He stepped on his feet continuously, and his inner energy burst out from his feet again, facing the Li Huo that everyone was avoiding, like an arrow from a string, rushing towards Wu Qingxin.

This attack not only shocked the swordsman Lao Hu and others, Wu Qingxin was also unexpected.

She originally unfolded another talisman, but Qiao Mu rushed towards her and slashed her down with the long sword that was filled with energy and fire.

"So brave."

She clasped her hands together and used the inner strength of her palms to burst out, clamping the cutting edge of the sword. At the same time, he bent one knee and hit Qiao Mu in the lower abdomen, knocking him backwards and flying out.

Wu Qingxin glanced at her hands that were burned by Lihuo, but she didn't see how she moved. The Lihuo, which the warrior could not avoid, quickly extinguished it, only burning a layer of flesh on her hands.

"Get up!" She stepped on the flying sword, soared into the sky again, and disappeared in front of everyone in a few breaths.

"She escaped again...why didn't you pursue her?"

Qiao Mu glanced at his right arm that was gradually burning, then turned to look behind him, just in time to see two vague human figures in the fire, turning into ashes in the wind, and the ashes disappeared with the wind.

In the short fight, Wu Qingxin only consumed some mana and suffered minor injuries to his hands, while Qiao Mu had already killed two more people.

Both of them were at the fifth level of Qinggong, which was slightly inferior. They didn't even survive the first round of talisman fire, and they were wiped out in an instant.

"Qiao Zhong, why did you push me away just now..." Old Hu, the bearded swordsman, stepped forward at this time. He looked at Qiao Mu's burning right arm with a strange expression on his face.

"Well...because you haven't exchanged the secret book with me, it would be a pity to die." Qiao Mu thought.

In fact, he didn't think too much, mainly because he was almost used to risking his life to save others, so he subconsciously rushed forward just now.

"What a woman's kindness." Old Hu slowly shook his head. He looked at Qiao Mu's burning right arm and took out the long knife in his hand.

Chapter 89 Strange skills and tricks (3k

After Wu Qingxin left, the strange red fire gradually dwindled and did not turn into a prairie fire.

Only a few piles of ashes were left in place, which were the ashes of two fifth-level warriors.

Including Seducer Xu Cheng and three others who were burned to death beforehand, nearly half of the eleven people recruited by Xingxuan Envoy had been lost.

Wu Qingxin's only injury was caused by Qiao Mu's desperate dash, which burned the flesh and blood of her hands with Lihuo.

"Don't panic. Whether it's a warrior's internal strength or a cultivator's magical power, it will take a long time to adjust the breath to recover." Xingxuan said in a deep voice:

"Wu Qingxin is already an abandoned son of the Xuantian Sect. It is impossible for him to have a large amount of panacea for recovery."

"She is very exhausted now, otherwise why would she need to escape? When her strength is exhausted, it will be the time when she will be killed."

Are the Xingxuan envoys of Wujihui planning to forcefully kill Wu Qingxin... No wonder they summoned ten people this time.

This thought flashed through Qiao Mu's mind, and at the same time, the inner energy in his arms continued to burst out, fighting against the burning bone-corroding fire.

"Qiao Zhong, don't move." The bearded swordsman's expression became solemn, and he approached Qiao Mu with his knife. A cold light flashed on the long knife, and his eyes were fixed on Qiao Mu's arm.

But seeing the cold light flash past, he slashed with several knives in his hand.

A large piece of flesh and blood wrapped around Li Huo was cut out by him. Qiao Mu's arm was suddenly covered in flesh and blood, and blood spurted out.

The large piece of flesh and blood left Qiao Mu's body and burned away in almost a breath.

Qiao Mu's bloody arm had stopped burning. It seemed that the consecutive knives just now accurately separated the burning flesh and bones from the still intact flesh and bones.

The bearded swordsman tossed it casually, and the long knife in his hand that was entangled by Li Huo was stuck on the ground, rapidly deforming and twisting as Li Huo burned.

"Didn't you say that... once you are entangled by Wu Qingxin's bone-corroding fire, you will have to cut off your arms to survive?" Qiao Mu was slightly surprised.

At first he thought it was because he was ignorant again, but he soon came to his senses when he saw that the people around him, even the Xingxuan envoys from Wujihui, were paying attention to the bearded swordsman.

The swordsman only said lightly:

"Your internal strength is not bad. You can temporarily suppress the expansion of Lihuo. The fire has not burned your bones yet, so you can still be saved."

