"He hasn't been in good health all this time. It's almost time."

The prisoners chatted in small groups.

An old prisoner suddenly fainted. Although it made them feel a little sad that someone had hurt someone else, that was all. There were not many other feelings.

Qiao Mu was silent for a moment, then stood up again and walked towards the old man's cell.

The chain behind him rattled, being pulled straight bit by bit.

The sixth-grade warrior's raging inner energy exploded, and the huge force pulled the iron chain tight instantly, making an overwhelming sound.

This sudden movement also interrupted the prisoners' chat.

"What are you going to do?" someone asked in surprise.

Yeah, what am I going to do.

Qiao Mu actually didn't have a very clear idea in his heart.

After all, he and the old man next door had just met each other and were not even close friends. They had just chatted nonsense in the past few days.

But that didn't stop him from taking action.

Whether he saves someone or not has nothing to do with whether the old man is a familiar relative or friend. The key is that he wants to save him.

Because he is immortal, there are no taboos.

Others cherish their lives and fear death, but he is not afraid.

"Let me show off today."

Qiao Mu took a deep breath.

The demon disintegrates, let’s go!

The iron chains bound to his body cracked and broke instantly!

Under the shocked gazes of many prisoners, Qiao Mu kicked open the cell door, but instead of taking the opportunity to escape, he kicked open the old man's cell and rushed into it.

Qiao Mu didn't know medical skills, so he simply observed the old man's condition and felt that the man's breathing was weak and his energy and blood were dry.

"Does any of you know medical skills?" Qiao Mu stood up and asked, his voice echoing in the cell.

No one responded, they were still in shock.

"No one knows medical skills?" Qiao Mu frowned, hugging the old man on the mat and preparing to leave.

Although Qiao Mu could break free from the chains and easily escape from the prison, it did not mean that he could fight his way out with his strength, otherwise he would be looking down on the city of Heyang.

If he really went out like this, he would be surrounded by officers and soldiers before long and piled to death. What's more, he has to carry an unconscious old man on his back, so trying to break in is a dead end.

At this moment, a prisoner finally spoke:

"I know medicine."

Without saying a word, Qiao Mu kicked the prisoner's cell open again and asked him to check the old man's pulse.

"The pulse is weak, the qi and blood are dry... In my opinion, this is not actually a serious illness, but he is... old." said the doctor in prison uniform.

"...He can still talk to me as usual these days." Qiao Mu asked.

"The old man is afraid of falling. If he falls, he will be gone." The prisoner shook his head:

"Things like life and death are inherently impermanent."

"Seventy years of life are rare in ancient times. It is rare that he can live to this age after being imprisoned."

"So, there is no cure?" Qiao Mu asked again.

The prisoner thought for a moment and replied:

"If you were outside, with someone taking care of you and taking care of yourself with medicine, you might be able to live for another ten days and a half."

Qiao Mu said no more.

At this time, the noisy sounds above gradually started, followed by the sound of opening the door and the sound of heavy footsteps.

The jailers heard what was going on in the cell and rushed in in droves.

"How did this prisoner escape?"

"The chain is broken? Did you make a mistake?"

"Tie it up again!"

Qiao Mu didn't resist.

Birth, old age, illness and death are the normal conditions of life. Although he was excluded, it was still beyond his power to save an old man.

He has tried to get treatment, but he was unable to force his way out of prison alive. He can only say that he tried his best.

So he was driven back to the cell by the jailers.

This time, as a prisoner who had escaped from prison, his treatment was not as good as before. The guards were afraid that he would escape again, so they put a thicker chain on him and tied him up. Tie tightly.

I used to be able to walk four or five steps in this cell, but now it's difficult to even take one or two steps.

"Why are you doing this...it's not a thankless effort." The prisoner doctor just shook his head and didn't say much.

The other prisoners who witnessed Qiao Mu breaking free from the chains and escaping from prison also murmured in their hearts.

If Qiao Mu was an ordinary prisoner, they would laugh at him for being stupid for doing such a thankless thing.

Not only did he fail to escape from prison, but he was also tied up with chains several times, and his future life would not be so comfortable.

But after witnessing Qiao Mu's huge strength that could even break the iron chain, they felt more in awe.

The strong are destined to be respected, even if they do such a seemingly stupid thing, they will only make people awe and inexplicable.

The old man, who had been groggy, opened his eyes, glanced at Qiao Mu, and smiled.

"It's rare for you, a young man, to have a kind heart, but I made a mistake."

"But just for my old bones, is it worth it?" He looked at Qiao Mu, who was heavily bound by iron chains.

Judging from his experience in being imprisoned for many years, a prisoner who fails to escape will definitely receive special attention from the cell boss.

Qiao Mu's eyes were calm: "Is it worth it? What do you do with so many calculations in this life?"

"It's enough to have clear thoughts."

"You have a clear mind, you are really interesting." The old man closed his eyes slightly and took a sip of water, but a bit of panic slowly grew in his heart.

