People in One Piece are so good-looking

Chapter 381 Shock in the Holy Land

At the top of the Red Continent, Marie Gioia.

This is a holy place on earth that countless people yearn for. The streets paved with red carpets are wide and luxurious, and there are rows of magnificent and elegant buildings.

Whether you look around or wherever you look, there are magnificent scenes everywhere, and even the air is exceptionally fresh, making you feel like you are in the clouds and heaven.

But in this world.

Behind the brighter things, there is often the dirt and ugliness that is most difficult to see.

The sun sets in the west.

Night falls and the lanterns are turned on.

Marie Joa entered the state of "the city that never sleeps", and the sound of singing and dancing could be heard faintly in the splendid palace.

In the edge streets, many slaves who had worked hard all day were roughly driven into dark and damp rooms by the overseers and guards, just like cattle and sheep.

It was more like a dungeon than a room. It was dark, overcrowded, and the environment was naturally extremely harsh.

But the slaves who were extremely tired didn't care about this. Many of them didn't even glance at their dinner. They lay down on the straw mat and fell asleep.

Only those who are particularly strong, or newcomers who have just arrived, will cheer up and wolf down food that looks like swill.

The sixteen-year-old boy, "Lightning", is one of them.

Rotten cabbage roots, fatty meat residue, rancid and smelly black bread... the mixture of the things in the basin was simply disgusting, but in the face of extreme hunger, all these were nothing.

The young man almost couldn't wait to pick up the food bowl. He slurped down and ate happily. He finished all the food in a short time and licked the bottom of the bowl with unsatisfied interest.

"Damn it, you little brat..."

A hoarse voice came from the side, "How delicious is this thing?"

Lightning subconsciously turned his head and saw a big bald man next to him who was five or six meters tall and with a face full of scars, looking at him in surprise.

"I'm so hungry."

Lightning scratched his head in embarrassment, "And it's quite delicious. At least it's much better than what I ate before I was caught here..."

"where are you from?"

The bald man raised his eyebrows and looked up and down at this strange boy with half yellow and half white hair, and a lightning bolt carved on his forehead.

"South China Sea, Jiamu Principality."

"Oh, no wonder."

The bald man suddenly understood and asked no more questions.

He is also from Nanhai and has heard of the name of Jiamu Principality.

Because the Grand Duke had offended the Celestial Dragons at the World Conference in the early years, the heavenly gold offered each year was doubled, and the country that was not already wealthy suddenly became even worse.

In just a few years, the country's population dropped by nearly half. All the royal families, including the Grand Duke, had their heads cut off by the angry people and hung on the city walls. After that, the riots were suppressed by the World Government, and countless victims were displaced and starved to death everywhere.

Look at it this way.

Perhaps being reduced to slavery would actually be a good thing for the young man in front of him.

Looking at the boy who was still rubbing his belly, the bald man shook his head and handed over his half-remaining food bowl.

Lightning's eyes lit up and he thanked him. He eagerly took the food bowl and started eating, showing an astonishing appetite that was not consistent with his thin body.

The bald man was rubbing his sore shoulders and looking at him with a smile, his eyes were gentle, as if he was thinking of his son who had not yet died in the hands of the Tianlong lackeys at this time last year.

After a while.

The lightning that swept away the empty food bowl like a swirling cloud finally raised its head and burped with satisfaction.

Seeing the bald man looking at him, he smiled shyly and carefully placed the food bowl back next to the former. It was when he turned around that he noticed another strange "roommate" in the corner.

He was a young man in his twenties, with a messy beard that looked like he hadn't shaved in several years, sunken eye sockets, and was as skinny as a bone.

At this moment, he didn't eat dinner or go to sleep. He just leaned half in the corner, staring blankly at a shabby photo in his hand. Sometimes the corner of his mouth curled up, as if he was imagining some sweet dream.

"What's wrong with him? It seemed to be the same last night. Isn't he hungry at all?"

Lightning could not hold back his curiosity and quietly asked the bald man next to him.

"Leave him."

The bald man glanced at it and then withdrew his gaze. He curled his lips and said, "That guy's name is Tezzolo. He has been like that since five years ago. He was quite energetic when he first came in. He looked around for other slaves to find out his name. What Stacey’s girl.”

"and after?"

"Later? The girl was thrown into the Colosseum by the Celestial Dragons and fed to the lions, and he became like this."

The bald man spoke calmly, as if he was talking about an ordinary trivial matter.

Lightning felt pity, and moved over to talk and comfort him, but Tezzolo didn't even raise his eyelids to look at him, and still stared at the photo in a daze. He had no choice but to come back and rubbed his mess in distress. s hair.

"Go to sleep, don't waste your efforts."

The bald man was already lying down, waving his hands and saying, "I have to get up at six o'clock tomorrow morning to catch up on work. If I don't get enough rest, I'll lose my hand tomorrow because I'm not in good spirits, and I'll have to be whipped again."


Lightning had no choice but to lie down obediently, but the next moment his body reacted like a "hiss" and he sat upright in pain.

"Did you get whipped this afternoon?"

The bald man didn't even look back, he just threw a small cloth bag over and said, "The powder made from serratia worms is not as good as the potion, but it is still somewhat useful. Just apply it yourself."

Lightning hurriedly took it and was about to open it when he heard the lazily voice of the bald man:

"With your small body, if you do this kind of work every day and still get beaten, I'm afraid you won't be able to make it to the end of the year. Next month, the housekeeper from the manor outside will come to select people. Remember to clean up and tidy up, maybe you will be selected."

