After Mito left, the four Kiritos also followed the other freshmen to complete the assembly in the playground, and were then taken away separately by some teachers.

Unfortunately, Kirito and his two younger brothers are in different classes.

"Brother Kirito, what should I do?"

Yamazaki Heizo said a little uneasily.

The same is true for Noda Dahe on the side.

The two of them are different from Kirito. They both grew up in orphanages. Because of their low self-esteem, they have never gotten along with other children except those in the orphanage.

Before, it was because Kirito was around and they had someone to rely on, so they weren't so nervous. But now that Kirito is about to be no longer around, they immediately feel a little restless.

"It's no problem. Believe in yourself. You are trained by me, Kirito. The gains you get through hard work are not fake. So, there is absolutely no problem. Also, I will always support you behind your back. .”

Kirito comforted him.

He knew why the two of them were restless. It was just a lack of self-confidence. Because without their parents to rely on, they always felt that they were inferior in front of other peers.

From the beginning, they lost at the starting line.

However, they are no longer the same as before.

In the past month, his two younger brothers and the pharmacist No Naiyu have also been working hard to become stronger in their own way.

Among them, Yakushi Noonoyu has naturally grown the most. He has completely mastered the Three Body Technique. The two younger brothers are almost there, but they have successfully cultivated chakra and mastered the Substitution Technique, which is the easiest to learn among the Three Body Technique.

Looking at all the freshmen, excluding those from the ninja clan, his two younger brothers are definitely at the top level.

After all, at this age, there are very few civilian freshmen who have successfully cultivated chakra.

Children with parents and children without parents have different levels of effort after all.

With Kirito's comfort, Yamazaki Heizo and Noda Taiga's nervousness eased. They recalled the power they had mastered after a month of hard work. Something called confidence took root in their hearts, and then they said to Kirito in unison. The person said: "Yes, Brother Kirito."

. . .

The class that Kirito and Nawaki were assigned to was Class A. The teacher in charge was Mitarai Wasabi. She was a female teacher with short hair. She was beautiful, with a good figure, and her clothes were cool, but her expression was a little cold. You could tell at a glance that she was a teacher. A cold lady who is not easy to get along with.

There are three students sharing a table. Kirito's seat is in the last row by the window, while Naoki sits next to him and on his right. As expected, this must be Mito's handiwork.

But what he never expected was that the person sitting on his left was Uchiha Chizuru.

Uchiha on the left, Senju on the right.

Kirito suddenly felt a lot of pressure.

"Hey, good morning."

When Chizuru, the aloof lolita, sat down, Kirito greeted her in a friendly manner.

Neighborhood relations must be taken care of, otherwise various problems will definitely occur in the future.

"Hmph, don't talk to me."

Chizuru turned her head away in displeasure, not wanting to be friendly with Kirito at all.

"Hey, what do you mean, you bastard Uchiha."

Of course Naoki was deeply impressed by Chizuru. When Qianzuru sat on Kirito's left side, Naoki kept staring at her. When he saw his good brother being bullied, he immediately stood up for Kirito and stood up. He pointed at Chizuru and shouted angrily.

"Trash Senju, you don't deserve to talk to me."

If Chizuru's attitude towards Kirito was disgust, then her attitude towards Naoki was one of ignorance. She didn't even look at Naoki.

"Asshole, let me teach you a lesson."

Naoki is a typical impulsive personality and never thinks too hard about things. He was instantly angered by Qianzuru's attitude and rolled up his sleeves to hit someone.

But before the crime was successfully committed, a loud shout came.

"Nasaki, Tohsaka Kirito, and Uchiha Chizuru, all go out and stand for punishment."

On the podium, Mitarai Wasabi stared at the three of them with a cold face, exuding a terrifying aura that no one should approach.

Naoki saw the reflection of his grandma in Mitarai Wasabi and instantly became honest.

Kirito was a little confused.

Why did he even have to go out and stand for punishment?

It's only his first day, is he going to be labeled a thorny student?

Chizuru chose to ignore it.

A mere chuunin.

Who has the right to order her?

She is an Uchiha.

Soon, she was severely beaten by Konoha's chuunin, and she became honest for the time being.

"Why do you want to fight me too?"

Kirito, who was standing in the corridor with a big bag on his head and a bruised nose and face, thought extremely depressed.

When the other children in the class saw Kirito, Nawaki and Chizuru being beaten up by Mitarai Wasabi, they all fell silent and became very honest.

