Chapter 143
Easter is approaching quietly, and the professors at Hogwarts have tacitly assigned a lot of holiday homework to the students.

Perhaps, professors know that most students like to be lazy, so they use this method so that students can review their homework well and avoid failing in the upcoming final exam.

At Hogwarts, there is a real possibility of repeating a grade if your final grade is too poor, although this rarely happens.

"Don't you need to review?" Lee Jordan just finished reciting the twelve uses of dragon's blood. When he looked up, he looked at Albert who was busy with his own affairs, and couldn't help asking.

"I've reviewed it." Albert repeated the twelve uses of dragon's blood that Lee Jordan had just recited without raising his head.

"You shouldn't have asked Albert." Fred sighed and complained, "Even if that guy doesn't review, he can do better than you in the exam. By the way, why do we have to review more than a month in advance? "

"I heard from Percy that Professor Broad will resign in mid-May." George stretched out his hand to cover his yawn, and looked at Albert, "Is this true?"

"Uh, that's true." Albert nodded to indicate that it was true.

"I also heard that Professor Broad has finished the questions for the final exam." George's eyes flashed with excitement, and he asked quickly, "You often run to Professor Broad's office, do you see ..."

"You're thinking too much." Albert looked at George rather speechlessly, "For me, it's the same whether I peeked at the exam questions or not, so why should I go so far as to give myself a bad reputation of peeking at the exam questions? "

"That's right." Fred is weakly practicing the swinging of his stick. He is not very proficient in transfiguration, especially the transformation of species is still difficult for him. However, I heard that this is one of the compulsory exams. one.

"What a disappointment, it's rare to have a vacation, can't we let us rest easily?" Lee Jordan threw the book away, and moved to Albert's side, "Are you making protective bracelets again?"

"Well, the protective bracelet I made last time was unqualified, and I'm trying to perfect it." Albert didn't intend to hide it, "I learned a lot recently, and it just works."

"New?" Fred grasped the word keenly. "Where did you learn it from Professor Brod, the advanced Defense Against the Dark Arts?"

"It's the use of ancient runes." Albert didn't care about the roommates who came over, and swept the sawdust into the fireplace, "Don't you do your homework? Everyone in the common room has gone back to rest, no People will interrupt your homework."

"No, there's no rush anyway," George muttered.

"Don't you do your homework yourself?" Lee Jordan asked Albert, "It's rare to see you go to the library to do your homework recently, and Angelina asked about it in the afternoon."

"He doesn't have to do it, at least he doesn't need to do the vacation homework for the Transfiguration class." George protested angrily, "Professor McGonagall waived most of Albert's homework, and he probably doesn't need to do the Defense Against the Dark Arts class either."

"Ah, really? Damn, why do I have to do so much homework?" Fred complained disapprovingly.

The three of them became very angry when they thought that they had to do their best to complete the heavy homework during the Easter holiday.

"If you can publish a paper on Transfiguration Today, you will definitely not need to write Transfiguration homework." It was Shanna who spoke, she had just finished her Transfiguration homework and was stretching tiredly .

Complaints are complaints, even if the twins are reluctant, they still have to do their homework, unless they want to be locked up by the professors.

If the test scores are not good, it will be even more difficult after returning home during the summer vacation.

Albert is not idle at all, he also has his own affairs.

Version 1.1 of the rough protective bracelet was soon announced to be completed. However, the effect of the protective bracelet is still only average, and the ancient runes carved on it have no effect at all.

That means it's a failure.

Albert recorded in his "Protective Bracelet Manufacture Manual" that version 1.1 of the protective bracelet failed completely, and the original intended effect was not realized, and it is no different from version 1.0.

In fact, Albert hoped that an alchemy skill similar to a protective bracelet would appear on his skill panel, but his hope was undoubtedly in vain.

Perhaps, the so-called protective bracelet is not an alchemy item.

Albert guessed so.

In the next few days, Albert could clearly feel that McDougal's speed of writing the manuscript was accelerated. However, the third part of the manuscript was somewhat beyond his ability for Albert, but the content It surprised him.

Different from the previous ones, the third part of the manuscript is actually the use of ancient runes, about the use of spells.

The Patronus Charm isn't the only ancient charm.

McDougal, as if to explain to Albert, described a powerful protective spell in his manuscript.

If it is translated directly, it is - comprehensive protection.

