"The Court of Owls, who secretly rule Gotham, created immortal 'talons' from the magical metal amber as their minions."

David's eyes flashed.

However, although amber gold can bring people back to life, greatly increase their strength and agility, and possess immortality, the effects are too slow.

It is necessary to plant amber gold into the body, let the amber gold merge with blood and cells year after year, and freeze the body during this period, and finally resurrect the person.

“The process is too slow, so this can be seen as a last resort.

Another way - Lazarus Pool! "

He mentioned Avery, who was pale and unconscious, and planned to go back to the town first to see how his father was doing, otherwise he would not be relieved.

"Although I have to go back to Gotham later, at full speed, it only takes a few minutes to get back and forth between the two places."

For ordinary people, it takes several hours to drive to the two cities. For him, it is not much further than going to the supermarket in the town.

Bang bang bang!

After leaving the hotel, David broke through the sonic boom at lightning speed, faster than the fastest reconnaissance fighter plane on earth, and arrived at the small town hospital in less than three minutes.

Throwing the person on the rooftop, he found his father's hospital room.



The door to the ward was opened, and when she saw her little son, whom she hadn't seen for a few days, back, holding her husband's rough hand, her mother Martha, who was guarding her husband with tears hanging from the corners of her eyes, couldn't control her tears and called out with a trembling voice.


With his father unconscious on the hospital bed, David frowned and hugged his mother.

My father, who had always been optimistic yet stubborn, and as strong as a cow, was lying on the hospital bed, his lips were white, and his consciousness was so high that he was suffering from a high fever, which made people feel distressed.

"Children, have I told you about the first time your father and I met?"

The hospital has just detected that Jonathan has been poisoned by an unknown poison. His body is being destroyed and his life is expected to be in danger within a day.

Martha touched her husband's face with tears in her eyes and said sadly.

“At that time, he was taking a finance course at Metropolitan University, and he was sitting by the fountain, wearing a cowboy outfit, eating an apple.

I borrowed notes from him, but he didn't know that I actually took notes. "

"That was the first time we met. I thought about getting married to him, but I never thought about what it would be like to meet him for the last time..."

"It'll be okay, Mom.

I already have a way to cure dad! "

Listening to his mother's heart-wrenching memories of the past, David gently pressed his mother's shoulder and couldn't help but interrupt.

He turned back to look at Clark, with confusion in his eyes. If I didn't ask you to comfort mom, why is mom still so sad?

Keira was also in the room, and Clark had a downcast expression on his face.

His younger brother didn't tell him anything. He just said that there was a way, but he couldn't tell him anything. In fact, it was hard for people to believe it.

"Is there really a way? Son."

Wiping away her tears feebly, Martha looked back and her voice trembled.

"There is a spring in the world called Lazarus' Pool. The water it produces can heal injuries, maintain youth forever, and even bring the dead back to life."

In the room, David looked at his father on the hospital bed and said solemnly.

[Doubt from Keira +0.11, joy +0.10...]

Seeing Kayla's joy after he told her the rescue method, she was not nervous or in any other mood. It seemed that she was not the one who poisoned her. He was suspicious and wronged her. David calmly had thoughts flashing through his mind.

"Lazarus? I remember that was not a character in the Gospel of John in the Bible. He was originally critically ill and died, but was resurrected after Jesus prayed."

Clark opened his mouth when he heard a series of exaggerated effects of spring water mentioned by his younger brother. He felt that it was a bit fantastical.

Is it really not something my brother made up to comfort them?

Sad Martha also had some doubts.

"There are many magical things in this world that are beyond human common sense, but they are not illusory."

David hinted that he believed his mother, Clark and Keira in the room understood what he meant.

"Someone discovered its ability to heal and bring life back to life, so they named it the Lazarus Pool."

However, one thing he did not say was that the spring water in LS Road Pond had side effects.

If used in excess, it will deepen a person's dark side.

