This Star is Legal But Sick

Chapter 466: Who is Lin Shuo?

Chapter 466 Who is Lin Shuo?

Xu Ye’s outrageous answer also appeared in the live broadcast room of the Golden Dragon Awards.

Nowadays, all major award ceremonies have sponsors, which are also commonly known as sponsors.

With the rise of online live broadcasts, this type of award ceremony has become more widely publicized and can be watched by more people.

Key events such as celebrities walking on the red carpet must be broadcast live, not only the entire process, but also the interview process.

This is also a way to advertise to investors and a way to attract traffic.

In case a celebrity wants to make big news, broadcasting it live can also increase the popularity of the award ceremony.

 The attention an award attracts is also a real benefit to the organizer of the award.

When Xu Ye appeared, almost all the live cameras in the audience were focused on Xu Ye.

  Not to mention that Xu Ye has only made one movie, even if Xu Ye has not made a movie, if he wants to make a movie, the organizers of the Golden Dragon Awards will invite Xu Ye over.

 A month ago, Xu Ye officially announced his relationship, and now he is still competing with the king Yuan Xuwen for his second album "Philharmonic".

 It is naturally impossible for everyone to prepare only one question before coming.

  “You ask whatever you want, and I’ll answer whatever you want.”

 After Xu Ye entered the market, these data started to rise obviously.

 This is heat, this is flow.

Xu Ye smiled and said: "I am a member of Penguin Video, and I am an annual member."

 Otherwise, you will get tired of just looking at the big white legs of female celebrities.

However, there is not much time left for reporters on the red carpet.

“There are indeed a lot of people, that’s right.”

“Dean, you are so naughty. How could you answer like that?”

 “Xu Ye is just different.”

 The entertainment industry is a circle filled with rumors and gossip.

 Xu Ye's popularity is too high.

“As expected of you, Dean.”

 There are rumors from time to time on the Internet that Xu Ye has an unusual relationship with the executives of Penguin Video. The two of them may have had a relationship after eating roast chicken together.

 In the live broadcast room, the audience began to urge again.

 This group of staff members sighed.

This group of reporters did not dare to waste any more time asking questions that Xu Ye could take advantage of.

But this is only a matter of time. Xu Ye has already contributed too many emoticons to everyone.

 This question is also quite interesting.

 A reporter quickly adjusted his thinking and asked the next question.

 After all, there are other guests who will be walking on the red carpet later, so it is impossible for Xu Ye to waste too much time here.

“The dean is a member of Penguin Video, and I am also a member of Penguin Video, so I am the dean!”

Shadiao netizens found this red carpet ceremony a bit interesting.

In the live broadcast room, more and more viewers poured in.

I am still a member of Tomato Video!

Who asked you to answer like this!

 “Reporters, hurry up and continue asking!”

Penguin Video has been very good to Xu Ye and also provides strong support in publicity.

 At the backstage of the Golden Dragon Awards, the staff responsible for the live broadcast stared at the data of the major video platforms in surprise.

As soon as the results came in, everyone heard the conversation between Xu Ye and the reporter.

“Xu Ye, do you have any ideas for making a movie next?” the reporter asked.

 Soon a reporter seized the opportunity.

 After the first reporter finished asking questions, other reporters also started asking questions.

 “The answers are both right, but wrong.”

“Xu Ye, as we all know, many of your dramas have been released on Penguin Video. I would like to ask, what is your relationship with Penguin Video?”

In the live broadcast room, the barrage began to roll again.

 This is pure nonsense.

 The Golden Dragon Awards Ceremony was broadcast live simultaneously on multiple online platforms and several TV stations.

The reporter who originally wanted to hear some breaking news was suddenly speechless.

 Because the live broadcast does not have subtitles, no audience has yet thought of taking a screenshot of Xu Ye's expression as an emoticon pack.

On these online platforms, real-time data of live broadcasts can be seen.

As soon as this question came out, other reporters fell silent.

Whether Xu Ye will act in movies or not is a matter of concern to many people in the industry.

 In the movie "One-Armed Sword", Du Chonglin held Xu Ye back has become a thing recognized by the majority of the audience.

After "The One-Armed Sword" was released, many viewers shouted for Xu Ye to continue acting in movies.

It is a pity that Xu Ye went on to do other things, and later participated in TV series, but did not make a movie.

Some viewers are still looking forward to Xu Ye acting in the movie.

“This is a good question. It’s time for the dean to act in movies. Don’t waste your acting skills!”