"Of course, I'm just giving it a try, and I'm not sure. If I can't stop the expansion of Li Huo, I can only cut off your arm with one more slash."

"To put it lightly, this brother is really a strange man. The sword skills in his hands are already as meticulous as if he were holding a dragon-slaying sword to carve tofu." The swordsman in white, the Jade-faced Feilong, also praised:

"It seems that those who dare to come after Wu Qingxin really have their own unique skills."

"This swordsman can be regarded as a master of martial arts, and he can enter the palace."

This swordsman's hand is too steady and too precise.

Just like the legendary chef cutting open the ox, he cut open Qiao Mu's arm quickly and accurately.

With several consecutive cuts, not only the flesh and blood were cut, but the bones were spared.

In one fell swoop, Qiao Mu's serious injuries that could have crippled him were reduced to minor injuries.

"These two are ruthless people. One dares to use the knife, and the other dares to just stay still and let him cut..." The strong man Pili's hand also murmured.

This time, the hunting saint team was temporarily convened by Xingxuan Envoy, and there was not much communication and trust between them.

The cooperation between the two in this operation surprised him.

"Lao Hu, your knife skills are really wonderful." Qiao Mu waved his bleeding arm and simply bandaged it to stop the bleeding.

"It's just some minor tricks, it doesn't count." Old Hu said casually:

"Weren't you introduced by the people in Tingchao Tower?"

"The people in Tingchao Tower are very well-informed. Those who can enter the three lists of strength, power and skills of Tingchao Tower warriors are really amazing."

"Compared with them, what does my little swordsmanship count for?"

"The three lists of strength, power and skills, can you tell me in detail?" Qiao Mu became excited and asked again.

"Qiao Zhong, you are not young anymore, how come you have never heard of this? How many years have you been practicing martial arts behind closed doors?" The swordsman was a little surprised, but considering Qiao Mu's blocking the knife for him before, he still explained: "In the old days, the martial arts world only vaguely divided the world's martial artists into internal and external martial artists." "Since the rise of the martial saint, today's martial arts has gradually explored three martial arts." "Blood martial arts is a group of martial artists who constantly pursue flesh and blood strength and vigorous blood and qi, and one force can defeat ten skills, similar to the previous external martial artists." "Internal strength martial arts is to think that internal strength is the foundation of martial artists. Even in old age, before the blood and qi have declined too much, the internal strength can still be maintained. The older you live and the longer you practice, the stronger your internal strength will be." "Some of them even think that as long as they break the life limit, they can rely on the growing internal strength to compete with those immortal cultivators sooner or later."

"For example, the head of the Qiao family in Heyang back then, practiced the Changsheng Fist to a high level, and his blood and qi did not decline even after he was over 80 years old. His internal strength was even more powerful, and he could be ranked in the top ten in the world on the strength list of Tingchao Tower."

"As for the skills of martial arts, that is, people like me who study strange skills and tricks, specialize in weapons and fists, and practice each martial art to a high level."

"The most famous legend in the world is that there was a martial arts master who was over 80 years old and his blood and qi had declined, but his swordsmanship was divine. He defeated a second-grade martial artist of the imperial court in his prime with a wooden sword."

"Any martial artist who can make achievements in the three martial arts of strength, strength and skills can be on the three lists of Tingchao Tower."

"In fact, in addition to this, there is also the third-grade martial arts of refining the spirit, but I don't know much about these..."

"Even a fourth-grade martial artist like you, Lao Hu, can't make the list?" Qiao Mu asked tentatively.

