Sebastian Yarrick, this loyal political commissar who came out of the College of Loyalty, has never been as angry as he is today. After those green-skinned beasts have easily broken through Armageddon's space defenses, they will Countless junk satellites and those Orcs were thrown onto the surface of Armageddon. The governor who was responsible for the defense of the entire planet and had the highest command authority, Hermann von Stubb, still responded with the Planetary Defense Force. Get rid of the naive ideas of these orcs.

Political Commissar Yarik after being injured. This chapter is about Political Commissar Yarik before being injured.

With the crisp sound of his military boots hitting the ground without concealing his anger, Yarick used his angry eyes that could scare people to death to push back a governor's guard who wanted to stop him. Lifting his heavy military boots, he kicked open the luxurious door of the Governor's Hall.

With a bang, the door was kicked open by this powerful kick, and everything in the wide hall stopped with a huge noise.

Looking at the scene in the hall, Alex felt so angry that his blood vessels were about to burst, and he felt his temples throbbing.

Several large tables covered with snow-white silk tablecloths filled the hall. Hundreds of transformed slaves were flying in the air, constantly delivering various dishes and drinks, replacing those that had been eaten or counted. The same dishes as the ones you taste.

The nobles and officials who were in the upper echelons of the nest city were all dressed as gorgeously and vainly as courting peacocks. They held up their wine glasses and congratulated von Stubb on his "excellent command" with hypocritical laughter. It was obvious that the attention of these well-mannered and hypocritical nobles had been attracted by the sound of Yarick kicking the door. They stopped raising their glasses and turned to look at Yarick, who was dressed in military uniform.

Looking at the food on these tables that he couldn't name and couldn't tell the ingredients at all, he just felt absurd and ridiculous. He worked hard on the front line to reorganize the production line and send as much supplies as possible to the front line to meet the needs of the soldiers. But what did he send up? I don’t know how many times it has gone through the filtration circulation system, the purified water that smells bitter, and those tasteless ration bars.

But even these things are extremely precious food that those fearless soldiers rushed through the blockade of green bullets and delivered them with corpses and blood. More soldiers were tortured by greenskin fire in the frontline positions, rummaging through the dirt and rubble for anything they could to fill their empty bellies.

And these damn nobles, the God Emperor is above! Yarick really wanted to shoot these fat pigs who only knew luxury. The calories of what any one of them ate would be enough to supply the needs of an entire class.

"Ah, Commissar Yarick, what can I do for you?" Von Strab's infuriating and arrogant tone sounded in the quiet hall.

"I would like to ask the Governor, have you sent a distress signal to the higher-ups of the empire?"

"Are you kidding, you little political commissar? This is Armageddon. The number of armored vehicles produced here every month will scare you to death. Oh my God, I doubt you have fulfilled your duties as a political commissar. A duty. I believe that the loyal planetary defense forces will complete their mission of counterattack well." Von Strab's insult caused the hall to burst into laughter, and the nobles took out their own weapons one by one. He covered half of his face with a small fan and looked at Alec at the door with contemptuous eyes.

"Do you know how critical the situation on the frontline is already? Are you even thinking about counterattack now!?"

"This is all my plan. No matter how arrogant those greenskins are, they will eventually fall at the feet of our sacred and great Titan Legion."

"But according to reports from the front, a large number of Titans have appeared among the greenskin troops. We must..."

"You don't think that the rough green skin can make anything good, do you? Those things made of scrap metal are simply impossible to shake the void shield of the God Machine."

Listening to von Strab's confident and arrogant views, the anger in Alex's heart was replaced by a great sadness and irony. If those soldiers who fought bravely on the front line knew that their governor was such a fool, The pig head, I wonder if he will directly turn the gun and send him to the stake first, and then deal with those greenskins.

"Now that you have decided, I won't say any more. Let me ask one last question, what should be done with the replaced dishes?"

"Are you talking about those? Those dishes have passed their freshness period. Our glorious family and decent etiquette will not allow us to eat those cheap foods that have gone bad."

After glancing at von Straub, who had a normal expression on his face, Alex thought for a long time about what deterioration meant. In his mind, spoilage refers to those things that have rotted and grown maggots. Not to mention eating them into the stomach, even if you take off the mask and smell them from a distance, you will feel extremely disgusting. Only those things can be called inedible.