 “Let me see how the dean will answer this question!”

Amid everyone's expectations, Xu Ye calmly said: "I will make a movie later, and I will direct and act in it."

After finishing speaking, Xu Ye smiled at everyone and turned around to leave.

Du Chonglin and others have been waiting nearby for a long time.

The reporters all had a look of astonishment on their faces.

"Did we hear correctly just now? Xu Ye said that he wanted to direct and star in... a movie?"

 “Big news! Big news!”

“I didn’t expect that, I thought Xu Ye wouldn’t answer directly!”

  This group of reporters who reacted already realized that this would be explosive news.

 Xu Ye is going to enter the film industry!

 He did not go to participate in other directors' movies, but directed and acted himself as soon as he started.

At this time, a reporter saw Xu Ye leaving and asked loudly: "Xu Ye, what do you think of Lin Shuo?"

Everyone was so shocked by the bombshell Xu Ye dropped just now that they almost forgot to ask Xu Ye about his relationship gossip.

Xu Ye stopped and turned to look at the reporter who asked the question, wondering: "Who is Lin Shuo?"

 The reporter was stunned for a moment, and after Xu Ye finished speaking, he left the red carpet with Du Chonglin and others.

 At this time, the reporters just wanted to publish the big news as soon as possible, and did not bother to interview the next group of guests.

 What’s interesting is that the organizers probably arranged Zhou Dachen’s team behind Du Chonglin on purpose.

Zhou Dachen also had a movie released last year, and his mother didn’t recognize it either.

When Zhou Dachen walked over with a bald head and a handsome suit, he found that no reporter paid any attention to him.

“What are you doing? Come and interview me and ask me about my new drama that you never expected.”

Zhou Dachen was stunned.

 Until he walked off the red carpet, no reporter came to interview him.

 On the other hand, reporters have quickly posted the news they interviewed online.

The news that Xu Ye directed and acted in his own movie became a hot search topic in a short period of time.

 The influence of top domestic entertainment companies is certainly no joke.

Those viewers who have been watching the live broadcast also spread the news that Xu Ye is going to make a movie.

As for the last sentence Xu Ye came to, "Who is Lin Shuo?" it was even more full of ridicule.

Netizens who frequently surf the Internet all know that Lin Shuo made a high-profile show of love to Xiao Xu.

In the eyes of fans, Lin Shuo showed his true feelings, but in the eyes of most passers-by, Lin Shuo's behavior was still quite disgusting.

But Lin Shuo's resources are so good that even if some negative news breaks out, it will not affect him from continuing to make movies and TV dramas and continue to gain popularity in major variety shows.

After Xu Ye and Xiao Xu got together, Lin Shuo's fans also became very excited.

 Now Xu Ye finally fought back.

There is no need for more, just "Who are you" is enough.

“The amount of information today is a bit large. I thought the dean came to the Golden Dragon Award just for a formality.”

“You’re laughing to death. You asked me what I think of Lin Shuo, but I don’t know Lin Shuo at all. The dean means that he has never taken Lin Shuo seriously.”

“I’m not bragging, but from the perspective of choosing a boyfriend, the dean is really a hundred times better than Lin Shuo except for his poor brain.”

“Brothers, who are you talking about Lin Shuo?”

 On Weibo, netizens have started to make memes.

 Who is Lin Shuo? These four words also spread quickly.

The patients at Huohua Hospital didn't have much feeling about Xu Ye's decision to direct and act in his own movie. In their opinion, this was a normal thing.

Xu Ye has also filmed several TV series, all of which have been huge successes and none of them have failed.

The path he takes is also different from other stars. Other stars have to find scripts and have a good relationship with management.

 Xu Ye has always made enough food and clothing by himself.

Now it is very reasonable to enter the film industry and direct and act oneself.

But Lin Shuo’s fans were immediately blown away.

 Just saying "Who is Lin Shuo?" is equivalent to stabbing the lungs of this group of people.

Especially Xu Ye made Lin Shuo's fan base a joke in the entertainment industry with his "showing off wealth" video. "Xu Ye is confused. He really thinks that anyone can make movies? I didn't see how many movies Du Chonglin in front of you has made. Director Du has many times more classic works in the TV drama circle than you Xu Ye. !”

“Young people should not aim too high. There is a reason why movies are at the top of the contempt chain in the entertainment industry.”

“I only have a box office of 500 million and I dare to direct and act in it. How many movie stars don’t direct and act in the same way?”

