Kira stepped forward: he pulled his hands in the air, and several magic spells were drawn out in two arcs: "Elemental frenzy!"

Fire, ice and snow, whirlwind, thunder, yellow sand, soil, rock, steel, water flow, light, shadow, smoke... Countless elemental balls fanned out in the air, emitting colorful brilliance around Kira.

The audience was shocked: "It's amazing! This magic is so powerful at first sight!"

"To be able to use so much magic at the same time, this Kira deserves the name of 'sage'!"

"I just suspected that he only got here by selling XX props. It's really too much!"

The magic of Elemental Frenzy is not very powerful, but because it contains the transformation of multiple elements, it is a good object for magicians to practice mental power and magic control.

At the same time, this magic also has a major advantage, that is, it looks good. Various elements surround the magician for him to control. This ability simply makes people's hearts expand.


Kira waved his hand, and the elemental ball flew forward like a soldier who had received a general's order. There was no need to worry about not hitting anyone, since he didn't really want to hit anyone anyway.

boom! Uh-huh! Stab! Poof! Bang! …

Without aiming at the target, the magic hit the ground casually, and in the bombardment of the magic frenzy, a figure moved quickly and nimbly, shuttled through the magic frenzy. Occasionally, a few magic balls were about to hit, and he would swat them away with the staff in his hand. , those who didn’t know thought he was playing baseball.

"So strong! I can dodge such intensive attacks!"

"No! He didn't dodge them all, look! Mystergan fought back!"

On the field, Mistergang braked his steps and drew out three magic wands: "Heng Laizheng!"

The whirlwind swept up the incoming magic light balls into the sky. They collided, rubbed, and fused in the eye of the wind, and finally exploded at an invisible high altitude without causing any damage to the opponents, spectators, or even the competition stage.

The magic exploded in the air and blew in all directions. The spectators quickly blocked it with their hands: "It is truly a battle between S-classes. Such powerful magic has even affected this place."

Erza: "..."

Seeing the magic being swept up into the sky, Kira stretched out the five fingers of his right hand and clenched his fist in the air. The magic that flew out immediately stopped moving, and then all rushed towards the location of Mist Ridge.

The supporting audience: "Ah! Danger! This kind of magic will kill people, right?"

Mistergang said calmly: "Three types of magic arrays - Mirror Water!"

Three magic formations were isolated in front of him, which reflected all the countless magic and scattered it in all directions like a peacock opening its tail.

call out! Snapped! Boom! puff! Boom! clang! …

Several rays of magic hit Kira, so Kira waved his unretracted hand to the right and ordered: "Disperse!"

The magic dissipated, leaving only weak sparks and gentle breeze, proving that they still existed in this space a second ago. At this time, Kira was like the king of commanding magic, and could control their appearance at will with a simple command. Disappear and move.

"Awesome! So cool! I want to learn magic too!"

But these weak firelights, gentle breeze, remaining water droplets, soil, fine sand, iron filings, ice slag, and even the remaining glimmer of thunder flowed inexplicably in the air, gradually converging into a big black ball. The big ball couldn't bear it anymore and exploded with a pop, forming a beautiful maple leaf dance.

The illusion began, but this time the target was not Kira, but the many spectators present. Soon, they were immersed in it and couldn't extricate themselves.

Kira waved her hands together, adding color: "Dream!"

The sad red maple leaf forest only lasted for less than 10 seconds. The audience felt the surrounding temperature drop sharply. The next second, the maple leaves all fell, red and yellow colors spread across the earth, the old trees withered and bent, and the next moment the wind Snow falls.

The wind is the cold wind in winter, mixed with moist moisture, which makes people feel chilly; the snow is also the cold snow in deep winter, which condenses from an unknown height into white balls the size of fingernails, and falls on the red maple forest. Here, it is tranquil, tranquil and beautiful.

"It's so cold!"

At some point, a voice sounded, and more similar voices followed: "Yeah, it's so cold!"

A man lowered his head and exclaimed: "Huh? Since when has there been such a thick layer of snow?"

This sound pulled the people around him back from the beautiful scenery of flying snow in the sky, and then they discovered that the original maple leaf forest was gone, and what was in front of them was a vast white snow-capped mountain.

