Ghost Blowing Lantern II

Chapter 301 Things must turn against each other when they reach their extremes

Mr. Zhang once stole the ancient tombs of the Western Zhou Dynasty and found out the Zhoutian hexagram that had been lost for thousands of years. So he used the sixteen-character ancient hexagram as a guide to write down the yin and yang techniques of Feng Shui and wrote a book "Ten Heavenly Hexagrams". "Six-Character Yin-Yang Feng Shui Secret Technique", of which "Yin-Yang and Feng Shui" each account for half. The Yin-Yang chapter is about divination and fortune-telling, and the principles of creation. The Feng Shui chapter is about Qingwu Dragon Searching and the way of Feng Shui. Only this half volume, It covers the techniques of "finding the dragon" and "dividing gold to fix the acupoints" of the gold-touching captain, and brings the burial customs of various dynasties and generations in China to Dacheng.

In front of the four disciples, Mr. Zhang tore half of the "Sixteen-Character Yin-Yang Feng Shui Secret Technique", leaving only half a volume of the Feng Shui Secret Technique, and burned the other half of the Yin-Yang Secret Technique to ashes in a brazier. Puzzled, I asked the master what was so mysterious about this heavenly book and why it was burned. From now on, won’t there be no ancient Zhou Tian hexagram in the world?

Mr. Zhang smiled and said: "Farming on dry land, running boats on waterways, fruit does not grow on people's heads, these are the laws of nature. The rise and fall of the world has always been certain, but who can figure out the mystery? It can only be said that there may be some prehistoric times. Immortality is not something we secular people should know anyway. Although this secret of heaven is profound and subtle, it will definitely cause great harm to people if it remains in the world. It is only right to burn the sacrifice to worship the genius." Then he passed on the remaining half of the book. Sun Guofu, who had a yin and yang eye, told him: "The secret technique of Feng Shui of Captain Jin is so wonderful that it has explored the three major dragon veins in the north, south, and south. I have left this half-volume incomplete book in the world, and it may be useful in the future." , you must store it carefully and never lose it.”

Sun Guofu, who had yin and yang eyes, quickly thanked his teacher for his kindness, collected the remaining books with tears, and then left the teacher's gate to travel far away. Finally, Mr. Zhang said to the remaining three people: "Liao Chen, Jin Abacus, and Tie Mo Tou", it seems that the ancient golden talisman has landed on you three. Today is an auspicious day. I paid homage to the ancestor while waiting. , and then wear the talisman to grant gold.

That night, Mr. Zhang took his three apprentices to the back hall and asked them to kneel down in front of the statue of their ancestor Cao Gong, kowtow, burn incense, and pass a gold-touching talisman to each of them.

After that, the rules, equipment, anecdotes, etc. will be passed on. Mr. Zhang first asked Jin Abacus and the others if they knew why there has been a profession of reverse fighting in the world since ancient times.

The three Jin Abacus master brothers are also people who have been in the world for a long time. They have extensive knowledge and know very well about "all walks of life and all kinds of local customs". When the master asked about it, they rushed to answer:

There are three religions and nine streams in the world. The three religions are "Buddhism, Taoism, and Confucianism." The nine streams refer to the nine classes, which are further divided into the upper nine streams, the middle nine streams, and the lower nine streams. There are many kinds of businesses in the three religions and nine streams. There are a total of 360 More than ten lines.

The so-called "highest nine" means first-rate Buddhas, second-rate immortals, third-rate emperors, fourth-rate officials, fifth-rate merchants, sixth-rate merchants, seventh-rate pawnshops and eighth-rate craftsmen, and ninth-rate farmers who grow crops. These are all serious businesses; The craftsmen in the middle 9 streams are more concentrated, and those in the lower 9 streams include actors, actresses and prostitutes.

Among the hundreds of industries derived from these three religions and nine streams, there was originally no such thing as "trouble fighting". Tantei fighting belonged to the outer eight industries. Among the outer eight lines were "golden points, beggars, thieves, thieves, reverse fights, and thieves". "Mountains, leading fire, and collecting water" are collectively called the "Five Elements and Three Families". In fact, if we look at it in detail, there are several lines here that can be regarded as "stealing", but in the outer eight lines, they are treated separately, such as thieves. It is an open thief, so it cannot be compared with hidden thieves such as snitches.

As for "fighting", it occupies the word "earth" in the five elements, so it is logically said that it is also a "robbery", which is no different from "thieves and snitches". It is an act of robbing tombs and finding gold. From a high point of view, fighting upside down is like robbing the rich and giving to the poor; from a low point of view, it is also a waste of money and doing things that harm one's moral character. One is high and the other is low, they are completely different.

