I am the younger brother of Superman, but I got the template of Thanos

Chapter 71 I want to become a goddess (two in one)

"Teacher Ai Jinsi, Mr. Ai Jinsi..."

Akins refused the male school teachers who came up to her and asked for a date. She wore sunglasses and drove a beautiful red Mustang out of the school gate. There was also a teacher who refused to give up and held on to two concert tickets even after being rejected. Nanda tried to chase the car.

Ignoring it completely, the car drove onto the streets of the small town, the wind blowing the orange hair.

She held the steering wheel with one hand and drove with a hint of contempt in her eyes.

"I didn't come back to town just to date a bunch of high school teachers whose income couldn't afford a single-family home."

There is only one man in the entire town who can catch her eye - billionaire heir Lex Luthor.

There was fire in Akins' eyes as she drove towards the Luther Manor.

"I hope this Lex Luthor can bring me some surprises. I don't know what priceless collections he has in his treasure house."

She couldn't wait any longer and stepped on the accelerator to accelerate.

Luther sat behind his desk with a slightly ugly face, thinking about things.

Martial was promoted to the position of captain of the bodyguards, but before noon, something bad happened to him. A team member who was dissatisfied and jealous of him becoming the captain exposed his embarrassing photos.

I went to a bar to drink with other people, and when I was drunk, I kissed and touched the toilet bowl full of dirt.

"Martial, who has the best face, is immersed in the joy of becoming captain, and he doesn't know that he has become the laughing stock of others."

"Is it a coincidence or a price?"

Luther is not a boss who cares about his subordinates. He only cares about whether this is an accidental case, or... everyone who makes a wish with the wish stone will suffer bad luck?

He crossed his hands to support his chin, his eyes dark.


The study door was opened.

"Who are you?"

A hot woman wearing a pink miniskirt walked in. She ignored Luther and commented unsatisfactorily as if she was looking at her new home.

“The decor is too old-fashioned.

Although this is an old castle, I didn’t expect that a man rumored to be a rich second-generation playboy would have such a style in his study. "

"Who are you?

Martial, I don’t pay you a high salary of more than 100,000 yuan a month just to let you in casually. "

His thinking was interrupted, Luther looked at the bodyguards outside the door with cold eyes, and signaled them that it was time to do something.

No matter what tricks this woman dressed like a bar dancer used to trick them into coming in, ask them out immediately.

"Boss, we advise you, Miss Akins, to be polite!"

The affectionate gazes of Martial and others wanted to melt Ai Jinsi, as if she was the god of love and beauty who came to the world, a collection of all the good things in the world. When they heard Luther's words, they were deeply displeased. How could Luther treat her like this? The goddess is rude!

"You don't seem to like me?"

Ai Jinsi's hot body sat on the solid wood desk, lowered her beautiful face, and looked at Luther sitting on the chair with a playful smile in her eyes.

"Ma'am, I would like to remind you that there is a difference between sexy and slutty."

The bodyguard's reaction made him frown, and he turned to look at the woman in front of him. A trace of disgust flashed across Luther's face, and he sneered.

"Is it?"

Ai Jin chuckled nonchalantly.

"You misunderstood. I can make men die for me by hooking my hand. I don't need to betray my lust."

She smiled seductively like a succubus and blew the fragrance from her mouth.

This aroma is a bit too strong, like low-quality cream, and is so sweet that it makes people want to stay away.

Being intoxicated by the aroma, Luther shook his head, then looked at the woman in front of him, feeling that every part of her was beautiful from head to toe, and every part of her was God's perfect masterpiece. His mouth went dry.


His heart was shaken as cold as stone, and he opened his mouth to apologize for his ungentlemanly tone before, but he instinctively felt that something was not right, and he frowned.

"But...I am willing to make an exception for you."

Aikins smiled slightly at the corner of her eyes and said without any panic, leaning down and kissing Luther's lips.

Luther was not used to it and wanted to avoid it, but he soon began to enjoy the soft lips of the other party, and with the exchange of sweet saliva, he opened his eyes again with deep love, as if the woman in front of him was everything to him.

"Miss, can I know your name?"

His heart was so hot that he became completely unlike Lex Luthor. He took Akins's hand in an elegant and gentlemanly manner and kissed her passionately.

"I don't want to not even know the name of the woman who dreams of having a private life."


