Ghost Blowing Lantern II

Chapter 39 There is no room in the building (Part 1)

Ding Sitian held the gas lantern that was about to run out of fuel. With the dim light like beans, she tried hard to identify the remaining writing on the cement board: "Water supply unit? 3916? What does this mean? Is it a military facility?"

After hearing what she said, the fat man and I knelt down to look at the cement. This flat cement brick seemed to be deliberately made to seal the shaft, but it did not block the wellhead. If you use a pry hook to look at it from above, If it is opened, it can be opened easily. Both volumes of cement bricks have codes and are some kind of standard building materials.

Since the Qin Dynasty, in order to facilitate construction supervision and management, there has been a requirement to engrave the names of craftsmen on bricks and tiles. However, this cement brick does not look like an ancient relic. What is "water supply unit? Is it for military use?" Is 3916 the unit number?" I guessed that some army had excavated the cave filled with ghost-suppressing stones in the center of the tunnel? I looked at Fatty and Ding Sitian. They were equally confused and couldn't figure out what it was for.

I said to them: "Don't worry about the number on the cement for now. There are too many secrets hidden in the Baiyan Cave. Even if the three of us each grow one more head, we can't figure it out if we add up to six heads." Understand these things. If you don’t understand, don’t bother thinking about it. I think there are dangers in this forest. If we encounter poisonous insects such as centipedes again, we will be in trouble. However, the terrain in the forest is complicated and difficult to distinguish. We lost our mounts. We have to carry the old sheepskin again, and it is impossible to go out in the dark all night. We have to find a relatively safe place to wait until dawn before making any calculations."

Ding Sitian looked at the dim starry sky and said to me worriedly: "I feel that the night today is really slow and long. We don't even have a watch, and we don't know what time it is at night or how long it will be." The genius will shine." As she said this, she put out the gas lamp, and there was some faint starlight in the forest. She planned to save the last bit of lamp oil for emergencies.

I also looked up at the starry sky. Although the light of the stars and the moon was dim, fortunately, the most important stars could still be vaguely recognized. I first found the handle of the Big Dipper to confirm the direction, and then found the three stars. I saw the three stars shining horizontally. The dim light hangs diagonally in the east. In the Northeast, time is measured at night based on the position of three stars in the sky. Judging from this, I estimate that it is around ten o'clock at night. It gets dark early in the barren mountains and mountains. It has been six or seven hours since it got dark, but Still not midnight.

The fat man also knew how to tell time by looking at the three stars. He calculated on his fingers that it would take at least seven hours before dawn. How could such a long time be considered safe? He suggested that it would be better to go back to the cave and deal with it all night, and then find a way out at dawn.

But as soon as the three of them thought of the large number of wild rats in the cave, the dirty and humid environment, the large rocks used to suppress ghosts, the danger of landslides at any time, and the evil mural of "Huang Fairy", they immediately gave up the idea. Seeing that there was an old tree growing tall and strong next to me, I decided to climb up the tree to have a look at the nearby terrain before making a decision.

When I came to the tree, I used my hands and feet to climb up the tree trunk. At this time, the fog in the forest had dispersed. I stepped on the branch and hugged the tree branch with both hands. I lowered my head and looked down. I could no longer see Ding clearly. Sitian and Fatty's faces turned pale. I waved to them, not caring whether they saw it or not, and raised my head to observe the surrounding terrain.

But at this time, dark clouds covered the moon, and there were only a few cold stars in the sky. After looking for a long time, I could only see the hazy shadows of nearby trees, and I couldn't see where there was any place to stay. In a dark and hazy environment, people always subconsciously try to open their eyes wide. My eyes wanted to see more clearly, but my eyes were sore and I couldn't see anything.

I hugged the tree trunk, rubbed my eyes with one hand, and twisted my neck to look at the other side. Just at this time, clouds were floating in the sky, and the cold, watery moonlight shone out from the thin dark clouds. Through this moon At a hazy moment, I discovered that behind me, separated by at most a few trees, stood a blurry shadow, which seemed to be a large building. Since all the houses were lifeless and without lights, it looked like only The dense black mass resembles the outline of building facilities.

When I wanted to take a closer look again, the flowing clouds had blocked the moonlight again, and it was pitch black again a little further away. I couldn't even see the outline of the shadow clearly. Because I had discovered the cement board with the unit number on it earlier, So I wasn't too surprised to find some houses nearby, but I didn't expect them to be so close to us.

I originally wanted to wait a little longer to see clearly when the moonlight leaked out again, but Fatty and Ding Sitian were worried that I would slip and fall under the tree, and urged me to get down quickly, so I hurriedly slipped down from the tree and put my hands under the tree. What I saw above explained to Fatty and others that there seemed to be a house-like facility there, but there was no light and no movement inside. If it was really a house-like building, even if no one lived in it, it would at least have four walls and a roof. There was something to eat inside, which was better than being cold and dark in the forest, so the three of them agreed to go there and wait for dawn.

I pointed out the direction, and the three of them walked slowly over with Lao Sheepskin on their backs. As we walked, I noticed someone was following us, but when I looked back, there was no movement. I thought I had heard it wrong, and I didn’t take it seriously. Keeping this matter in mind, he led everyone through the knee-deep grass in the woods, and faced a three-story building.

This building has an ordinary appearance, but it has a foreign flavor. The style is neither Chinese nor Western. The windows have glass and are very well preserved. It is definitely a modern building. The fat man peeked in through the window for a long time. There was nothing inside. There was only a little bit of light and nothing could be seen, except that all the windows had seals on them, with some strange Japanese characters and symbols on them.

Ding Sitian said to me: "This building neither looks like a Western-style building nor a modern Chinese-style building. In my impression, only the Japanese would build such weird-style buildings. There is no way the Soviet revisionists would build them here." Building, this is probably the barracks of the water supply troops, right?" During the Anti-Japanese War, this area was controlled by the Japanese army, and it was probably a barracks-type building. At that time, the Japanese followed Europe and worshiped foreigners. I feel that everything in Europe is good. Even ordinary buildings will more or less absorb some of the characteristics of Western architecture. If that were the case, they would have been abandoned for at least 20 years now.

I nodded and said nothing, thinking in my mind, it turned out that this place was occupied by the Japanese. Are the gangsters from the "Ni'erhui" traitors? Did you use everything you dug out to honor the little devil? I don’t know what kind of unknown secrets are hidden in this building, but it’s unreliable to rely on speculation about these things. Let’s wait until dawn to talk about anything. I asked the fat man to pick up the old sheepskin and walk along the wall to find the building. Door.

(To be continued. If you want to know what happened, please log in. There are more chapters. Support the author and genuine reading!)

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