Ghost Blowing Lantern II

Chapter 7 Night Capture (Part 2)

As soon as "Huang Xiangu" got into the skin, she immediately understood what was going on, but since she got into the trap, regretting it was of no use. At this time, she was only halfway in, and she hurriedly wanted to shrink back and exit, but then " The opening of the "skin wonton" is really designed to be too poisonous. The six-sided opening can be loosened or tightened. The more you pull out of the skin bag, the bigger the opening will become. But from the inside out, with the locking piece on the edge of the bag opening, it will be closed immediately. The bag mouth was tightened, and the six-edged hard lock inner citron was thin and tight. At that time, it got stuck in the bone seam of "Huang Xiangu". The pain caused it to somersault and fainted on the spot.

From the fat man farting and startling the "Huang Fairy", to the swallow's shotgun going off, scaring the "Huang Fairy" into a corner, and fainting from the pain, it was too late to say it, but it was fast then, this just happened in one breath What happened in one breath, the three of us were lying under the red pine tree, and we were all dumbfounded. No one expected that things would take such a turn. We were stunned for a moment, and then we ran over to pick up the "skin wontons" with cheers. .

As soon as I took the "skin wontons" in my hands, I heard a dull roar coming from the deep mountains. There was a huge but invisible force in the dark night, which shocked us on the spot. "There is a bear cave near Huangpizi's grave." !" The three of us, with earth-colored faces, looked at each other, and we didn't know who was taking the lead. We shouted together, kicked off our feet, and ran desperately towards the river through the snow.

Winter came too early this year. The man-bear had not gained enough weight before he crawled into the tree cave and the cat went away for the winter. He had not yet fully entered the half-dead state of hibernation. If he was awakened by the sound of gunfire and followed him, it would be a big deal. It was not good, but I didn’t think about it too much. I ran back to the forest farm first and it was more safe. I stepped on the logs frozen on the river and returned to the forest farm along the same route. I was out of breath running all the way. After getting into the cabin, they both found it funny when they saw each other's embarrassed look.

The fat man lit the oil lamp in the wooden house. He was eager to see the fruits of victory. He tore open the skin bag from the outside and took "Huang Fairy" out. Seeing that it was motionless and its tail drooped, he thought it was dead. If not, If skinned alive, the quality of the fur will be a little worse. Moreover, neither Fatty nor I know how to skin the skins. We always planned to take the live skins to the supply and marketing cooperative to exchange for fruit candies. At this time, when we saw "Huang Fairy", we felt like He was already dead, and felt a little distressed. Now ten kilograms of fruit candy immediately turned into two kilograms.

Yan Zi often plays tricks on yellow men. Knowing this guy's habits, he hurriedly told Fatty: "Don't let go. This thing is the best at pretending to be dead. As soon as you let go, it will seize the opportunity and disappear. Be careful, it has another trick... "

The fat man was about to throw "Huang Fairy" to the ground, but when he heard Yanzi's reminder, he immediately grabbed his hand again, tightly holding the fairy's back and tail. At this time, a strange thing happened, that "Huang Fairy" Sure enough, it was pretending to be dead, and it seemed to understand what the swallow said, and knew that pretending to be dead could not be concealed. Before the swallow could reveal its second escape trick, it immediately released a stink from its anus.

Although the oil lamp in the room was dim, I could still see a large cloud of strong gas coming out from behind the yellow leather bag in the fat man's hand. Before the cloud of smoke-like gas dispersed, I felt a strange stench that hit my nose and made my breathing sluggish. , I immediately felt dizzy, my eyes were dizzy, my ears were ringing, and I wanted to vomit. I hurriedly rushed to the door and pulled it open. When the cold wind from outside blew in, my boredom was slightly relieved, but I was still extremely sad.

Yan Zi was also caught in the trick and rushed outside the house, grabbed two handfuls of snow and smeared it on his face. At this time, I found that the fat man was still in the house, and I immediately became worried. The stench in the house was so bad that I couldn't get in. I was about to speak. After greeting the fat man, he saw the fat man crashing out of the window, his face was turned green by the "Huang Fairy"'s fart escape. Because he just held the yellow leather in his hand, he had no time to dodge, and he was really badly smoked. His eyes were filled with tears because of the stink, and he couldn't see where the door was. As a result, he bumped into the window of the cabin and broke out. However, even so, he still held "Huang Xiangu" tightly in his hand and used With the other hand, he wiped snow on his face and cursed: "You fell into my hands and you still want to run away? Ten kilograms of fruit candies... I won't let you go even if you die of smoke."

"Huang Fairy" was pinched by the fat man until she fainted again. I saw that Huang Pizi was finally trapped, and the human bear on Tuanshanzi did not follow me. I felt very excited, so I said to the fat man: "Huang Pizi's stinky fart can't be smoked." Falling Fire Gold Steel, little fat boy, you are so good. It’s almost dawn, so tie it up quickly so that it can be exchanged for candy tomorrow. It’s best to exchange it for two more packs of cigarettes. Roll the trumpet every day. Toadhead, the quality of tobacco is so bad, it really should be improved."

When it comes to being able to exchange yellow skins for sugar and cigarettes, we are all excited. It seems that letting us see the forest farm is really a good job. We can try to trap a big fox when it gets dark tomorrow, and that will be a big deal. The fat man was looking forward to getting more yellow skins, and he danced with joy. He tied the hind legs of "Huang Fairy" with wires and tied it to the corner. Then we found some old man Knocking Mountain's leftovers from the noodle vat. Yellow rice noodles and sticky bean buns to satisfy your hunger.

Eating sticky bean buns that stick to your teeth, everyone felt very strange. The Spring Festival is still far away now. Where did Mr. Kaoshan get these half-tanks of yellow rice flour bean buns? Could it be that this old man is poaching socialism? Besides, how could he and his granddaughter eat so many bean buns? There seemed to be something fishy in this, but we couldn't think of anything wrong for a while. We just ate a lot of sticky bean buns with a series of questions.

At this time, the "Huang Fairy" who had just been knocked unconscious by the fat man also woke up. I broke off some bean bags and threw them to it, but it didn't eat it. It looked like a sad and beautiful woman, squatting in the corner and looking at myself. The legs tied by the wire looked indescribably sad, and the big watery eyes were filled with tears.

The fat man looked amused and laughed and scolded: "You still have the nerve to cry. I am about to interrogate you. Please confess quickly. How many chickens have you stolen from the people? I tell you that I will represent the people at dawn tomorrow." , send you to the supply and marketing cooperative to make a woolen scarf."

Yanzi and I laughed heartily. Just as we were enjoying ourselves, there was suddenly a banging on the door outside the small wooden house in the forest farm, and a harsh cry like sawing wood came from the wind. I quickly picked up the shotgun and pushed open the wooden door. The night outside was shrouded, the sleet was blowing hard, and the forest farm was completely empty without a single person.

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