He was semi-conscious before and heard Qiao Mu discussing his condition with the prisoner.

I can't die yet....I still want to live.

After staying in prison for so many years, the children at home must have grown up...

No matter how old you are, you will never be so open-minded about life and death.

Who doesn’t want to live a long life, who doesn’t want to live forever?

The night is getting darker.

When the old man was half asleep, the faint moonlight shining on him was suddenly blocked. He seemed to be aware of it and looked back, only to see the small variegated wild cat squeezed in through the small window on the wall of the cell, looking down at him.

The wild cat jumped lightly and landed lightly on the cold ground without making a sound.

It was obviously a little wild cat with messy fur, but it walked on the ground with a strange grace, step by step, leisurely, and then jumped onto the old man's straw mat.

"Go quickly, go quickly, this is not where you should be."

The old man tried to drive away, but he was already a little weak and his throat was very dry, so he couldn't make any sound.

The little wild cat wasn't afraid of people, so it climbed up and lay there close to the old man's chest.

The old man only felt a warmth coming from his chest, and a small furry thing pressed against him. He rubbed it gently and purred softly.

"This little thing... can't be driven away. Aren't you stupid?" The old man casually stroked the wild cat's back twice.

Unconsciously, the panic and fear of death in his heart gradually faded away.

I have been in jail and alone till now. It is not too bad to have this little thing as my companion at the end of my life...

Finally he fell asleep, snoring softly.

The little tabby cat just lay next to him quietly.

Perhaps because it disliked the coldness of the prison floor, it stretched its tail in front of it, stepped on the big fluffy tail with its two front feet, leaned next to the sleeping old man, and closed its eyes slightly.


The night passed.

When the guards on patrol showed up the next day, they soon discovered the old man's body.

"Then the old man is dead? Didn't he survive the night?"

"It's also his destiny."

"Stop chatting and get rid of the prisoner's body."

"...Did a dark shadow flash past just now?"

The messy wildcat suddenly woke up when the jailer opened the door and ran into the shadow of the next cell.

After the guards left, the prison became quiet again.

The wild cat was about to jump up the small window and leave, but suddenly heard the rattling of the chains beside him.

It raised its little head and took a look. In the faint morning light, it saw a tall man heavily bound by iron chains, looking down at him.

The little wild cat was wary and suspicious at first, then took two steps back.

Then he seemed to notice something, raised his nose slightly and sniffed, his pupils dilated.

Then he took two steps, and his previously graceful cat walk became slightly hurried.

It continued to walk forward, and when it reached the man's feet, it was already paralyzed and lying on the ground, its eyes were lifeless, and its tongue was hanging out of its mouth, revealing the cat's anesthetized face. expression.

"What kind of idiot is this? It's so astringent." Qiao Mu moved his body and his eyes rested on the empty straw mat in the next cell.

Chapter 70 I’m going to be famous again (4k

"What? Joe Piff is in jail?"

In the mansion in the west of the city, Shen Qinghe looked at his housekeeper in surprise.

"The master has been reading in the study these past few days. It can be said that he is concentrating on it."

"When I went out this morning, I found that this matter was a bit loud..." The housekeeper looked at Shen Qinghe.

Shen Qinghe has been reading books about immortal cultivators and souls in the past few days. He became fascinated as soon as he studied them. It was the butler who reminded him that he remembered this incident.

"This is really my fault." Shen Qinghe was slightly embarrassed.

His official position is a seventh-grade promotion official, and his duty is to push people to jail. Qiao Mu was imprisoned because of something, and he shouldn't know anything about it.

"But how can Qiao Pif be so trouble-making? The emperor can also have arbitrary opinions? Or is it in a crowded teahouse?"

Shen Qinghe was an upright official, only looking at what was right and wrong, and not caring about too many worldly things. Otherwise, he would not have been promoted from a fifth-grade Beijing official to a seventh-grade local official in Nanzhou.

He arranged for Qiao Mu to be the head catcher in the Six Gates. Firstly, he trusted Wang Shanhe, and secondly, Qiao Mu himself was very strong. Being a head catcher was not enough, but he was overqualified and overqualified, so it did not violate his official principles.

"Master, what should I do next? Do you want to go to the prison?" the housekeeper asked.

This housekeeper was an informant planted by Feiyu Guard. This reminder was actually because Emperor Yonghe wanted to see Shen Qinghe's attitude.

"You mean to hunt for people? Haha."

Shen Qinghe was very calm, with no obvious expression fluctuation on his face:

"When the king... Master Wang recommended him to come to Fucheng, it was with the intention of polishing his character. So why should I go to get him?"

"He said the wrong words and did the wrong things, and he will have to pay the price. Every time he suffers, he will gain wisdom."

After saying that, Shen Qinghe changed into his official uniform and prepared to go out.

"Since you don't want to fish for people, where are you going, sir?" the housekeeper asked.

Shen Qinghe said without hesitation: "Go and look at the files. Of course I have to check, what exactly did Qiao Pif commit?"


A quarter of an hour later.

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