"So we must find the spring water and bring it back before the toxins cause great harm to the body, or at least before my father dies."

A hint of coldness flashed across David's eyes.

If you use spring water to revive the dead, you will definitely be affected, but if you use it a little to remove toxins from the body, there will be no problem.

"Kayla, thank you so much this time."

Looking at Kayla, who rushed to the hospital as soon as she learned of Jonathan's accident to help investigate the cause, David was silent for a moment and said.

"Please stay here with my mother. Clark and I will be back before dark."

Although she still doesn't agree with the prophecy, Keira does want to help their family this time.

"Clark, come with me."

After saying that, he pulled Clark, grabbed Avery from the rooftop and left.

After leaving the hospital, the battle came to the suburban power plant.

"I'll probably use your speed to save my father this time."

The Pool of Lazarus is not in this country.

"Use my speed?"

The scene before his eyes blurred for a while, and Clark, who was brought to the power plant, shook his head uncomfortably.

Not to mention speed, he couldn't do anything before. It was his younger brother who found a way to save his father. Not to mention using his speed, he was willing to give up his ability permanently.

"What's up with him?"

When he turned around and saw Avery, who was thrown to the ground with a pale face and was in a coma, he couldn't help but wonder if his brother had beaten the person into a vegetative state again.

"I wore the meteorite ring for a long time and passed out."

Asking Clark to hold Avery's hand, David directly cut off a cable and stuffed it into Clark's hand.


Clark was squatting down to check on Avery. He instinctively reached out to catch what his brother handed him. When he turned his head, he discovered that it was a high-voltage cable with sparks coming out.


His eyes widened, now he was powerless.

Before the cable was thrown away, high-voltage current passed through his and Avery's bodies. The kryptonite ring Avery was wearing glowed green, and the high-voltage current visible to the naked eye turned green.


The muscles all over his body twitched, and electricity filled his body, followed by a scream.

Clark opened his eyes, feeling that everything was back, and his body was full of strength again. He threw away the cable in his hand. He looked at his strong palms, and surprise appeared on his face.

If it were in the past, Clark would be happy to regain his abilities, but he would not be so happy, but now his brother said that saving his father's life requires his abilities.

"Were you too hasty just now?"

Although he got his abilities back, Clark couldn't help but said that his brother had just acted.

"Believe in yourself, you have great potential."

Taking off the kryptonite ring and putting it away, David was not too surprised that the result was easily achieved and patted him on the shoulder.

Superman can almost be said to be the son of DC. As long as it's not outrageous, he can do whatever he wants. At most, he will throw his body into the sun for a while.

Clark hesitated to speak.

The younger brother believed that he meant a good thing, but for some reason, he was a little panicked.

I think it would be better for my brother not to trust him too much.

"Ah! My heart, my heart hurts..."

Suddenly, Avery suddenly woke up and didn't understand why the Kent brothers were standing in front of him. The severe pain in his heart felt like it was being burned and about to explode, making him unable to think.

"Avery, what's wrong with you?"

Clark asked quickly.

But Avery couldn't answer. His blood accelerated like an uncontrollable wave. Veins popped up on his forehead. He spit out a mouthful of blood and fell to the ground without breathing.


"Don't look at me, I didn't do anything."

Seeing Avery's sudden sudden death, David frowned.

Perhaps this is the price for obtaining the power of a god on earth?

“Maybe there’s still a little bit of energy left in him.

He doesn't have your physique and can't withstand that energy. "

Clark's ability allows Avery's cells to absorb the energy of the sun, but without his strong physique, this energy is a life-threatening talisman.

“Ignore him for now.

We go to Gotham now. "

"Gotham?" When he mentioned more important matters related to his unconscious father, Clark quickly turned his head and stopped worrying about this issue.

My brother has just been to Gotham.

"There's someone out there who should be able to tell us the exact location of the Lazarus Pool."

David looked toward Gotham.

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