Godzilla from Warhammer 40K

Chapter 15 Godzilla: I want to have my own God of G!

"Calling all warriors, our God is calling me!!!"

"The big plan is about to begin!!!"

All the lizard people began to get excited, with endless fighting spirit burning in their cold blood.

The lizard people began to gather an army, and even the beasts in the jungle and ocean began to answer the call. They didn't know what the future would be like, but they knew that following their god Godzilla was absolutely right.

Isis raised her wand for the first time. Her psychic powers were so powerful that she had never needed a wand before.

But now, her voice is heard across the planet.

"Gathering the champion warriors from various temples, Godzilla's first order has been issued. The Tau fleet is about to arrive. Our mission is to give those Tau people a little shock."

Well, although the Tau are currently the youngest race in Warhammer 40K, it is undeniable that they are indeed capable of being on the table.

Three Guardian carriers, fifteen Protector-class cruisers, plus a large number of escort gunboats.

The Guardian Mothership is a large mothership unit carrying three gunships, while the Protector-class cruiser is the main cruiser of the Tau, and its benchmark is the Lunar-class cruiser of the Human Empire.

Although it can't beat the Moon-class cruiser one-on-one.

The size of this fleet is not small at all.

You know, the Battle of Talos is well known to Warhammer players. In this battle, the Tau Empire participated in a breakup fleet with a Guardian-class mothership and two Protector-class cruisers as the core. The Guardian-class mothership was responsible for attracting local The Imperial battleships in the space were pursued and killed, while the two Protector-class cruisers were responsible for breaking up the Imperial transport fleet transporting supplies and troops.

Although the Guardian-class mothership was eventually destroyed, it still managed to sink a Lunar-class cruiser of the Imperial fleet and damage a Overlord-class battlecruiser before sinking. However, it successfully caused the Empire to sink Lost fleet supplies and was in trouble in the land battle.

But now the Tau fleet has three Guardian motherships and fifteen Protector-class cruisers.

Even facing the battleships of the Human Empire, it is enough to sink them.

Of course, defeating a planet never relies on blasting the planet into minerals. If the Tau want to take over this planet, they must conduct ground combat, otherwise no matter how strong the navy is, it will be useless.

This is why Godzilla is not afraid of the Tau fleet.

‘GW will not allow a planet to be captured without melee combat, loyal melee combat! ! ! ’

Even the Tau must engage in firefights with Eldar and humans at close range, otherwise it will not be considered a successful battle.

‘But I don’t have a fleet. Isn’t it a bit of a loss? ’

[There is no need for a fleet at the moment, there will be one when a fleet is needed. 】

‘How come there is, can I figure it out? ’

I think this is a major feature of the green-skinned orcs next door, but the orcs haven't appeared yet, so I won't introduce them too much.

[Don’t think so much, I’ll tell you when the time comes. Now, let’s face this Tau fleet first. 】

‘If you say so, I can’t fly, so how can I deal with that fleet? We can only deal with ground units. ’

[It means to build ground units, someone from the Navy will take care of it. 】

What Godzilla doesn't know is that besides the lizardmen, there is actually another race on this planet, and that is the Dark Eldar.

In the webway gate somewhere on the planet, a team of Dark Eldar came to the planet quietly. They seemed to have no purpose, and they showed a puzzled expression when they arrived on the planet.

"What's going on? Didn't we pass through the gate to Comoros?"

The webway city of Comorragh is the main gathering place of the Dark Eldar. Although it is called a city, Comorragh is a very, very, very large city, so big that it is almost impossible to count.

The regent lady ‘Evrene’, well known to Hammer players, is also a member of Comorragh City.

As a Webway city, Comorragh is connected to all Webway gates, and it is not surprising that the Dark Eldar appear at any Webway gate. They are a group of pirates who rely on the Webway gates to plunder everywhere.

Surprisingly, the Dark Eldar themselves didn't know where this was. They returned to the Webway gate to do some operations, but the Webway gate closed abnormally.

"What? Kane, are these old guys from the conspiracy doing this?!"

No matter what this Dark Eldar team does next, the gate of the Webway has the meaning of 'I won't open the door as much as you like', and it has been unable to be opened.

"damn it!"

The angry team leader kicked the door frame of the webway gate. The gate was fine, but his feet hurt from the kick.

The other Dark Eldar were holding back their laughter. Now that their captain looked so funny, he could be considered the 'harlequin' of the Laughing God. His dancing would definitely make the nobles of the conspiracy burst into laughter.

After the captain calmed down, he no longer paid attention to the webway gate, but looked at the dense rainforest around him and fell into deep thought.

"This disgusting gate and this planet are so green it's disgusting!"

The Dark Eldar walked to a tree, raised his fine Eldar Scimitar and chopped it. He wanted to chop it down to vent his anger, but something unexpected happened to him.

The blade collided with the branch, making a crisp metallic sound. His blade cut into the branch, but it only cut into the branch, without cutting off the branch.

Although the branch was relatively thick, about the thickness of two Eldar arms, he was still shocked.

Pulling out the knife, he glanced at the blade first, and a small gap appeared on the blade.

Looking at the branch again, there was a not deep cut, and it was starting to heal slowly.


The Dark Eldar captain's head calmed down.

"What's going on on this planet?!"

Even though he was just the captain of a cabal warrior team, he wouldn't be targeted like this. Did he offend a certain consul of the cabal?

No, I can't remember. He offended too many consuls.

He turned to the team members and asked: "Is our fleet nearby? Call for support."

"There is a pirate raiding force carrying out a quota of slave capture missions."

"Call for backup."

No one could have imagined that there would be problems with the Webway Gate. This thing was the technology of the Old Saints. Even if the Dark Eldar captain had many objections, he could not complain.

Webway gates are not something that the Eldar can build and repair. If one is broken, one will be missing.

Waiting for the signal for support to be sent, the Dark Eldar captain was already complaining.

"Now we need to capture an extra batch of slaves to pay for the support."

Suddenly, the Dark Eldar captain seemed to notice something and looked back at the rain forest behind him.

From the rainforest, a behemoth with a height of more than five meters, no, maybe close to six meters, walked out. It was a lizard man holding a huge mace. His body was full of scars, and there was even a slash on his left eye. Huge scar.

The swollen muscles are almost jumping out of the protection of scales and skin. The strength is far beyond that of ordinary lizardmen. It is like a giant beast unit, probably even higher than the Dreadnought Mecha.

If other lizardmen see him, they will definitely bow to him and salute, because this big guy has a resounding title among the lizardmen.

[Eternal Divine Blessing Warrior——Thoros. 】

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