"Maple Leaf Girl...where is my Maple Leaf Girl?"

"Look, everyone! Is that the legendary Snow Girl? Her skin is so white, she looks so beautiful, and she has a great figure!"

"Hey - instead of Maple Leaf Girl, it would be nice to have Snow Girl..."

"Yes! That's right, we just want to see magic like this!"

Mystergan: "..."

Kira: "I knew it!"

Gray and Erza in the audience recognized the so-called Snow Girl: "This woman is the demon Zonia..."

An obvious fluctuation of magic power appeared again, the spring breeze passed by, the snow melted, everything revived, the grass grew again, and the flowers bloomed again.

Mist Gang took action again, and the powerful illusion dispersed Kira's snowstorm. This also made the audience who had almost been seduced by the snow girl realize that they were still watching the magic competition.

"Yes, I'm still watching the magic competition! It turns out this is illusion magic. I was almost taken away by the snow girl just now. The magic is so powerful!"

Seeing Mistagon's actions, Kira nodded secretly in his heart, this is the effect he wanted! With such a small movement, how could these Muggles know whether they were under magic or a wonderful illusion competition?

As soon as the spring breeze started, there was a burst of thunder, followed by a continuous drizzle. In the eyes of everyone, the rain was like chemical fertilizer. As soon as it fell to the ground, the grass grew at a speed visible to the naked eye, until it was almost a person tall. At that time, the rain stopped and the clouds dispersed, revealing the fiery red sun.

The fantasy world enters summer silently. It is the season at this time. Summer is scorching, the sun is blazing in the sky, and the heat is unbearable.

"So hot……"

"Ah, that is...the sun goddess!"

A gorgeously dressed woman stood in the air, showing aristocratic style in every gesture. Her hands were bare, and the heat spread out.

"Goddess, don't... you can't stand it..."

The Sun Goddess said: "Oh, don't you really like to see it?"

The few people who knew who used this magic knew: 'What an idiot! What kind of goddess would speak in such a tone...'

The goddess's scorching beams scattered, quickly shattering the earth and penetrating the sky. Landslides, tsunamis, typhoons, mudslides, and volcanic eruptions came all at once, and the heaven and earth roared for a moment.

The audience was astonished. Several people even tried to run away with their legs, but they could not move their feet at all. They could only watch the disaster approaching.


"He's going to die!! He's going to die!!"

The world gradually disintegrated, and in a daze, a giant claw of a monster tore the space apart. Behind the space, there was endless darkness, and suddenly, thousands of red lights appeared.

"It's... it's a monster!!"

"How could there be such a monster?!"

The fear of the unknown was shocking, and the thumping heartbeat could be heard clearly. Of the thousands of spectators, less than a hundred people still remembered that they were in the midst of illusion magic.

Just then, a dragon roar came from the darkness!

The space was torn apart again, the cracks getting bigger and wider, and then, the giant dragon appeared!

One... two... three... countless giant dragons emerged from the space. They spread their sky-covering wings, exposed their sharp fangs and claws, soared into the sky, and easily tore the terrifying monster into pieces!

"Dragon...this is a dragon..."

"Do dragons really exist?"

"Idiot! Wake up! This is an illusion!"


In the illusion, after slaying all the monsters, the giant dragon began to occupy the entire world and act arbitrarily. Soon, a group of familiar human magicians came together to launch a resistance.

"It's the wizard of Fairy Tail!"

The battle between dragons and humans is more shocking than the previous evolution of the seasons, the goddess who destroyed the world, and the battle between monsters and giant dragons!

"Wait...what is this sound?"

As if to answer the words of the supporting audience, a voice echoed across the battlefield: "That's...Fairy Tail's war song!"

Thump thump thump thump thump thump thump thump thump thump thump thump thump thump thump thump thump…

The magic they had seen in the past few days reappeared in the illusion at this time. This group of desperate magicians seemed to be the last hope of mankind, fighting selflessly and crazy!

At the end of the battle, only one person and one dragon were left. The humans were scarred and exhausted, but their eyes were still firm; the dragon was blind in one eye and had a broken arm, but its murderous intent was not reduced by half.

In the last scene of the fantasy, the human being slashes with his sword and the dragon opens its mouth and roars, and the scene is frozen!

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