Godzilla from Warhammer 40K

Chapter 55 The meaning of ‘Red Lotus’ in Godzilla!

The Crusher advanced towards Godzilla with a terrifying sense of oppression. The speed was not fast, but the sense of oppression was extremely strong.

Too big, big is good, big is strong, this is the consistent idea of ​​the green-skinned orcs, and a big enough thing is a good thing.

And Godzilla has already accumulated a fully charged radioactive heat ray.

‘First, a radioactive heat ray to whet your appetite! ! ! ’

The blue beam almost overflowed from Godzilla's mouth, completely filling Godzilla's mouth, and the uncontrollable energy bombarded the Crusher in the distance.

Almost at the moment of contacting the Crusher, an invisible barrier emerged.

‘Sure enough, there is a void shield! ! ! ’

In the world of Warhammer 40K, half of the large units will have things like force field shields, which are generally used to defend against long-range attacks. For example, the more common Terminator units in Space Marines will have similar shields.

Large units have similar force fields, and even planet-level void shields exist.

Unless the attack intensity exceeds the shield's tolerance limit, it is difficult to break through the protection of the void shield.

The strength of the Crusher's void shield withstood Godzilla's radiation heat rays.

'A f*cking tractor is equipped with a void shield, so I said that the world of Warhammer 40K should not come! ! ! '

However, although Godzilla's attack did not break through the protection of the void shield, it stopped the Crusher from moving forward.

The Crusher's engine was already at full power at this moment, but it could no longer move forward under the impact of the radiation heat rays.

"Boss, the Crusher's engine is overloaded!!!"

"We can't hold it up!!!"

"Bullshit, my Crusher is the strongest thing, how can it be overloaded? Throw the guy in charge of the engine into the engine!!!"

Several unlucky orc boys were thrown into the engine. I don't know whether it was the joy of the machine soul or the blessing of the WAAAGH force field, but the Crusher started to move forward again.

The power displayed by this heavy vehicle, which is larger than the Emperor-class Titan, may be stronger than Godzilla.


Seeing that the Crusher started to move forward again, Godzilla also stepped hard on the ground with his feet and supported his body with his tail.

'Not enough? Then... overload a little more!!!'

Godzilla began to output beyond his body's endurance limit.

The blue light in his mouth gradually began to turn a little red, and red light appeared between the cracks in Godzilla's skin, which meant that the energy in his body was so much that it began to hurt this terrifying body.

Godzilla is now moving towards the red lotus form.

But if it is really the red lotus form, then Godzilla can wait for death, because the red lotus form really ended with killing a Godzilla.

It has not reached the level of the real red lotus form yet.

'I want to see today whether your golden age tractor is stronger or I, the ancient behemoth from Terra, is stronger!!!'

Godzilla took a step forward against the backlash of the radiation heat ray bombardment.

This scene was deeply imprinted in the eyes of Isis and other lizardmen.


Isis raised her magic wand and shouted enthusiastically: "Our gods will destroy everything that hinders the great plan. Do you see this red lotus-like flame? You green-skinned orcs don't understand its meaning at all."

The green-skinned orcs don't understand what the red lotus is, but he knows one thing.

"It's so hot, so hot."

"It's burning me to death."

"My butt is on fire!!!"

The high temperature overflowing from Godzilla can even melt steel, let alone green-skinned orcs.

The green-skinned orcs' front began to be suppressed. The lizardmen were not afraid of the high temperature of Godzilla. On the contrary, they fought more and more bravely. Some lizardmen also lit up with red light similar to Godzilla.

Their blood was boiling, their flesh was burning, and red stripes bloomed behind them, forming unique battle patterns.

The ancient instinct awakened in them. Under Godzilla's great plan, the lizardmen began a new route of enhancement.

[Ancient Blood Lizard Warriors]

These ancient blood lizard warriors rushed into the green-skinned orcs' line, forcibly tearing a crack in the green tide.

And Godzilla was engaging in spear and shield attack and defense with the void shield.

This attack and defense will soon be decided. Ripples began to appear on the void shield, spreading like waves, and its invisible shield was gradually covered with red and blue, especially red, which became more and more, occupying most of the space in the front half of the void shield.

The heat has begun to break through the void shield and melt the outer armor of the crusher.

The orc boys inside were running around like ants on a pot because of the heat.

Finally, with a bang, the void shield was broken, and the red light went straight through the crusher, leaving a burning tunnel on the huge mechanical structure.

The molten iron dripped down the tunnel one by one, and the edge of the tunnel was still glowing with high-temperature red light, and the air was distorted by the heat.

The red radiation heat ray continued to blast towards the castle where the orc WAAAGH ‘BOSS’ was.


Goluk saw the red light from the window of the hall, but before he could move, the red radiation heat ray passed through the room where he was and blasted further away.

It even shot out of the atmosphere and appeared in space.

Finally, it blasted on an unlucky Zerg biological ship, causing the Tyranid biological ship to scream, and its body several kilometers wide was directly penetrated by the red light.


Alana looked at this scene with the corner of her mouth twitching. She knew where the attack came from.

It must have come from the giant beast called Godzilla.

Looking around Alana again, I don't know when the starry sky between the Godzilla planet and the Savage Planet has turned into a melee of the three-party fleets of the Eldar, Tyranids and Green-skinned Orcs.

The Eldar occupy only a small area and shrink their front.

The fleets of the green-skinned orcs and the Tyranid swarm were fighting happily, but suddenly the green-skinned orcs' fleet began to fight among themselves. Countless green-skinned orcs began to attack their own fleet, and the battlefield became extremely chaotic.

"The orc boss is dead."

When Tyrese saw the orcs fighting among themselves, he instantly guessed the cause of the fighting.

He said, "He was killed by Godzilla."

"Asuryan, what the Laughing God said is true. We should indeed retreat. This battle with the orcs and insect swarms has cost us too many warriors. We must withdraw from the battlefield and regroup our troops."

"Open the webway gate, we are ready to retreat!!!"

The Eldar craft world and the escort fleet began to retreat. They had to retreat. They had seen how powerful the Tyranid swarm was. If they fought against the swarm again, Tyran Den's craft world would definitely be destroyed.

"Although I feel sorry for the warriors on those two planets, there is nothing we can do about it. May Asuryan protect them."

The Craftworld retreated from the battlefield, leaving the chaotic battlefield to the greenskin orcs and Tyranid swarms.

[Task 2 completed, 200 points will be awarded. 】

On Godzilla's side, after blasting through the Crusher's defense, he also expressed his thoughts.

‘It hurts me so much! ! ! ’

The feeling of his body burning from the inside made Godzilla look up to the sky and let out a roar. That roar spread throughout the world, declaring his sovereignty.

Godzilla is the real boss on this planet!

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