But in Alex's opinion, these things were just made from the kitchen and had been left out for a while and were no longer as hot as before, so they were deemed inedible and spoiled by the damn nobles like von Strab.

Go to the nobles who ride horses! Go to the tradition and honor of riding horses. Do you insects have more honor than those soldiers who fought bloody battles on the front line? You guys who are hiding and protected on the tall spiers of the hive city are as weak as a newborn chicken. Even those thugs who have done all the bad things in the gangs of the low-level hive city are stronger than you guys. Near the Golden Throne.

The angry Yarick could not suppress his anger and contempt for them. He took out the bolter pistol he carried with him and fired at von Straub.

The roar of the explosion made the nobles panic and hide under the table to save their lives. The towering chair behind von Straub was blown to pieces by the bomb, and wood chips mixed with metal fragments fell all over his body. He covered his broken ears and yelled at Yarick with a flushed face: "Are you attacking a loyal imperial official! Do you want to rebel!"

Seeing von Straub's ugly appearance, Yarick calmed down instead, "No, Governor, my bolter is just a little unhappy."

"Catch him! Catch him!"

Several guards in gorgeous full-body armor rushed out from the corner of the hall at the governor's order and surrounded Yarick, who was wearing a political commissar coat. Compared to these gorgeous, shiny and brand new guards, the heavy commissar coat on Yarrick looked like a piece of rags dug out of a clothing donation box.

The guard pulled out the high-voltage rod in his hand, making a crackling sound and a strange smell of lightning hitting the air.

Yarrick silently drew out the power sword at his waist and confronted these guards.

"What are you waiting for! If you can't catch him, all of you go to the front line!"

In the governor's repeated roars, these hesitant guards finally made up their minds to attack a loyal commissar of the empire.

These attacks were so slow and powerless in Yarrick's eyes. These guards who had never experienced battles and life-and-death struggles only practiced their skills on those immobile dummies and virtual images. They didn't know how to kill a real enemy at all.

The power sword in his right hand quickly blocked the attack of these electric rods. It seems that these electric rods flashing dangerous currents are also equipped with power devices to a certain extent, ensuring that they will not be decomposed and broken by Yarrick's power sword.

But Yarrick's strength was still not comparable to these embroidered pillows. With a force of his right hand, he pushed the electric baton out, then raised the bolt pistol in his left hand and shot at the guard's wide-open chest.

These armors may have better defense capabilities against shooting from other weapons, and can even block one or two shooting from the bolt. But unfortunately, it was too close to Yarrick's muzzle, and the fully accelerated bolt slid out of the barrel. The small rocket engine on the bolt pushed the deadly warhead into the guard's chest, blasting the armor and his internal organs into pieces.

However, the excellent protective ability of the armor still gave the guard a complete body, so that he would not be blown into a ball of blood mist and minced meat under the shooting of the bolt.

The fall of one guard was not enough to shake the determination of the other guards to attack, and the remaining guards also launched an attack together, blocking any possible dodge of Yarrick.

Yarrick's power sword did not stop at all. He was at ease in the siege of several electric batons, blocking them one by one, then adjusting his body shape, raising his legs and kicking a guard away. The original formation of the siege suddenly had a flaw. Yarrick took advantage of this flaw to first cut down a guard who had no time to dodge, and then turned around and pierced a guard who intended to sneak attack him.

At such a close distance, he didn't even need to aim too much, just a general direction to pull the trigger in his hand. This felt the anger in Yarrick's heart. The explosive gun soul fired bullets efficiently and ruthlessly, and the blood plasma and internal organs from the gap in the armor splashed on Yarrick.

The guards who besieged him all fell to the ground, and blood gushed out from the incisions and muzzles. The smell of blood mixed with the aroma of the dishes made the nobles retch. Von Straub, who was sitting in the center of the hall, looked at Yarrick with a ferocious face.

"I'm going to throw you to the most dangerous place to die! To die!"

"You could wish for nothing more."

After leaving behind this extremely cold remark, Yarrick didn't even bother to communicate with these insects, and walked out of the hall without looking back.

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