"The Celestial Dragon's manor?"

Lightning was slightly stunned, "If you go somewhere, what will you do? Will your life be better?"

"Gardeners, servants, assistant cooks and apprentices, whatever you need, you can do whatever you need."

The bald man let out a long yawn and sneered, "If you were smarter and more obedient, at most you would get less whippings and live a better life? Let's forget it. No matter how good you are, how much better can you get? Remember , now that you have come in, these days are destined to be endless."

Having said this.

He said no more, and soon began to snore loudly.

Lightning silently applied the powder, folded the cloth bag, and carefully put it into the bald man's pocket. Then he hugged his knees and slowly lay down sideways on his straw mat.

It was already dark at this time, the candles had been extinguished in the prison, and snoring could be heard in the darkness.

The young man looked into the depths of the dark corridor, tossing and turning, unable to sleep for a long time.

Are these days really endless?

It doesn't seem to matter. After all, when I get outside, it's just another bigger prison. I just don't know what happened to my mother and brother who were separated from me on the way to escape.

if you can.

Before I die, I want to see them again, even if I only meet them once...


The night we were separated was like today, right? The moon was covered by dark clouds, and it was pitch black without any light. Only the crackling and burning village in the distance was swaying with firelight.


Lightning was suddenly stunned, staring at the flickering flame on the dark wall in astonishment.

Where did the fire come from?

The young man suddenly woke up and stood up, standing on tiptoes and looking out the iron fence window. His pupils reflected the blazing fire burning in the rows of bustling buildings in the distance.

"There's a flood! There's a flood in the south of the city!"

"The north of the city is also burning!"

"Damn it, someone must be setting fires in the city! Search everywhere and catch him!"


There was a loud noise, and the iron door of the prison was kicked open.

The two guards who came to stop them saw huge red fist shadows in their eyes. The next moment, they screamed and flew backwards, fell to the wall, rolled their eyes and passed out.

In the light of the fire, the tall red fishman leaned down and roughly took away a large bunch of keys from their waists.

Then he strode into the dark corridor.

After a while.

At the door of this prison, a group of slaves appeared.

They supported each other and followed the fish-men out. They looked at the burning city in front of them and listened to the commotion of sirens and screams coming from far away. They could not recover from the shock for a long time. .

Young Lightning was also among them.

"'s not a dream, someone really came to save us."

The bald man next to him pinched his arm hard, but his face was still full of disbelief.

He was woken up by the boy who shook him crazily in his sleep. In a daze, just as he was about to get angry, a tall fishman with red skin broke open the door and rushed into the prison.

Before he could react, he saw this strong man knocking out all the guards and releasing them all.

"Hey, big guy!"

The bald man couldn't help shouting to the fishman in front of him, "Who are you! At least let us know your name!"

"That kind of thing doesn't matter, we'll talk about it later!"

Many slaves around were kneeling on the ground in tears, kowtowing to the benefactor who saved them. Fisher Tiger helped the nearest few and roared:

"Get up quickly! Now is not the time for such an occasion. Is there anyone among you who can fight?"

"Fight? Of course you can!"

The bald man laughed loudly, clenched his fists and waved in the air, "I am a descendant of the giant clan. I have eaten dinner and have enough strength to move my hands and feet!"

You clearly gave half of it to me, so how could you possibly have enough to eat... Lightning glanced at him disdainfully, but he gritted his teeth and raised his hand high:

"Me! I also have strength and can participate in the battle!"

"And I!"

"Benefactor! I can do it too!"

There was a thunderous response all around.

Not only young and strong men, but also some young girls and old people, their faces turned red and they raised their arms high.

"That's good, now, hurry up!"

Fischer Tiger raised the torch in his hand high and roared:

"Split up! A group of people go to the nearby streets and continue setting fires! The rest of the people, follow me, go to the other prisons in the city and rescue everyone as quickly as possible!"


"Leave it to me, benefactor!"

Someone took the torch from the fishman and rushed to the nearby streets;

There were also people who followed Tiger and rushed to other prisons.

Even at some forks in the road, when guards were chasing them, some of the slaves took the initiative to separate and fight back the enemy.

He has been trapped in hell for a long time and suffered all kinds of torture, but now there is the hope of breaking his shackles, escaping and being saved.

No matter how cowardly a person is, he can still burst out with amazing courage at this moment.


There was another loud noise, and the tall iron door in the dark was kicked open.

"I absolutely love this feeling."

Standing at the door, urging the slaves below to come out, the bald man grinned and turned his head, "Hey! Little Lightning! How many batches have we rescued?"

"The fifth batch."

Lightning answered without hesitation, he remembered it clearly.

At this time, more than half an hour had passed, and the entire Marigioa was in chaos. According to the benefactor, in half an hour at most, they would have to end all rescues and start all evacuation.


The guard room next to him was suddenly kicked open. Tezzolo stuck out his head with surprise on his face, "Hey! Big guy! There are many guns here, at least hundreds of them!"


The bald man's eyes lit up and he smiled even happier:

"This is even better! Hurry, Tezzolo! Distribute the guns and deal with the pursuing guards next time. It will be much easier!"

"no problem!"

Tezzolo hurriedly turned around to do it. When he turned his head, his hands were trembling and his eyes were shining with excitement and desire.

Lightning scratched his head. This guy, obviously not long ago, was slumped in the corner with his face as numb as a dead person. Why now... seems to have a higher fighting spirit than anyone else?


PS: The leader has not added any updates yet, so be prepared to add 4 updates in total. The first chapter will be repaid tomorrow.

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