Godzilla from Warhammer 40K

Chapter 24 Slaanesh: I love watching this!

The battle started quickly and ended quickly.

The Lizardmen escorted the surrendered Tau and Dark Eldar and began to return. They received a full harvest in this battle and captured hundreds of Tau and dozens of Dark Eldar. These Dark Eldar were not even clones, but also There are naturally born Dark Eldar.

But this is all secondary.

Nothing makes a lizardman's blood boil more than a victory.

Now that we have won, we can't help but celebrate.

Returning to the temple, the lizardmen threw the prisoners of war together and left. This made some Dark Eldar dissatisfied. They felt that these lizardmen looked down upon them.

"You are a bit too underestimated if you want to tie up Kane's loyal warriors with just a rope."

But he tried to break free from the rope, but failed. The slender rope was stronger than the strongest steel.

Some Dark Eldar dislocated their wrists in an attempt to free themselves from the ropes, but the ropes also contracted.

"Don't try to escape, this thing is alive."

Isis walked in with a wand in hand. She smiled and said to each prisoner of war: "If you want to run away, you must at least have the consciousness to cut off your hands and feet."

Even the Dark Eldar gulped.

Cut off the hands and feet?

Stop making trouble, they are the Dark Eldar. Although they can do this kind of thing, it is not as good as being a prisoner of war. Anyway, they are almost used to being a prisoner of war.

In the corrupt life of the Dark Eldar, becoming a slave to others is already a very common thing. But cutting off hands and feet, even the toughest assassin would not do such a thing to reduce the chance of survival.

Unless you can really run out after cutting off your hands and feet, there are still a ridiculous number of lizardmen outside.

"It seems like no one dares to escape, right? That's good."

In the corner of the warehouse, several chameleon stalkers appeared, startling the Dark Eldar who originally wanted to escape.

Good guy, they knew there was someone hiding here!

Isis waved her hand again, and the chameleon stalkers disappeared again.

"Very good. If you don't run away anymore, I can guarantee your temporary safety, especially the Dark Eldar. I need the Dark Eldar to do something."

The Dark Eldar's hearts trembled, it was over, they were targeted by this lizard man.

Although Isis looks like a human, her lizard tail and some scales on her body really don't make people associate her with humans.

"First of all, are there female Dark Eldar?"

At that moment, Slaanesh expressed ecstasy! ! !

More, she, or he, likes to watch this kind of plot!

Dark Eldar captives, look at me and I look at you. Although they are captured, their helmets have not been taken off yet.

After a long time, several Dark Eldar slowly raised their hands.

Isis picked them up with her fingers, and their helmets flew up out of thin air, revealing their faces. Isis looked at them one by one, and finally said with slight dissatisfaction: "The quality is a bit poor."

She is also picky and can make Hammer players mad. It is already difficult to catch a Dark Eldar, but it is even harder to catch a Dark Eldar woman. Judging from the general appearance of the Dark Eldar, there is basically no one below the average. .

Even these Dark Eldar women were very angry.

"If you have the ability, go and capture the Queen of the Arena, Lelys Hespera. She is one of the most beautiful, elegant, and powerful female warriors of the Dark Eldar Tribe, and she is also the leader of the Witch Spirit Sect and the Fighting Sect. If you think our quality is not good, go find her!”

Lelis Hespera, or Lelis, she is indeed the most powerful Dark Eldar female warrior in the Dark Eldar's mouth.

Let’s take a certain regent’s wife as an example. Do you know how the regent’s wife became the leader of the Death Army?

She fought Lelis in the arena and was killed shortly after. Later, she was favored by the Eldar Death God and infused with divine power, and then became the leader of the Death Army.

In other words, Madam Regent cannot beat Lelis one on one.

This is her fighting strength.

And her beauty once shocked a Space Marine captain who was captured in the Commorragh Arena when he saw her for the first time, and caused a throbbing that only a mortal would have. The author is not talking nonsense. This is the official design of GW, and you can see this section in many popular science videos of UP owners.

And Lelis personally said that whoever can defeat her in the arena will get her special reward.

As for what the reward is, I don’t know. Anyway, the tricks played by the Dark Eldar must be more than those played by humans.

What are Hammer players waiting for? Hurry through Warhammer 40K to conquer this Queen of the Arena! ! !

"Haha, I will."

Isis smiled slightly, then pointed at the Dark Eldar woman who had just spoken and said: "You are very courageous, so it's up to you."


The Dark Eldar woman was shocked and looked at her companions. These companions showed gloating smiles and moved aside, as if they wanted to distance themselves from her.

Such is the nature of the Dark Eldar, to betray and be betrayed, to abandon and to be abandoned.

In fact, the Dark Eldar woman could have guessed this ending when Isis opened her mouth.

Her companions would definitely not fight against a powerful enemy for her.

"All right."

The Dark Eldar woman said resignedly: "Take me away!"

Isis waved the wand lightly, and the rope-like substances on the opponent's wrists and ankles immediately fell off. Upon closer inspection, they looked more like plant vines.

"Come with me, don't even think about escaping, unless you want a bloody hole in your head."

There is no way, the Dark Eldar woman can only follow Isis silently, who knows if there is the kind of invisible lizard man behind her.

Isis walked in front, the Dark Eldar woman following behind her.

"May I have your name?"


"Isa, what a name."

Isis nodded. She turned her back completely to Isa. As long as Isa wanted to, she could use the agility of the Dark Eldar to rush behind Isis and either break her neck or slit her throat.

But Isa didn’t dare.

Her courage had long been exhausted in the battle. The first time she saw the giant beast, the fury and desire to kill in her heart almost disappeared under the suppression of instinct.

At the end of the corridor, a glimmer of light gradually appeared.

When Isa reached the end, she saw that this corridor led to the outside of the temple, and outside the temple, the huge beast that made her fight disappear was now standing outside the temple.


She murmured the name.

That giant beast has become an indelible nightmare in Isa's heart. I'm afraid she can't even sleep well.

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