The three of them, Inar, Deer and Butterfly, were also in the same class as Kirito and sat together. They were originally gloating over Kirito and Nogeki's misfortune, but now they felt something was wrong, and they thought to each other:

"It's so scary. You must not make her angry."

"It's so troublesome. I'm afraid it will be difficult to sleep in class in the future."

"I'll treat her to snacks later. She should allow me to eat snacks in class."

. . .

"Hello everyone, I am Mitarai Wasabi, a chuunin, and I will be your teacher for the next six years. Everyone will introduce themselves now and tell their hobbies and dreams, starting from the first row."

Mitarai Wasabi was very satisfied with the current attitude of the students in the class. She returned to the podium in a flash and smiled.

The affinity of beauties cannot be overshadowed. Mitarashi Wasabi is a cold beauty. When she smiles, her affinity surges. The kiddos are attracted to her one after another, and then they stand up and introduce themselves in an orderly manner.

Soon, it was the turn of Zhu, Lu and Die.

Yamanaka Haiichi first introduced that his hobby is growing flowers and his dream is to open a flower shop.

"Congratulations, Haiyi, your dream will come true."

Kirito, who was standing in the corridor, nodded when he heard this.

Next is Shikaku. His hobby is sleeping. His dream is to be an ordinary ninja, marry an ordinary wife, and finally live an ordinary life.

"Oh~, Shikaku, this dream of yours is a bit difficult, your brain doesn't allow you to do it."

Kirito shook his head.

It's Dingzuo's turn. His hobby is eating and his dream is to eat all the delicious food in the world.

"I hope you can make it happen, Dingzuo."

Kirito sighed, then felt his nose was a little itchy and picked it.


Suddenly, a small laugh caught his attention.

He followed the sound and found that Qianzhe was peeking at him, but the other person was very keen. When he turned his head, she withdrew her eyes and showed her cold look again.

"Was she laughing just now? What was she laughing at?"

Kirito looked at Uchiha Chizuru in confusion, but seeing that she looked very pushy, he gave up communicating with her and continued to concentrate on listening to the self-introductions of the classmates in the class.

But not long after, he heard subtle laughter again.

This time, he heard clearly that Chizuru was laughing.

He immediately turned his head. Chizuru had returned to normal and looked at him with an indifferent expression.

"Were you laughing just now?"

Kirito asked.


Chizuru remained silent, but his eyes subconsciously looked elsewhere.

"It's really you."

Kirito found the evidence and then wondered why Chizuru was smiling.

Is the classmate’s self-introduction funny?

Or is it something else?

He began to put himself in his shoes and thought about the problem, and finally the answer fell on himself.

Suddenly, he put his finger on the bridge of his nose, pretending to be a pig's nose, and made a snorting sound.


Chizuru, who had been secretly looking at Kirito, suddenly widened her eyes, couldn't help laughing, and then quickly covered her mouth.

"It's really you."

Kirito wiped the spittle Xingzi from his face with his hand and smiled.

"Shut up."

Chizuru shouted with a red face.


Kirito pretended to be a pig again, and Chizuru couldn't help laughing again.

Kirito smiled and looked at Chizuru, who was blushing, grinning, and looking at him with murderous eyes, and suddenly found her quite interesting.

I didn't expect you to be such an Uchiha.

The laugh point is a little bit low.

Naoki on the side was a little confused, so he shifted his attention a little, why did his good brother get together with that Uchiha with a wide forehead.


He also wanted to join in, and immediately pointed his finger at Qianzhe and said: "With a wide forehead, come to me if you need anything."

Qianzhe was furious. Now that Nashu had said so, she was not polite.

She couldn't beat Kirito, and she hadn't beaten an idiot before.

Make a decisive gesture with both hands.

Go to hell, stupid Senju.

Art fire escape ho fireball.

"look here."

Kirito stepped aside and said suddenly.


Chizuru glanced at Kirito subconsciously, and then saw the bruised and swollen Kirito pretending to be a pig, and couldn't help but laugh again.

The skill of Hao's fireball failed without any attack.

A puff of black air spurted out from Qianhe's mouth.

It is difficult for a newbie to get started. I hope all book friends will come and read it more often to increase the reading rate. After reading it, I hope everyone will vote for this book more and invest in it. If you can give some monthly votes and rewards, Haruko will be grateful. Newbies and new books are so great. Difficult.

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