Popular science physics, teach a magic god?

Chapter 126 ‘Magic’ Confrontation (3 updates)

"It turns out that the purpose of driving away the dragons to cause harm to the surrounding countries is to force them to sign protection treaties in the future, or to have them hand over all the Masterless Mage Towers to him. Damn it! Did everything fall into the Archmage's plan?" A banker He followed the count's words, gritting his teeth and waving his fists as he spoke.

It must be said that his words were extremely inflammatory. It instantly ignited the anger in the hearts of everyone present.

For a moment, everyone in the conference hall was filled with indignation and cursed a certain master fiercely.

However, here are some details unknown to outsiders: The casino owner is really scolding the banker... Hi! It's rare for a black dragon to come to rob him, so he can settle the account of the money he embezzled. Black dragon! Black dragon! I have to offer you up.

External debts are not reduced at all, and internal deficits are replaced by peace.

Perhaps a person who is extremely unscrupulous may not necessarily become a private banker, but a private banker must be extremely unscrupulous.

Especially when some of the 'people' present still exude the breath of hell after removing some special treasures or magic circles from their bodies, the outcome of such a meeting can be imagined.

End of the meeting.

Although the Kingdom of Swetland has not publicly accused Master Tesla of driving away the dragon and causing today's disaster, N versions of the [possibility of dragon migration] have been circulated in every tavern on the streets. inside.

"What? The entire city of Runse was almost destroyed. Is it actually the fault of Archmage Tesla?"

"Did he drive the black dragon out of his territory, and then he came to harm us?"

"Why should we bear the consequences of his mistakes?"

"I still have to pay for the house that has been there for 70 years! It was completely corroded by the acid. The house is gone, and I still have to pay for it!"

For a time, the crowd was excited.

Under the guidance of Sweetland officials intentionally or unintentionally, the civilians did not think that the city defense was not done well at all, because the flying dragon is really not something that can be defended if you want to, it must be the fault of Archmage Tesla!

You Tesla is so powerful, shouldn't you kill all the blind things in the world so that all humans in the world can live a stable life?

After the news brewed for a while, it turned into a collective petition, hoping that Count Luense would plead for the people and let Archmage Tesla compensate the people of Swetland for their losses!

The news came back to Downs and the others when they arrived at a hotel in Annil, another city in Swetland.

The third brother was immediately dumbfounded.

Harry: "Senior Brother, are you putting the blame on Master?"

Downs went a little crazy and scratched his hair like a chicken coop: "Those bastards deliberately preached like this. They wished that Master would personally help them kill all four black dragons in order to prove their innocence. Damn it, I We underestimate their despicability."

Sanders sighed: "Not necessarily. If the Archmage really did this, they might say that you had a guilty conscience and deliberately killed the black dragon, and then grandly ask you to get back the gold coins they lost."

The little man was extremely frustrated: "Did we screw up?"

"Yes! You did mess it up." A cold and familiar voice suddenly echoed in the room, startling the four of them at the same time.

Looking up, they discovered that [Laifu] was actually hanging upside down in a shadow on the beam, with an anthropomorphic face that perfectly reproduced the expression of the real owner, Ren.


"grown ups!"

The four guys were so frightened that they bowed down on the spot.

"Haha! I just went out, and you all ran out and caused such a big thing."

Ren was a master with a lot of prestige. A casual word would be like a landslide to the three disciples, frightening them to the point where they couldn't even breathe.

"Master! Everything was planned by me, and all the faults should be borne by my senior brother. If you want to punish me, just punish me." Tangs simply took the blame directly.

Renn did not answer directly. His sharp eyes glanced at several guys through the rifle. He looked at them with fury before he said, "Tangs, please tell me first, how you planned it."

Downs did not dare to hide anything and told the whole process of his plan.

After listening, Renn smiled: "Oh? Your idea is to lure the black dragon to rob, then go back and kill the black dragon, and then swallow the stolen money to solve my financial gap?"

"Yes!" Tang Si knelt down and worshiped, big beads of sweat oozing out from his forehead and falling to the ground drop by drop.

"Fool! You don't even understand who your enemy is. You deserve to be tricked." Ren's eyes were sharp: "What you have to face is not a human being at all, but a devil!"

"Ah!?" The four of them said in unison.

Renn smiled: "If someone finds the so-called evidence in the future, you don't need to pay attention to it. First of all, it's you - Downs! You have a wind-controlling horse and go for a ride on it. Is this reasonable?"

"Uh, yes."

Renn turned his head: "Barend, you are born with a damn charm that has no place to be, and you attract bees and butterflies. This is quite reasonable, right?"

Barend's young mind, which was over 60 years old, was refreshed for the first time: "Yes, Master."

Renn finally looked at Harry: "Then you go out to travel and protect yourself. Is that reasonable?"

Harry said speechlessly: "Yes..."

"Then you can wander around Sweatland as you please, and leave the rest to my master."


Not long after, just when the dirty guys in Swetland thought they had a plan and could seize the moral high ground and kidnap Renn, Renn spoke out through the channels of King Cervantes and Grand Duchess Sophia.

"Since ancient times, it has been the tradition of the human race to open up wasteland in the unclaimed land. My college is located in the Fulong Mountains where no human country has claimed sovereignty. This is my choice. As for the exorcism of the dragon and the harm to our neighbors, it is not ours. I hope... the nobles of each country have the duty to protect their territory, and nobles who cannot protect their territory are not worthy of being lords."

"I am deeply saddened by the misfortune of our fellow human beings due to the migration of dragons, and I stand with them in spirit."

Translated into vernacular, the first two paragraphs are: It's none of your business to expand my territory, and it's not like I deliberately drove the flying dragon to your home. I will provide all possible help to the unlucky ones affected.

I have to say, this is very [neutral].

The real picture is at the back:

"The recent false rumors involving us are all the devil's conspiracy lurking in the major banks in Swatland. I swear in the name of Tesla that the Bank of Swatland has long been reduced to a devil's cave. Please take all countries seriously." Review the loan agreement signed with him for any hidden fallen soul clauses. If you find similar clauses, be sure to annul the loan contract immediately and purify its hell gold."

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