Lin Shuo’s fans finally got the chance and made various comments in these topics.

 Some marketing accounts have also begun to popularize the failure cases of famous actors or directors who switched to filmmaking.

 Making a movie is different from filming a TV series, and it is even different from acting in a movie.

It's not just Lin Shuo's fans who are sarcastic here, many of Xu Ye's opponents are also on the sidelines.

Xu Ye has offended too many people in the entertainment industry, and this kind of thing is normal.

On the other side, when Lin Shuo appeared on the red carpet, the eyes of a group of reporters immediately lit up.

When walking on the red carpet, Lin Shuo was still a little confused. There seemed to be a lot more people paying attention to him this time than before.

 “My fame must be higher.” Lin Shuo thought in his heart.

 When he walked to the photo taking area, a group of reporters surrounded him.

Lin Shuo originally thought that these reporters would ask him questions about the movie, but he did not expect that the questions asked by the reporters were actually related to Xu Ye.

“Lin Shuo, just now Xu Ye said that he would direct and act in his own movie. What do you think?”

Lin Shuo was waiting for the red carpet just now and didn't look at his phone. He didn't know what Xu Ye said to reporters just now.

But after hearing the question, he was stunned for a moment and then understood.

  No wonder the reporters were more enthusiastic today. It turned out to be because of Xu Ye.

Xu Ye actually wants to direct and star in his own movie?

   It’s really yours!

 Do you really think anyone can make a movie?

Lin Shuo was already complaining in his heart. Naturally, he didn't have a good impression of Xu Ye.

However, he still had a smile on his face and said: "As far as I know, Xu Ye's only real directorial work is one Wulin Gaiden, right? Can he make a movie if he can make a sitcom? If that is the case, then he is too young. Watch the movie director.”

 After saying this, Lin Shuo paused for a few seconds and made some photogenic expressions along the way.

He knew that what he said would definitely be published by the media. Since it was going to be published, it must be handsome.

After a tactical pause, Lin Shuo continued: "I have been acting in movies for several years. I feel that I am still an ordinary actor and I am still far from a director."

 After Lin Shuo finished speaking, the reporters became excited again.

 The topic comes again.

For this group of reporters, they are not afraid of you talking nonsense, but they are afraid of you not talking.

Lin Shuo’s last words did not mention Xu Ye directly, but in fact he was insinuating Xu Ye.

I have been acting in movies for several years and I don’t dare to say that I can direct. It’s definitely not possible for you to make a movie just one year after your debut.

 The most important thing is that Xu Ye is not from a major.

He studied neither acting nor directing, and belonged to the Yeluzi ordination.

Lin Shuo’s words are not unreasonable.

Lin Shuo felt that he was done after answering this question. He smiled and said: "I'll leave first."

●Today’s Golden Dragon Film Festival has not even started yet, but it is already full of topics.

After Lin Shuo arrived at the award ceremony and sat down, he took out his mobile phone and browsed the news on the Internet.

 He also saw the sarcasm Xu Ye said, which made him feel angry.

 “I hope you can still be so arrogant after your movie hits the streets.” Lin Shuo said in his heart.

 After all the guests were seated, the Golden Dragon Award ceremony officially began.

But today, many directors and actors present would glance at Xu Ye from time to time.

The content of Xu Ye’s interview has been completely spread, and now everyone knows that Xu Ye is going to direct and star in a movie.

This makes some directors here feel very uncomfortable.

 For example, Tian Ming, the director of the movie "My Youth is Not Ended" released last year.

Tian Ming's film was released together with "The One-Armed Sword" last year, but was overshadowed by "The One-Armed Sword".

 The main reason is that Xu Ye contributed a wonderful fighting scene in the movie, which played a big role.

Tian Ming naturally dislikes Xu Ye.

“You still have to make a movie, do you really think you can do it?” Tian Ming said in his heart.

 There are many directors like Tian Ming.

Originally, after some directors learned that Xu Ye would also come to the Golden Dragon Film Festival today, they planned to chat with Xu Ye to see the young man's attitude. If he was good, they would let him play a role in the movie.

Once Xu Ye did this, the situation would be different.

 I have no plans to participate in other people’s movies.

 “This young man is too impetuous and wants to steal our jobs.”

“You just have to make your TV series, why are you thinking about making a movie?”

  “What did he take the movie for!”

These directors suddenly had no good impression of Xu Ye.

 The entertainment industry is very realistic. If you change from a partner to a competitor, everyone's attitude will naturally be different.