Of course, Captain Touching the Gold is not comparable to a casual thief. His actions have always been to steal treasures from ancient tombs and give to the poor. He is worthy of the four words "there is a way to steal". He has always had a good reputation in the world, just because there have been many poor people since ancient times. There are few rich people, the rich are too rich, and the poor are too poor, so there are several "stealing activities" in the outer eight industries, which are dedicated to "doing justice for heaven".

After hearing this, Mr. Zhang shook his head and said, you say that the profession of "fighting" is "doing justice for heaven", but you have misunderstood the meaning of "the way of heaven". This is not the way to fight for gold. There are many people in the world who are poor and rich. Wealth, whether rich or noble, poor or lowly, most of these are obtained by fate, so why do thieves and thieves need to do justice to God? This is just an excuse for them to kill the rich and steal their wealth.

But fighting is like robbing and digging graves. Why do some people do this for a living? Just because all dynasties advocated generous burials, any ancient mountain tomb would consume endless blood and sweat from the people from the day it was built. Not only would countless treasures be buried with it, but they would also have to be killed and buried alive. Even the craftsmen who built the tomb could not escape being silenced. disaster.

It must be understood that the way of heaven is graceful, and God has the virtue of a good life. No matter whether the tomb owner was a wise king who founded the country or a capable minister who governed the world, as long as he spends too much extravagantly on matters in the underworld after death, he will definitely lose his great virtue; moreover, the tomb site Most of them choose to be in Feng Shui treasure land. If they take the dragon veins created by heaven and earth as their own, they will also be tabooed by ghosts and gods. Heaven has always been unfavorable to this generation.

The business of fighting is in accordance with the cycle of nature. No matter how deep the mountains and tombs are buried, they will still suffer the disaster of fighting. Tit for retaliation, this is the principle of nature that is not forgotten, so fight with gold. , it is not just as simple as robbing ancient tombs, robbing the rich and giving to the poor, it also coincides with the principles of prosperity and destruction in the great road.

It's just like our Qing Dynasty. During the reign of Kangxi and Qianlong, the country was rich and the people were prosperous. It was such a prosperous age. But now it is really troubled by internal and external troubles. It is riddled with holes. It is about to end. As the saying goes, things must turn against each other when they are extremely prosperous. Naturally, there will be a period of decline, and in the end it is all "fate".

Furthermore, from the perspective of all walks of life in the world that rely on craftsmanship, we cannot simply divide the three hundred and sixty lines. "Three hundred and six" is a general number, including the three religions, nine streams, and the eight outer lines. There is a saying "Thirty-six famous mountains, seventy-two big mountains". These descriptions of dividing various industries are different in different places. Therefore, the sentence "Seventy-two industries, touching gold is king" may not be accurate and cannot be Be proud of this.

In Mr. Zhang's hometown, there has been a popular saying since ancient times: "There are nine craftsmen and eighteen craftsmen in the world, and you should never do anything against others in your life." That is to say, there are many kinds of livelihood in the world, and they are all better than those who rob tombs. The eighteen craftsmen followed their order, and the motto is: "Gold, silver, copper, iron and tin, rock, wood, carving, tiles and paint, bamboo umbrellas, dyeing and peeling, shaving heads and playing flowers." Crystal." There are rules among craftsmen. Craftsmen eat at the same table and sit in order according to the order of the eighteen craftsmen, and no overstepping is allowed. When working at the employer's house, when the project enters a certain stage or serves a specific person, a ceremony will be held and hymns will be sung, and the employer will make a profit. For example, tailors "cut the hair", rockcutters "step on the bridge", barbers give the groom a haircut or shave the baby's fetal hair. They all have rituals and sing praises. Carpenters and masons have many rituals during the process of building a house, and there are many opportunities and types of singing praises, such as house-building songs, beam-raising songs, beam-opening songs, and new house completion songs.

