say that teachers are not colleagues? All the staff members are school-level officers, and Aylan also has many privileges, so the Astra Militarum...

Yes, it is not an empire, and it is a good thing to be extremely comfortable when being covered. Otherwise, Alan Bayer will be rejected again and again.

He led John, walked on the Chimera, and walked through the complicated ground floor again to the open and empty upper floor, in the church's command room (original relic room).

He waited for a long time until the man who picked him up let them in.

Here he saw his ultimate boss, with a big belly, wearing gorgeous clothes, and a lot of mechanical modifications to his body. Could it be because of his overwhelmed heart or some other organ?

A huge map was spread out in the middle of the command room, but the so-called major general didn't even look at him.

Golden statues of saints and martyrs, as well as heavily bound books of prayers for the Human Emperor, were pushed to the sides of the room, giving it the appearance of a war room decorated with cluttered religious decorations.

Perhaps the Command believed that if they planned a campaign in the likeness of so many Imperial heroes, the Emperor would bless their efforts to rid that world of Greenskins.

Coco even gave them divine intervention in their time of need.

The officers leaned around the table as if discussing grand strategy, as if the fate of the entire empire depended on the decisions they made in that moment. short

And Major General Nilom is reading a data tablet.

But he and John still wanted to salute him. It turned out that Major General Nico Nirom didn't speak until the female staff officer next to him called out to him.

"We abandon the outpost and treat it as an escape!"

John Ma was retorting. "They are requesting information, sir! The green-skinned troops have united, and they have heavy walking mechas!"

"The kind with four claws!"

The female staff officer skillfully waved away her long black coat, smoothly pulled out her gorgeous gold-encrusted bolt gun from the holster and pressed it against John's head.

"My soldier, do you know etiquette? I beg you to obey me! Do I want to be disrespectful?"

Major General Nico Nirom took a sip of the Amsek wine on the table and said slowly. "Staff, go get some steaks or something, don't be too angry, and you guys, just report to him now."

"No!" Alan Bayer and John replied. When they got closer, they saw that the major general had crossed out something on the tablet, and it said Goro meat field rations on it.

Alan Bair swallowed his saliva and said. "Sir, Outpost No. 3 has been occupied by orcs. At the first moment, he blew it up, taking with him enough orcs to destroy the city."

But there is no so-called destruction in the ears of the major general. There is the matter of the second lieutenant abandoning the mission and destroying the outpost.

"Why not send a flare?" he asked.

Alan Byrma was answering. "They can't hinder that monster engine because of the heavy walker! They don't have anti-armor equipment!"

The female staff officer suddenly said, "According to the regulations of the Astra Militarum, the penalty for retreat without a superior order is death."

"The punishment for being a coward is at the discretion of the staff, but the death penalty may also be imposed."

‘Qi is a senior staff officer and he is authorized to make immediate judgments and carry out executions. "

"Madam!" John said angrily, "He swears in the name of the Golden Throne, in the name of the Emperor himself, that he left the outpost and returned there, and took countless aliens with him. If he did not desert, why did he ask to come back?"

The major general was a little undecided. He drank wine and pursed his lips. After all, disobedient soldiers were not suitable for the Astra Militarum...

He refused to speak at first. "Second Lieutenant Alan Bair will be detained on the pretext of unauthorized action. Let's forget about it as it is. My unit will be disbanded and replenish personnel to other platoons."

Alan Bair's face was ashen, but that was not the best situation. He raised his legs and asked the staff to put the leg cuffs on him, waiting to go to the dungeon.

Mr. John said urgently. "Sir, neither does he. He also agreed and organized the operation. Let him go in together!"

Such a loyal speech is of no use. It is wrong for the staff to put more leg cuffs on it, but for strategic matters...

Outpost request again?

It was the edge of the Astra Militarum that continued to take root, but it was not that important. In comparison, the action and ideas shown by Alanbair made the major general worry about his position.

That's right, it was because he performed well and used so few resources to achieve so many results that he was imprisoned!

When the guards took them out of the command room and locked them in a cell that would never see the moon, Alanbair sighed.

He didn't care about himself, but lamented that his guys were disbanded. They were all loyal and powerful soldiers, but the fourth row seemed to end here...


The door of the command room was suddenly opened, and there was a panting staff officer, a man, with a decent appearance, who looked very fierce and very chimera.

He took out a report, the ink on it was not dry yet, and scribbled a plan to retreat and install explosives and instructions on how to defeat the greenskin army.

"Major General, did he order him to do this? Release his soldiers. Now he wants to return to the company!" The staff officer panted, holding on to the table, and kept complaining in his heart, wondering if he had received any weird military stuff...

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