Xu Ye’s path is very different from other stars.

Neither this group of directors nor the capital in the industry can take advantage of Xu Ye.

Every time we entered a field, everyone had no choice but to go head-to-head with Xu Ye.

Nowadays, everyone can only hope that Xu Ye will have problems on his own.

 In the guest room, Xu Ye, Tang Siqi and others were sitting together.

 Since they are a group of people who have no pressure to win or win prizes, they are just playing.

Zhou Yuan and Zou Gang were still looking at the stage when they suddenly heard a click in their ears.

 The two of them took a look and found that Xu Ye and Tang Siqi had already started eating melon seeds.

Not only were they eating melon seeds, the two of them also came close to each other and whispered.

Zou Gang asked in confusion: "What are you two talking about?"

Tang Siqi held melon seeds in one hand, sneakily approached Zou Gang, and whispered: "We are discussing a problem."

Zou Gang asked: "What's the problem?"

Tang Siqi looked around and made sure no one was paying attention, then whispered: "The dean and I were talking about our relationship with our parents. We both found that everyone's relationship with their parents was not very good at the beginning."

As the two chatted, Zhou Yuan also took the initiative to join in: "No way, my parents and I have a good relationship from the beginning."

Now the four of them are together.

Xu Ye picked up the bag of melon seeds and handed it to Zou Gang.

Zou Gang only hesitated for a second before taking it. He raised the bag and looked at Zhou Yuan, who stretched out his hand.

 After pouring melon seeds into Zhou Yuan's hand, Zou Gang poured some into his own.

Then the four people moved in unison, holding melon seeds in one hand, eating melon seeds and chatting at the same time.

Tang Siqi whispered: "Let the dean say it."

 Zhou Yuan and Zou Gang both looked at Xu Ye.

Xu Ye continued to get closer and said with a solemn face: "Haven't you noticed that we basically didn't talk to our parents in the first year after we were born? Our relationship must not be good. If we have a good relationship, can we not talk?"

 Zhou Yuan and Zou Gang almost couldn't stand up after hearing this.

 What you said makes so much sense!

However, Xu Ye didn't pay attention when the four of them were chatting. The award ceremony happened to be about the Best Newcomer Award.

  Xu Ye was not nominated for the Best Newcomer Award either.

 The actor who won the award in the end was an actor named Karen Deng.

 After pronouncing this name, a bunch of question marks appeared on the barrage.

 “Who is Karen Deng?”

“Can Karen Deng also win an award? Just for his facially paralyzed acting in the movie “The Victim”? Is that wrong?”

“What’s going on with the Golden Dragon Award? It’s okay if Xu Ye wasn’t nominated. After all, there are indeed good people out there, but if this newcomer award is given to Deng Kailun, it’s better to give it to Xu Ye.”

“Which one of the nominees, Cheng Mengjia or Zhou Zhuo, is not better than Deng Karen?”

While the audience was discussing, the screen in the live broadcast room happened to pass by the guest seats.

Then everyone saw the four of them, Xu Ye, eating melon seeds and chatting furtively.

The cameraman originally glanced over the camera, but he seemed to think he had made a mistake, so he moved the camera back and pointed it directly at Xu Ye and the four of them.

 The audience was immediately speechless.

“Dean, wake up, the prize has been taken away, and you are still here eating melon seeds!”

“Not to mention, these four people now look like the old ladies at the entrance of our village.”

 “I’m curious, what are Xu Ye and the others talking about!”

No one cares about the winner of the Best Newcomer Award. People on the barrage are asking what Xu Ye is talking about.

If the audience could hear the chat between the four Xu Ye, they would probably be even more speechless.

 At this time, Xu Ye and the others have already entered the next topic.

Xu Ye said: "I think fish are not afraid of pain. You see, no matter what we do to the fish, the fish will not cry out. If you cut it on the head and it doesn't cry out in pain, the fish must not be afraid of pain."

 Zhou Yuan and Zou Gang fell into thinking.

Tang Siqi immediately said: "In other words, my money tree is not afraid of pain. It doesn't even squeal when I trim the leaves with scissors."

Zhou Yuan said speechlessly: "According to what you said, the melon seeds in our hands are not afraid of pain anymore."

Xu Ye shook his head and said: "No, melon seeds are afraid of pain. When you eat melon seeds, don't they make a clicking sound? This is the melon seeds crying out for pain."

 For a time, Zhou Yuan had nothing to say.

 (End of this chapter)

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