Homo sapiens

Chapter 101 Insights (3) (Please subscribe)

Lao Ma's small restaurant is called "Sichuan Flavor Restaurant".

"Xiao Li, greet the guests, I'll cook two dishes."

"Okay, boss." Xiao Li, who had only one hand left, quickly cleared a dining table. His expression was very dull and he had no intention of chatting with Fang Xinwu and others.

Fang Xinwu also saw that the other person was a person with a story. He leaned on the wooden chair and looked quietly outside the glass window.

The setting sun at four o'clock in the afternoon reflected on the faces of the busy crowd, and there was a kind of vitality in the chaos. Although these people could fight for tens of kyats with red faces, they were like ants looking for food in a garbage dump.

After a while, Lao Ma stir-fried a plate of twice-cooked pork, a plate of Mapo tofu, a plate of bacon and fried garlic, plus a plate of drunken peanuts and two bottles of bamboo leaf greens.

Hang a sign at the door of the restaurant saying it is closed today.

Xiao Li took Maang Heshui and others to eat at another table.

Only Fang Xinwu and Lao Ma were left.

"Have a drink." Lao Ma picked up the small glass.

Fang Xinwu also picked up the cup and touched it slightly: "It's done."

After finishing the glass of wine, Lao Ma picked up a piece of twice-cooked pork and put it into his mouth, and asked calmly: "Is the business not going well over there?"

"It's quite difficult. There have been great changes during this period, and business has been difficult." Fang Xinwu picked up a peanut.

"Understood, my business here is quite difficult." Lao Ma refilled Fang Xinwu's wine glass.

"How is the business of the Qingye Group?"

Hearing the name, Lao Ma raised his eyebrows, and then his expression became serious: "Xinwu, don't touch the affairs of this company, otherwise the consequences will be unpredictable."

"So dangerous?" Fang Xinwu was a little surprised.

Lao Ma whispered: "You are not in Taunggyi, so you don't know how domineering this company is. The other party can directly secondment Maung Gu's subordinates. The relationship between the two is very close."

"I only encountered some industries of this company in the Golden Triangle before. Do you have detailed information on Taunggyi?" Fang Xinwu asked.

Lao Ma glanced out the window, and then explained: "This company started out as a glass and cement company. I heard that it has exclusive technology, and the cost of producing glass and cement is relatively low, and the quality is very good."

"I know this."

After taking a bite of Mapo Tofu, Lao Ma continued: "Then this company developed rapidly in the southern part of Hongsawady. Now in less than a year, it has become a large group through joint ventures and mergers."

"Their businesses are very broad, including building materials, infrastructure, beverages, catering, hotels, daily necessities, medical care, transportation, agricultural products, food processing, mining, machinery manufacturing, power generation, water services, finance and the Internet."

"So many?" Fang Xinwu was shocked.

Lao Ma glanced at him, and then said a scary thing: "They also have their own school and security company."

"Isn't this a trust?"

"So what? The powerful people in Hongsawady are all closely related to each other." Lao Ma reminded him seriously.

"Does the family know?"

"I've written a letter." After Lao Ma finished speaking, he took a sip of wine from his glass and said, "Huh... don't expect that at home, they won't say anything openly, and the founder of Qingye Group, you should I guessed some questions.”

"I'm very worried about this person." Fang Xinwu looked a little unhappy.

Lao Ma shrugged: "What's the use of worrying? The sky is falling, there are tall people here, not to mention that the thing was caused by that group of people, why don't people be allowed to hold grudges?"

"..." Fang Xinwu was silent. There was really nothing he could do.

Li Qingye's level is no longer the young boss of the Xinxin Group, nor is he the defeated dog who fled in a hurry, but the chairman of a large group who can affect the stability of a region.

As for death, the location of Hongsawady is too critical.

Lao Ma has been working in Hongsawady for decades. Even though he has seen strong winds and waves, he is still overwhelmed by the current situation and has no idea what to do.

He also knew that there was something in the family that was sitting on a tightrope, unable to save face and talk to the other party, and now the situation suddenly became very passive.

After all, Lao Ma personally sent back a lot of the information. How could he not know the tricks in it?

After Li Qingye established a foothold in Hongsawady, he confirmed his immigration to the Transvaal Republic through the embassy in Yangon, and changed from a missing person to a normal immigrant.

From that time on, and after Yang Tianci was paralyzed by poisoning and the Xu brothers died of poisoning, Lao Ma began to pay attention to Li Qingye and the Qingye Group.

It can only be said that at that time, the relationship between the two parties was almost strangers. No one had any intention of talking to the other party, so they just pretended that the other party did not exist, and the stalemate persisted until now.

The recent internal changes in Hongsawady have suddenly made Qingye Group very popular.

You know, Lao Ma's detailed investigation report contains some data that is difficult for ordinary people to detect.

For example, Qingye Group occupies 42% of Hongsawadi's beverage market, 95% of the glass bottles and glass products market, 100% of the cement market, and 15% of the small hardware market.

It has 27 exclusive ports, 13 airports, toll collection business on 17 highways, the operating rights of 1 railway under construction, and a large number of roads, railways, ports, airports and public facilities under construction.

Not to mention the large tracts of cultivated land and mountain forests that have been annexed in the Shan State plateau and central valley plains.

Although this terrifying expansion speed will dilute Li Qingye's shares in Qingye Group, so far, Li Qingye is still the chairman of Qingye Group and has very strong control over the company's internal affairs.

Lao Ma said he was not worried, but in fact he was more afraid of Li Qingye than Maung Gu and others in Binmana City.

Judging from the other party's behavior, Lao Ma knows that this kind of person is the most difficult to deal with because the other party is very cautious.

At least in Lao Ma's intelligence network, Li Qingye has never left Dawei Port since his identity was revealed. Now he has moved to Taunggyi City. He is also very low-key and almost never leaves the core area of ​​Qingye Group.

After Li Qingye disclosed his identity, he only entrusted a law firm to get back his share of the inheritance, but was unwilling to return to the country in person.

Lao Ma will know some of the thoughts in the other person's heart.

But so what if you know this?

What Lao Ma just said to Fang Xinwu was not what he was telling himself.

"Have you tried communicating with the other party?" Fang Xinwu asked unwillingly.

Lao Ma smiled bitterly and shook his head: "No, some people were unwilling to be humble to an abandoned son before, so they kept putting it off. Now it's too late."

Yes, it's too late.

And if you start a relationship again now, the price will be different from before.

Before, I was a small entrepreneur struggling to survive.

Now it is a big trust that dominates Central and South China.

It's like going to visit relatives. When they were living in poverty before, you ignored them. But now that they are prosperous, you still want to go there and get back together with them? I'm afraid I'm not daydreaming.

Lao Ma compared his feelings and felt that there was a high probability that the other party would not be easily fooled.

After all, parents' hatred is irreconcilable.

The two of them drank wine.

In Hongsawadi in December, under the warm sunset, the two of them could not be happy.

But the vendors outside the window are facing the busiest time of the day.

Until an internal security patrol team, holding a loudspeaker in the pedestrian street, shouted to everyone:

"Recently, Qingye Hospital has launched free physical examinations. Everyone must go for a physical examination. Only those who have obtained the physical examination form can continue to operate..."

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