Seeing that he had captured Luther with his own abilities, at least he didn't have to worry about it for a while, Aikins smiled softly.

“However, before that, in order to prove your intentions.

Can you show me the most precious treasure in your collection? "

"Close the door and get out, all of you."

Luther ordered the bodyguards to leave, but several bodyguards were disobedient. It was Akins who spoke before they left.

After closing the door, he carefully took out the wish stone from the small safe on his desk.

"What's this?"

"A statue made from a single topaz?"

Ai Jinsi marveled at the topaz that was bigger than a palm.

Why does the crystal seem a little cloudy?

"No, its material is just citrine, but this is my treasure, it can fulfill your wish."

After closing the curtains, Luther was mysteriously stroking the treasure in his hand, lowering his voice as if he was afraid of being heard and snatched away his treasure.


After looking at the gray yellow crystal stone on the base, Aikins looked at Luther again, with a stunned expression.

"Are...are you kidding?"

Wanted to show myself a sense of humor.

"No, it's true."

Luther looked extremely serious.

Summer is coming, and the weather is getting a little hot. Martha is sitting in front of the electric fan, counting the bills, and is a little listless due to the heat.

"Honey, would you like a bottle of ice soda?"

After working all morning on the hot farm outside, Jonathan was still refreshed and had endless energy. He took off his gloves and came back from the outside, opened the refrigerator, and cast a glance at his wife.

"I do not understand."

Sweat lay down her neck, and Martha wiped it with confusion on her face.

"The cows we raise outside are lying on the ground in the sun, why are you okay at all?"

"Maybe it's also the function of that factor?"

Jonathan smiled and handed his wife a bottle of ice water. Martha reluctantly took it and applied it on her forehead, planning to use the remaining half of the bottle of strange liquid metal that her son had left for herself in the afternoon.

She was a little hesitant about immortality and didn't know if she could bear the death of all the friends she knew around her, but the fact that she was not afraid of the heat in summer and had unlimited vitality really moved her.

"Hi, we're back."

David opened the door and greeted his parents.

Martha took a look and saw that her two sons were also full of energy. She asked her two sons as usual and prepared to make lunch.

"David, Clark, how are you at school today?"

"Everything is fine except for the fire in biology class."

David took out a bottle of ice soda from the refrigerator and took a sip of the refreshing soda.

"Fire? What happened?"

When the couple heard that there was a fire, they immediately put down what they were doing and paid attention.

"That's up to Clark."

A little spark, he didn't contact Clark at first, but then he remembered that something was wrong, and when he asked Clark, he found out that it was him.

Clark is gradually awakening to one of the signature Kryptonian abilities - heat vision.

"What does this have to do with your brother?" The two of them didn't quite understand.

"I might have started that fire."

Clark scratched his head, unable to speak.

"My eyes started to heat up, and then the point where I was staring burst into flames."

"Staring? Is there any reason?"

Sounds a little dangerous, and the couple wants to find out what's causing Clark's powers.

"The new teacher Akins should be lucky that Clark looked away and didn't stare at her with wide eyes."

David teased.

"Otherwise, the students in class may have a psychological shadow, and the school will have to change another biology teacher."

"Female biology teacher?"

"Ahem, yes...yes."

Clark covered his mouth and murmured, glaring at his brother who had sold him directly.

The couple choked and looked at each other, not knowing what to say when it came to this issue.

"Don't stare at me."

David pretended to be scared and joked.

"Don't forget that you are different from others, your eyes can kill!"

The parents quickly stood in front of David and waved their hands hurriedly: "Clark, control your emotions."

"Don't worry, parents.

Teacher Aikins is not here now. "

David smiled and said that his parents had forgotten his abilities again.

"It's different from before. I've found a little trick to control my abilities."

Not long ago, he easily controlled the super hearing that suddenly appeared. Clark was very confident about this and emphasized angrily.

However, due to some considerations, he has not told anyone in his family about this matter.


"Well, it was through your inspiration."

Clark was a little discouraged when he saw his brother raising his eyebrows, unable to deny and erase his brother's achievements.

"As long as I don't resist the emerging ability, seeing it as a nuisance, as proof of my weirdness.

When I put my mind to it, I find it is much easier than I thought. "

"Sounds like a good thing?"

Jonathan and Martha felt that something was different about their eldest son, as if part of the shackles in their hearts had been removed, and it seemed worthy of celebration.