In old China, lao and jian both referred to craftsmen with specialized skills. Craftsmen relied on their own skills and made a living independently. There are few people who open shops and many people are mobile operators or helpers. "They "farm during busy times and earn money during leisure time." They visit each other in the countryside, commonly known as "doing work." In addition to providing food and drink, the boss pays wages in addition, so there is a saying that "the craftsmen will not die of hunger". Specific living conditions, The custom of "do not pass on skills lightly" has been formed. The conditions for passing on skills are harsh and learning skills is very difficult. If there are unique skills, they can only be passed down from family to family and not to people with other surnames. Some family traditions stipulate that it is passed on to men but not to women. This is called " "Family master". To become a master and learn an art, you must first seek a master, that is, ask relatives and friends to discuss it, and only after obtaining consent can you recognize a master. When recognizing a master, the parents of the artist will prepare a banquet, invite the master to their home, and be accompanied by an intermediary. , discuss the conditions for learning skills, and then go to the master's home to worship the master: bow to the master's tablet, then worship the master, and finally worship the master's wife. A master for one day is a father for life. Master and apprentice are like father and son, and the master's children are treated like brothers and sisters. After three years of apprenticeship, the master usually only pays for food and clothing, and does not pay wages. Joining the apprenticeship is more popular in some handicraft industries. The so-called apprenticeship means that after the apprenticeship expires, one works outside with the master for one year, takes part of the wages, and leaves the rest to the master , to express the kindness of teaching. There are also people who have a little bit of craftsmanship and then go to learn the crafts from a teacher, which is called a counselor. In the handicraft industry, there are rituals for sacrifices every year. Luban Temple and Zhangfei Temple in various places gather for sacrifices. Location. Each industry has its own master. The tilelayer respects Lu Ban, the sewing worker respects Xuanyuan, gold, silver, copper, iron and tin respect Taishang Laojun, and the butchery industry has Zhang Fei as its founder.

These ancient traditional crafts still exist in rural areas. In detail, they are no simpler than the craftsmanship of touching gold. Therefore, it is said that there are people outside the world, and there is a sky outside the sky. Every mountain is always higher than the other. You must not take it lightly, otherwise you will be careless. We have to smash our "touch gold school captain" license plate.

The three Jin Abacus master brothers all knew that Master Zhang Sanye was a scholar of heaven and man, had a comprehensive mind, was skilled in everything, knew everything, and was good at divination and deduction. What he said to them seemed to have a profound meaning, and they could not fully comprehend it for a while. , had no choice but to kneel on the ground and listen to the teachings.

Master Zhang then talked about the origin of Mojin Xiaowei, and finally talked about various industry rules and anecdotes. He said that Mojin Xiaowei has never been a master and apprentice. I will pass on to you the Dragon Searching Technique and the technique of dividing gold to fix acupoints. This is a master-disciple apprenticeship, but if you wear a gold-touching talisman and go to an ancient tomb to fight upside down, you can't be considered a master-student or brother-in-law, but can only be regarded as a "partner" whose lives are tied together, that is, an accomplice. When you three brothers go out to fight from now on, firstly, you must not break the rules of the profession, secondly, you must not be greedy for fame and fortune, and disgrace the reputation of being a goldsmith, and thirdly, you must look after each other and discuss all matters, big or small.

The reason for this instruction is because Mr. Zhang knows his disciples very well. They all have their own strengths and weaknesses. Liao Chen has been cleaning his marrow and changing his bones since he was a child. He is good at lightening the body, can fly over walls, and touch gold. His methods are even more powerful, but he has a compassionate heart and is not tough in his hands. He is a bit indecisive and cannot act decisively, which is a big taboo in the tomb robbing business.

The Iron Grinding Tou was also very capable, extremely bold, and not afraid of ghosts and gods. He was an expert in killing people and selling goods, but he was too gangster, his temper was ignited, and he was careless in doing things, which was a culprit.

Jin Abacus is proficient in Yili and the Five Elements. He is a master of tomb robberies and knows all kinds of strange things in the world. Although he is clever and meticulous, it is a pity that he is not good at it. It can be practiced by people who are halfway through becoming a monk. If you want to learn "high flip", you must take a bath in a hot medicine pot from the age of three, and hard skills must be practiced from the age of six at the latest. Jin Abacus was born in a businessman We all have been pampered since childhood and have never done any hard work.

So Mr. Zhang asked the three of them to work together, learn from each other's strengths and complement each other's weaknesses, and never act alone. Then he passed down a set of utensils such as "whirlwind shovel, black donkey hooves, and gold steel umbrella" and asked the three apprentices to remember six The words "To unite lead to life, to divide leads to death".

After all these things were explained, Jin Abacus and the other three were regarded as veritable "Golden Captains". From now on, the three of them would go out to fight in a gang. The next morning, Jin Abacus got up early and did not bring the other two. Senior brother, I came alone to pay my respects to my master.

It turns out that Jin Abacus has always been very curious as to why the master destroyed half of the "Sixteen-Character Yin-Yang Secret Technique" and only passed the rest of the book to the Yin-Yang Eye Sun Guofu. He wanted to ask clearly before leaving the mountain, because this matter is definitely not like Zhang San It was so simple as what I said at the time.

Mr. Zhang was drinking tea when he heard the golden abacus ask about this section. He did not answer immediately. Instead, he asked how the golden abacus read?

