Legendary FBI Detective

Chapter 751: PlanAPlanZ

Chapter 751 PlanA—PlanZ

Trian, who joined the federal army when he was young, participated in the selection of the Navy SEALs, but was eliminated at the last level.

 After fighting on the battlefield for several years, Trian was forced to leave the army due to mental illness. Returning to the Federation, he quickly spent all his savings, asked acquaintances to introduce him, and changed his job to become a killer who made money by taking orders.

Roan Greenwood, FBI Washington, D.C., is a well-known special investigation team leader with excellent case-handling abilities, strong combat capabilities, and excellent counter-reconnaissance awareness. As far as killers are concerned, this is a very difficult target.

 Trian did not intend to take on this task at first. He has completed many orders and killed many people over the years. He didn't care if the other party was innocent. He only knew that he could afford to drive a luxury car, eat delicious food, ride... and drive a good car, all in exchange for the heads of these people.

 Because of this, Trian has always stayed away from federal law enforcement personnel, and he has not yet enjoyed enough luxury life.

But in the end, Trian still accepted the order from Roan Greenwood.

 On the one hand, the orderer's request this time was not to kill, but to follow; on the other hand...the orderer gave too much. Trian was shy and not very good at rejecting other people's kindness.

This morning, when he received a call asking him to end the tracking, Trian was stunned for a moment, and then asked the orderer if he wanted him to kill Roan Greenwood directly.

There are two reasons why Trian asked this question. The first is that tracking missions have so much money. If Luo An is killed, the orderer will definitely give more money.

  Secondly, Trian has been tracking Roan Greenwood for a month, and Roan Greenwood found nothing unusual at all.

The orderer ultimately rejected the offer, which made Trian a little unhappy, but he cursed Roan Greenwood a few times and called Roan Greenwood a piece of shit, and then drove away from Wall Street. He would not take the initiative to kill someone without anyone paying him.

Trian, who had just woken up from sleep and was still a little unable to open his eyes, now his eyes widened and a few drops of cold sweat fell down. He quickly moved to the closet and opened the secret compartment.

As a result, there was only a small dagger in the secret room, and the other pistol that was supposed to be there also disappeared without a trace.

This shows that Roan Greenwood's strength is just like this. The title of "the best investigation team leader" may have been blown by some senior FBI executive. Trian has seen this kind of thing a lot in the military.

Tracking someone is a very physically and mentally demanding task. Trian was very tired this month. After the task was completed and the money arrived, he immediately checked into a high-end hotel and called four beautiful young women with good figures and skillful techniques. Model gives herself a massage.

Lying on the bed, Trian clucked his tongue and thought about it carefully for a long time, let out a few weird laughs, took a sip of water, lifted the quilt and prepared to get up to wash up.

Based on his tracking experience these days, Trian judged that killing Roan Greenwood might be a bit troublesome, but not very difficult. This order can be done.


 It came up empty!

 He remembered that he went home yesterday and went straight to bed without pouring himself any water.

  After a deep sleep, Trian woke up and it was already 4:30 in the morning of the next day.



“The long-haired female model yesterday was really good. It is said that she is a college student working part-time at a certain university in New York…”

 Leaving the hotel and driving back to a certain villa, Trian lay on the bed and fell asleep as soon as he closed his eyes.

As soon as he sat up, Trian paused suddenly, and then slowly lowered his head to look at the water glass in his hand.

A chill ran from his waist to the back of his head, and the hairs on Trian's hair instantly stood on end. He threw the water glass out, quickly turned over and left the big bed and lay on the floor. At the same time, he stretched his right hand under the bedside table, where he had been hiding something. A pistol for emergencies.

 After more than three hours of massage, Trian was even more tired.

With his scalp numb and numb, Trian cursed in a low voice, took a deep breath to suppress the panic in his heart, held the dagger and tensed his muscles, and slowly and cautiously walked out of the bedroom step by step.

There was no one in the living room. Trian turned to look at the kitchen on the other side, his pupils shrinking suddenly because there was a very familiar figure to him at the dining table.

At the dining table, Luo An, dressed in black sportswear, was tapping on Trian's laptop. Next to the computer was Trian's pistol. Seeing that the other party saw him, Luo An raised his head and smiled:

“Good morning, Mr. Trian, I see you slept soundly last night, I don’t have the nerve to disturb you, I’m sorry.”


At this time, cold sweat had completely soaked Trian's back, and a lot of possibilities flashed through his mind. After a few seconds of silence, he swallowed, tightly grasped the dagger in his hand, and asked:

 “Have you noticed that I’m following you a long time ago?”

Luo An didn’t say anything, smiled and nodded.

Trian was suddenly worried, and then asked:

 “Then why did you find me now?”

Luo An spread his hands and asked with a smile:

"What do you think?"

As early as a month ago, after having dinner with Morgan and Edward and leaving the private club, Luo An relied on the "emotional perception" in his mind to find a figure following him behind.

 Luo An was not surprised by this, because this was exactly the result he wanted.

  When he initially investigated the truth behind the death of his father, Charles, and his mother, Beverly, but found nothing, Luo An realized that the water behind this matter might be very deep.

At that time, Luo An had no clues. He had no clue except knowing the depth of the water, and could do nothing, so he had to choose to investigate slowly.

 A month ago, when Joseph, the real culprit behind the murder of the deputy governor after a heart transplant, appeared and revealed that he had a good relationship with Luo An's father, Charles, Luo An realized that there was an opportunity to investigate the case.

 Joseph was a rich man and belonged to the upper class in the Federation. He must know a lot of information, which also meant that many people knew his information.

 That is, someone must know about the friendship between Joseph and Charles.

 As the son of Charles, Roan captured Joseph. In order to find out the truth and for revenge, he would ask about Charles.

How many things that Joseph knows is specifically. The behind -the -scenes of the killing of Charles may not know. At this time, there are only three options behind the scenes:

 Send someone to kill Luo An; or send someone to kill Joseph; or kill both of them.

Luo An was waiting for this. He was waiting for the man behind the scenes to send someone to kill him. Because the other party didn't send someone, and he had no clues, he couldn't continue to investigate.

 Because of this, he went to a temporary prison without any disguise.

Roan went to the private club again the next day, and did not express his approval or rejection of Morgan's suggestion to use gold coins to post a reward in the club to find clues to the truth about Charles' death.

Roan was unable to determine at the time whether there was an informant in the club who was behind the murder of his father, Charles.

Later, he noticed that Trian appeared and started to follow him. Luo An was very happy. The ten million dollars transferred by Morgan were temporarily forgotten by him.

Roan thought that Trian would take action at that time, so he purposely slept with Mona that night.

 As a result, Trian made no move at all. For the next period of time, he just followed and had no intention of taking action.

This made Luo An realize that his PlanA had failed.

 But Luo An is not panic, he still has PlanB to PlanZ.

 (End of this chapter)

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