"Let's cook a big meal as a family at noon." Mother Martha suggested with a smile.

On the table, a sumptuous lunch.

Sweet roasted pumpkin, meat-and-vegetarian catfish with pine nuts, and chunks of beef stew with potatoes...

While the family was eating, a piece of news suddenly appeared on the TV, and the host announced it with a serious expression.

"Metropolitan Midday News reports for you that a bank vault in the small town of Metropolis Smallville was mysteriously robbed yesterday. No signs of the thieves breaking in or digging tunnels were found at the scene. A large number of precious jewelry and gold bars hidden in the vault were missing. Now, Please read our reporter’s interview with Officer Bob…”

The three of them were eating and moving, and their attention was attracted by this bizarre news related to the small town.

On TV, Officer Bob, a familiar figure to town residents, led reporters and cameras to observe the scene. He made a confusing analysis, but in the end he didn't come up with much useful information.

There is only one unreliable conclusion. According to the footprints found at the scene, the gang of thieves who committed this shocking crime seemed to have no entity, appeared in the vault out of thin air through the wall, and left through the wall with jewelry and gold bars.

"Could he be a person with abilities?"

The family speculated.

It was just a theft case that didn't involve anyone being injured, so a few people didn't take it too seriously.

After dinner, Clark went outside to practice everything from a scarecrow to a fence post to a trough for cattle.

Sure enough, he could easily control his heat vision, even to the point of melting stones, and even control his new ability to continuously heat a plastic water tank without burning it.

Seeing Clark using his abilities as naturally as a human can breathe or a fish can swim, David raised his eyebrows and was surprised.

"It seems that from now on, mother won't have to bother to warm milk every morning."

Normally speaking, it shouldn't be so easy for Superman to master his abilities as he grows up. Has he caused some changes on his own?

"Can't you do it too?"

After really making sure that the ability was under control so that he wouldn't accidentally hurt anyone else, Clark smiled.

He had seen David's eyes emit energy rays that vaporized the Lazarus Pool.

"By the way, where did your strange knowledge come from?"

Clark looked curious as he thought of things like the Lazarus Pool and the Dionysian Factor.

"Didn't I say that once?"

"The magician's diary that I accidentally picked up in Gotham?"

Clark remembered the reasons his brother had explained to his parents, and he touched his chin with a puzzled expression.

"But are there really magicians in this world?"

"There can be aliens in the world, why can't there be magicians?"

David glanced over and asked, causing Clark to choke.

His reasons were easily accepted by his parents, Jonathan and Martha. After all, something that could cure all diseases and bring the dead back to life sounded very magical.

"You mean this stone can really make people wish?"

There was a crackle, and even the hammer and chisel left no mark on the stone. Ai Jinsi shook off her hand that was so painful from the shock, with hot eyes, stroking the stone as if looking at the greatest treasure in the world, and stroking the face of a lover. .

She couldn't believe that there was such a magical item in the world, like Aladdin's lamp in fairy tales.

"How do you make a wish? Can you wipe it with your hands?"

Akins asked impatiently.

"No, just hold on and make a wish.

But I haven't figured out its limitations yet. "

Luther, who was possessed by the power and fell deeply in love with Aikins, truthfully told his discovery with a smile.


He wanted to say there might be side effects.

"You'll know after you try it."

But Aikins, who only regarded Luther as a slave and had a burning heart, couldn't wait any longer.

Think about what she wants that she can't get with this thing.

"If you put this stone in front of anyone, I'm afraid it will be difficult to stay calm. Even the president will go crazy about it."

"I want to become a real goddess, just like Aphrodite in Greek mythology!"

Aikins held the stone and immediately excitedly made a wish to become the god of love and beauty.

After she finished making her wish, there was silence in the air, and nothing seemed to have happened. There was no dazzling holy light as imagined, no little angels playing sacred music, and even the stones did not light up or tremble.

But the next second, she felt like something had changed in her body.

"Clark, I remember I told you to stay away from Lana."

After school in the evening, I got off the school bus at the gate of the farm.

After waving goodbye to Chloe and Peter, David and Clark were about to go home when suddenly a cold and angry voice sounded, and a figure slowly walked out of the shadow of the street lamp, blocking their way.

"But you don't seem to be listening to me at all!"

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