This ancient spell is similar to the Iron Armor Curse. After casting the spell, it will form an invisible protective barrier between yourself and your opponent. This barrier is not in one direction, but protects yourself in it from all aspects and multiple angles. .

From McDougal's description, Albert felt that he was wrapping himself in an indestructible shield.

If the Iron Armor Charm is a spell with medium difficulty, then "Comprehensive Protection" is undoubtedly an extremely complicated and difficult spell to cast.

Albert had tried once under the watchful eye of Professor Broad, but failed.

In fact, Albert's attempts to cast spells using ancient spells all failed, and he also asked Professor Brod the reason.

Professor Brod's answer is: Your magical power is not strong enough to support these ancient and powerful spells, and your understanding and use of them are only superficial.

Professor Broad's eyes were extremely vicious, and he could see Albert's problem at a glance, he was inexperienced.

Even if Albert is a genius, he can't learn it all at once. The ancient magic is far more difficult to master than the current magic.

Maybe, if someone is in charge of teaching Albert, after a few more months of practice, he will be able to master this spell.

As a professor of Defense Against the Dark Arts, Professor Broad is undoubtedly an expert in this field, but he has no intention of teaching Albert.

Both Professor Brod and McDougall think that Albert should be slowed down, and after Albert absorbs the knowledge of runes, guide him on how to use those ancient spells.

Being too anxious is not necessarily a good thing for a young man.

Sometimes, people need some patience.

In Professor Broad's view, the Iron Armor Charm, which is easier to master and more practical, is undoubtedly more suitable for Albert to use.

"I suggest you continue to explore the potential of this spell, instead of staring at those ancient spells." Professor Brod explained, "Wizards have developed many variant spells on the basis of the original."

"Super Iron Armor Curse?" Albert asked tentatively.

"It seems that you have studied the Iron Armor Curse." Professor Brod nodded and said, "This is a profound usage."

Albert did not study, but watched the movie.

In the Battle of Hogwarts, initiated by Professor Flitwick and completed by several professors, the almost impenetrable magical protective barrier is a highlight of that movie.

"Do you know why those ancient spells are not very popular now?" Professor Broad asked suddenly.

"Slow rhythm, long time to chant spells?" Albert raised his eyebrows.

"Yes." Professor Brod nodded, "Especially in a duel between wizards, the most important thing is to use spells flexibly. This is why the Iron Armor Curse and some simple counter-spells are favored."

"Can you use that ancient protective spell and let me have a look?" Albert asked suddenly.

Professor Broad couldn't help raising his eyebrows, but he still didn't refuse. He raised his wand and waved it around him.

At that moment, Albert noticed a disturbance in the air, as if an invisible barrier surrounded Professor Brod.

"Can I touch it?" Albert asked.


"It's amazing." Albert stretched out his hand and pushed it, and he found that there was an invisible layer blocking his palm, "However, I remember that "All Protection" seems to be..."

"It's a magic used to protect a specific area. The usage of this spell can be far beyond your imagination." Professor Brod saw Albert's thoughts and said softly, "Don't worry, you are still young and you need to learn something There are many more."

Albert fell silent, because this was not the ancient protective spell, but it was undoubtedly more suitable for him to use now.

Professor Broad guessed what he was thinking, but it wasn't too difficult.

"By the way, this is for you." Professor Broad suddenly said, he took out an invitation letter from his pocket and handed it to Albert.

"What is this?" Albert was very surprised. Professor Broad would directly give him an invitation letter.

"Obviously, this is an invitation letter." Professor Brod said, "It's personal, and McDougal intends to invite a few friends, all of whom are experts in ancient runes."

"Why did you invite me?" Albert was a little puzzled
"Because you are also a half-expert now, the youngest expert. Believe me, there must be many people who will be very happy to meet you." Professor Broad said with a smile, "This circle has not had fresh blood for too long. "

"Me, an expert?" Albert was still a little dazed. In his previous life, an expert wasn't a good word, especially an expert who appeared on TV.

To put it in a sentence at the time, there is no way for experts to go on TV in the United States to talk to you.

For some reason, Albert felt that this was a bit unusual.

As far as he knew, wizards usually had a low status in the magic world before they reached adulthood. They were defined as fledglings, objects of protection.

A 12-year-old expert?
In Albert's opinion, it's a bit funny. It's not that he doesn't agree with Professor Brod's words, but that the magic world in his perception is like this.

(End of this chapter)

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