"Haha, I'm just a little bit of a joke." Old Hu smiled and said, "Just now, you really wanted to exchange martial arts secrets with me, so you pushed me away?" "Yes." Qiao Mu blinked. "What a clumsy lie, there is no such a fool in the world." Old Hu shook his head. "Don't you still want to teach the art of sex to the world? With such a lofty ideal, how can you die here?" Qiao Mu said casually. ".... You don't really believe it, do you?" Old Hu frowned and thought for a while, then took out a few thread-bound books from his arms and threw them at Qiao Mu. Qiao Mu looked carefully and found that the books on his hand were all not very serious titles such as "The Art of Knowing Fragrance", "Beating People with a Big Stick", and "Yellow Dragon Exploring the Clouds". "No matter what you think, now we are even." The swordsman Lao Hu glanced at Qiao Mu's right arm and said lightly: "I don't need you to save me, and you don't need to bother me." "...Okay." Although Qiao Mu was not afraid of death, he would not go to the cold butt. It's good to be even. After all, this bearded swordsman looks like a strange man, and his swordsmanship is meticulous. What if he gets too involved with him and secretly saves his life like Wang Songhe did back then? At this time, everyone has treated the injuries and continued to chase in the direction of the saint. The sky gradually darkened, and the leaves of the entire mountain forest rustled under the mountain breeze. There were faint screams like ghosts and wolves in the wind. Looking closer, there was another faint fire under the big tree in the distance. It was a middle-aged village girl in her forties or fifties. One of her arms was stained with the strange fire, which was burning at the moment, making her scream. "It's Wu Qingxin again...deliberately torturing people." Qiao Mu's eyes were slightly cold, and he was the first to rush forward. "Stand still." He shouted immediately, and at the same time reached out to touch the hilt of the sword at his waist. He was now experienced in being burned by fire, and knew that the burning of the fire could not be delayed. As long as the man's arm was cut off as soon as possible, he would not be burned to death. However, Qiao Mu had just stepped forward, and the village girl with the arm on fire flashed a kind of fanaticism that Qiao Mu could not understand, and rushed towards him. "The blazing holy fire, burn my body. Protect my saint, and die without regrets..." Qiao Mu's eyes flashed, and he stepped on the belly of the burning village girl like lightning, stepping her directly under his feet. However, there were more flames in front of him. "The blazing holy fire, burn my body..." In this wilderness, there were actually forty or fifty people who were on fire and rushed towards him with fanatic faces. These dozens of people seemed to be just ordinary villagers, but Wu Qingxin seemed to have used some magic to conceal their aura, which deceived Qiao Mu, who had sharp five senses.

At this time, he looked back and found that the bearded swordsman and others were standing there more than ten steps away, with no intention of coming forward. Only he rushed up alone.

"Women's kindness, it's not easy to live to this age in this world." Old Hu sighed slightly.

They were not sure whether this was a trap, but these people were deeply involved with the Wu Ji Society, and they would not easily be kind and save the village girl who was on fire in the wilderness.

"So that's it..." Qiao Mu stepped on the village girl on fire, his face slightly cold.

He was the first to rush to save people, but he knew that he would not die, so he dared to step on traps and act recklessly.

"It turns out that there were no innocent people tortured by Wu Qingxin, only fools who helped the tiger."

Qiao Mu breathed a sigh of relief.

Then he slashed down with the sword in his hand, decapitating the village girl at his feet who was still trying to grab him.

He didn't die because he had good skills and quick reflexes, and this village girl really wanted to kill him.

"Although it is a woman's kindness, it seems that the illness is not too serious yet." The bearded swordsman commented and stepped forward.

The strong man Thunderbolt Hand and others in the distance were afraid of the fire and did not get close. They only used their bows and arrows from a distance, or threw hidden weapons to kill the burning villagers from a distance.

The bearded swordsman was the only one who dared to get close to fight. He looked at the villagers expressionlessly and said:

"The stupid people only know how to blindly worship gods and immortals, and the teachings have entered their brains. There is no cure and they should be killed!"

His swordsmanship was exquisite, and when he cut into the crowd of villagers who were on fire, it was as if he was in a deserted place, and there was not a single spark on his body.

Chapter 90 Siege and Kill the Saint (4k

The bearded swordsman walked straight into the crowd and charged with his sword, as if he was in a deserted place.

His knife skills are very precise, each knife is directed at the vital part of the human body, and every blow is a life.

The jade-faced flying dragon and others behind were just throwing hidden weapons from a distance and skimming the formation. When they saw this scene, their faces were quite shocked.

With their strength, they are naturally far superior to these villagers who are on fire.

But as long as there is a little carelessness and a spark, it cannot be extinguished, and it will either die or be disabled.

They did not have the exquisite sword skills of the swordsmen, so they did not come forward to fight in close quarters.

It's not that they don't dare to fight for their lives, they just don't know how to fight for their lives with these ordinary villagers.

"The characters recruited by Xingxuan Envoy this time are quite extraordinary." The strong man Thunderbolt Hand commented:

"Is the swordsman surnamed Hu really unknown on the third list? Even if his energy, blood and internal energy are a little weak, he should be famous on the martial arts list..."

"It's not on the third list of Li Jin Skills, but there is a famous Swordsman named Hu in Tingchao Tower's other lists." The jade-faced flying dragon suddenly said this.

"What list? Is it more valuable than the third list of powerful skills?" Thunderbolt Hand asked again.

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