Warhammer: I am the Hammer of the Empire

Chapter 19 The Blood Ax Boss

Rumbling mushroom clouds and a huge thing fell in the center of the square of the former human city. The loudest and biggest explosion I can imagine was just like this.

Dust rushed into the clouds, but the orc's thick skin and rough bones were everything I could imagine. He was like a huge main battle tank, such as his thigh was also blown off and his right leg.

The wound was burnt brown, anger made his muscles contract, blood was blocked, green muscles, red tendons, and dripping red blood.

His green skin was stained with dust, and his whole body was tattered in the east. The boys looked at the place sideways, surprised by the change.

But the boss was not stupid, he knew very well who was tinkering there just now. "I actually! Tore down my favorite bench!"

The boss raised his big clicker, but found that his weapon had been blown apart. He raised his big fist and charged at the blood axe boy, but because his leg was missing a part, he couldn't touch the hateful boy.

He yelled and showed off to the crazy doctor next to him. "Give him the leg, hand it to him!" For the greenskins, the broken limbs were not a big deal, they just needed a simple suture and they could continue to fight like normal.

But the large leg gun fired a rumbling shot, stopping the greenskin mad doctor who wanted to move his leg.

"Don't move, boys, he is your new boss!"

One-Eye took out the long blade of Catachan and approached the greenskin boss who was lying on the ground. The cheeks of the dead skull boss were very blue, although he had painted a lot of blue paint.

"What am I doing, I'm so disgusting..."

He didn't finish his words, the long blade sank into his head, stirring the greenskin brain inside, and when the boys reacted, the boss was lying on the ground motionless.

Dead? Over?

One-Eye cut off his head with the long blade and raised it high. "Now, I am, boss!"

Other greenskins shouted quickly. "One-eyed boss! One-eyed boss!"

The deafening sound echoed in the sky, cutting through the long forest of ferns, and reaching somewhere unknown. When Alanbair, who was resting on the top of the sentry tower, suddenly woke up, when did he fall asleep there tiredly?

He looked around, did he do such a stupid thing?

John's voice came. "Boss, continue to sleep, I'm too tired."

He walked on the battlements and looked into the distance with a telescope.

"The support team is coming soon, four teams, they can relax a little."

Alanbair rubbed his cheek. "Don't wake him up, it's not time for a nap now."

John answered absent-mindedly. "No, boss."

Alanbair rubbed his head, looking at the impenetrable forest, the hot and humid wind blew from afar, from the steel city to the nest to there, he was not sure whether he was still alive.

John lit a fire on the top of the sentry tower, and next to the fire was a row of batteries, relying on the heat-convertible system of the energy-saving batteries to provide energy for the laser gun. They had reached that point.

Although there were new people to help in the afternoon, the fear of being wronged by the greenskins was also engraved in his heart.

When the deep primitive jungle was placed in front of him, Alan Baier sometimes couldn't tell who he was, the so-called crossing, the so-called superiority, nothing.

He had never been treated preferentially because of that thing, but what made him feel at ease was to try his best to do everything.

He asked John. "I heard that those who performed well in the Star Army can stay on the planet after the battle."

John answered. "Boss, is it that the defense of that planet has been severely damaged to such a situation that the tenth regiment of the Star Army will be arranged to supplement it."

Alan Baier said. "But yes, but it should be a good feeling to not have to continue to drift in the boundless universe."

John did not answer.

When the smell of burning green skin spores and dead branches and rotten leaves in the air mixed together and oppressed them to inhale into their abdomens, the good and bad months in the hive city would never come back.

Fortunately, Alan Baier had no family, or he didn't know who his family was. He came here, but he didn't inherit any memories. He only had the basic knowledge of that world. Could it be that because the place where the memory is stored in the head is separated, or a person's experience is also considered a part of the soul?

But he didn't give up because of that, but quickly adapted to the new month according to the ID card.

But even Alan Baier, who quickly adapted and survived in the hive city, couldn't endure the cruelty of the imperial battlefield, the fear and helplessness of death, the hugeness and horror of the green skin, and the despair that was countless times greater than the oppressive order of the hive city.

As time passed, he suddenly noticed the battle flag of the Star Army or the Third Regiment of Kadis in the distance. He patted his cheek and shouted to John.

"The new recruits are here, serve them well!"

John nodded, then imitated the sound of the beast with evil humor and made a long cry.

After a while, colorful beams of light came out of the forest, causing Alanbair and John to laugh loudly, and they saw their former selves in those guys.

Maybe they were a little confused, why did the veterans let them stay behind.

When the soldiers approached, Alanbair went to receive them and counted how many people there were. It was interesting, one line, five teams of soldiers, about 50 people, and no one had a higher rank than him.

Add to that stupid behavior just now, it should be the new recruits from the hive city, God knows what they have experienced, but it is probably not worth mentioning compared to Alanbair's experience.

Alanbair calmly ordered them to do this and that, such as the first team to maintain the trenches, the second team to do this and that, and the five remaining veterans, who were also members of his original team, were now non-commissioned officers and could command them.

When the human legs were replenished in the team, the outpost began to move, and Alanbair asked again. The scent of liquid incense and the familiar voice.

That was a beautiful blonde, her mechanical legs and arms held a precious long metal box, in which lay the weapon given to the best soldiers by the human empire, the hell gun.

The smoke that soothes the machine soul is lingering in front of her. Is the smoke generator that the girl has transformed into something, maybe it can be understood as body fragrance?

And the mechanical priest lady smiled on her cheeks. "They meet again, Lieutenant Alanbair."

"He will conduct the next weapons training for me. Remember, the machine soul keeps ringing, and the Om Messiah is here."

Alanbair can't help but relax when he sees an old acquaintance. He puts on the new carapace armor with gratitude. It is a kind of defensive armor made of ceramic steel, which is strong enough to resist the shooting of laser guns.

He also carries the unique large battery backpack of the hell gun and holds the black imperial blade in his hand.

"How about it, is he handsome?"

He shows the carapace armor, which is similar to the color scheme used by Kashejin, mainly green and camouflage patterns, and looks more futuristic than bulletproof armor.

But the mechanical priest's eyes are fixed on the canned supplies that have just been delivered...

Alanbair is a little disappointed. Very good, just a little.

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