Jin Abacus said half-jokingly, "Master, I know your temper very well. I have always liked handsome celebrities and reckless heroes. What I dislike the most are those Taoist teachers who are fake and jealous. They must be Yin Yangyan." The master was not interested in fake Taoism, so he only gave him half of the broken book and asked him to go home and worry about it all day long. He couldn't figure out the secrets of the other half of the book even if he tried his best.

Mr. Zhang was open-minded by nature and had an unusual relationship with Jin Abacus. He had nothing to hide from him, so he said bluntly: "Actually, as a teacher, I also have a Taoist heart, but I never want to preach. But to be honest, you This junior fellow student Sun Guofu, who has Yin and Yang eyes, is really not suitable to be a gold-touching captain. "The Sixteen-Character Yin-Yang Secret Technique" has been my life's work. I destroyed half of it that day, leaving only half of the remaining book for him. That's because I don't want us to touch gold. His craftsmanship is perfect."

It turns out that Zhang Sanye has already stated the truth before, and now he explains in detail that the root of the secret technique of touching gold lies in "Yi", and the way of life and change is "Yi", so "Yi" only talks about life, but not "Yi". If we don’t express restraint, how can we “live”?

The so-called "sheng" refers to survival and prosperity. Zhang Sanye once glimpsed the ancient Zhou Tian hexagram in the ancient tomb of the Western Zhou Dynasty and discovered that the opportunities are endless. In addition, he encountered many adventures in his life and learned many skills. When I was alive, I wrote this book "Sixteen-Character Yin-Yang Feng Shui Secret Technique", which explains all the principles of "Yin-Yang Division and Feng Shui Situation" in the world. In other words, the gold-touching technique originated in the Later Han Dynasty. By the time it reached Mr. Zhang’s generation, it had reached an unprecedented peak.

But the law of development of things in heaven and earth is that there are ups and downs, and there must be decline when there is prosperity. Master Zhang is familiar with ancient hexagrams and naturally understands this truth. This is like when the sun reaches the middle of the sky and illuminates all things, but after noon, The sun will become dimmer and dimmer, gradually sinking into the western mountains; on the fifteenth day of the lunar calendar, the full moon will be in the sky, but then it will turn from waxing to waning.

The principle of change in nature in the way of nature, to put it simply, is "the extremes of things must reverse themselves." When things develop to a certain stage, they will move to the other extreme. So how can we control the decline? There is no other way than "holding on to the weak". This is why Mr. Zhang destroyed half of the volume of "Sixteen-Character Yin-Yang Feng Shui Secret Technique".

Although the secret art of gold-touching originated in the later Han Dynasty, it actually took shape in the Zhou Dynasty. Over the thousands of years, it was gradually perfected by successive gold-touching captains. In the earliest ancient Feng Shui, it gradually integrated "Celestial Feng Shui" and "Zen Feng Shui". , Bazhai Mingjing, Jiangxi Situation Feng Shui...", resulting in the "Xunlong Jue" and "Dividing Gold and Fixing Acupoints" that integrate the great achievements of various Feng Shui schools.

When the "Sixteen-Character Yin-Yang Feng Shui Secret Technique" was released, it was even more comprehensive, including the Zhou Tian Gu Gua, the origin of the Feng Shui secret technique. A thorough study of all things in the world can be called an unpredictable technique for ghosts and gods. There is no room for evolution anymore, and in response to the sign that things will inevitably turn against each other, from now on, the secret technique of touching gold can only gradually decline.

To talk about the simplest profit, "Mojin Xiaowei" specializes in tomb robberies. If there are no ancient tombs in the world, then Mojin Xiaowei will naturally not exist. This generation has dug up all the ancient tombs and robbed them. From now on, won’t we just have to cut off the incense for once, and there will be no more inheritance of the golden lineage?

Therefore, Mr. Zhang destroyed half of the Yin-Yang Technique and left only an incomplete half of the "Sixteen-Character Yin-Yang Feng Shui Secret Technique" to future generations, so that the future Captain Mojin would have room to revitalize and move forward. , so as not to turn from birth to death, to be jealous of nature, and to cut off the name of "touching gold".

Zhang Sanlianzi knew that tomb robbing was a life-threatening business, and it was not appropriate to pass on the fragments of the "Sixteen-Character Yin-Yang Feng Shui Secret Technique" to Jin Abacus and others, so he specially left it to Sun Guofu, a yin-yang eye, and asked him to pass it to Jin Xiaowei. The secret technique of Feng Shui has been passed down to future generations, and perhaps there will be a revival in the future.

After hearing this, Jin Abacus was convinced and secretly praised Mr. Zhang for his understanding of the world and the physics of the world. On the same day, he, Tie Motou and Liao Chen, bid farewell to their masters and went out to the mountains to start a business of touching gold and fighting.

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