Five Immortals Gate

Chapter 26 Where is the immortal magic?

Li Yan didn't know that the communication between him and Dong Fuyi was in the spiritual space and through consciousness. It's a long story, but in fact it only happened in a very short period of time. If Dong Fuyi hadn't used magic power It took a lot of time to extend his life and heal his injuries. It is estimated that those exchanges were completed in just a few dozen breaths. Just when he was surprised and confused by all this, he suddenly felt his body loosen up, and the thing that looked like eyes had disappeared from his body.

The third master withdrew his consciousness, calmed his mind, and said to Li Yan with a smile, "Disciple, you have completed the step of washing the scriptures with the secret method of our sect. Now you have officially entered the first level of 'Mu Yin Gong'. Your performance is: The master is very satisfied. You should go back and take a rest first. After lunch, come to me and I will teach you the mental formula of the first level of 'Mu Yin Kung'." After saying this, he looked at Li. Word.

When Li Yan heard this, he sat on the ground with a dumbfounded expression, and then his face showed joy. He stood up from the ground with his hands on the ground, and then said to Ji Junjun, "Thank you, teacher!" There was a faint trace in his eyes. With gratitude, he bowed behind him again, then turned around and walked towards his stone house with brisk steps.

Master Ji watched his back walking away, and slowly withdrew his gaze, a complex look flashed in his eyes. Then he stood there for a while, then turned and walked back to his room.

Li Yan turned around and walked towards the stone layer. He really felt that the force just now was staring at him from behind again, like a light on his back, and it disappeared after a moment. But he was still the same as when he turned around just now, with a smile on his face and brisk steps into his stone house.

After entering the stone house, he closed the door and his expression suddenly became gloomy. He now knew that even this stone house and the stone door could not block the spiritual consciousness of Master Ji. However, after entering, he still felt a lot more relaxed. , and he was also sure that the ray of divine consciousness had been withdrawn.

Looking at the clothes that were still soaked all over his body, he remembered the gentle voice and smile of Master Ji when he opened his eyes just now. He couldn't help but feel tight in his heart, and then he sneered in his heart, "Do you really care about me that much? Are you just afraid of me?" This 'pig' died too early, it's not worth it, otherwise a weak man would be lying on the ground covered in water for half a quarter of an hour. It's almost late autumn, huh! I couldn't get rid of the fire poison in my body, so I kept suppressing it with cold water and cold air. Before that, I was able to avoid the cumbersome etiquette of becoming a master. I also made up the origin of the "Muying Sect" and introduced in detail the affairs of the various sects in today's martial arts world. These divisions into the realm of martial arts only make me more convinced that you are a noble hermit, and what you passed on to me is just martial arts secrets. You are really meticulous, and even the small details of daily life have to be so realistic. These things are one by one. When you do it, you really deceive people to death without even realizing it.”

However, no matter how perfect the deception is, there will still be flaws. When he remembered that when he kowtowed to the disciples of Ji Junshi that day, the Ji Junshi immediately taught him the "Breathe Guidance Technique". He was stunned for a moment, and then he Even if you are not a martial arts person, you know that even when you are studying in a private school, the teacher will tell you all the rules of the school when you first get started, not to mention that it is a sect. However, at that time, the third military division seemed to be impatient, wishing that he would learn it right away. Thinking about this now, I know that Master Jijun was full of clever tricks, but he still showed some flaws, but now he only realized it later.

Looking at himself again, he was soaked. At this time, he also smelled


There was a disgusting smell. When I took a closer look, I saw something looming under my clothes with water marks on it. I untied my clothes in confusion. When I took a look, I was stunned. I was covered under my clothes. There was an oily black sticky substance, as if his body was covered with a layer of black oil, and it was exuding an unpleasant smell. He didn't know that this was because after practicing to the first level of Qi Condensation stage, the spiritual energy in the body had absorbed some of the energy in the body. Impurities and waste were expelled from the body through the pores. After thinking about it, he thought it was some toxins that Dong Fuyi helped him sort out.

These impurities were so greasy and stuck to my body, which made me feel extremely uncomfortable. I had to deal with it quickly, so I opened the door again and went out with a smile to get some hot water. After a simple cleaning, I suddenly felt like sleeping. Feel refreshed and light.

After changing into clean clothes, he sat cross-legged on the wooden bed in the house with his eyes slightly closed, as if he was consolidating his previous practice.

Of course Li Yan was not practicing at this time. After sitting cross-legged and adjusting his breathing, he had time to feel the conditions inside his body. In addition to his senses being several times more sensitive than before, he also felt The 'internal power' in his body has become thicker and thicker. Of course he now knows that this should be spiritual power. When he was practicing the 'Breathe Guidance Technique' before, he already felt light all over and his ears and eyesight were a little brighter, but he was not as sensitive as he is now. Everything in the world feels so clear as never before, and my body feels extremely comfortable, as if every drop of blood is running happily and jumping.

He couldn't see inside at the moment and could only feel his body's condition by feeling. He suddenly remembered what Dong Fuyi said. The fire poison still existed in his body and he could no longer practice the original "Mu Yin Kung Fu". Oh, it should be "Wu Ye Lian Qing Gong" is the right method, as this will cause the fire poison to attack again.

As soon as he had a thought in his mind, he carefully started the mental method of "Black Night Curtain Qing Gong", and then his face changed drastically. Originally, his intention was just to confirm whether what the old man said was true. The other method was also the curiosity of the young man. Because of his heart, he wanted to use the "Wu Ye Lian Qing Gong" to drive the spiritual power in his body to walk. Who knows, he had just mobilized his spiritual power to follow the route of the exercise, and before he had time to wander through the meridians, a corner of his Dantian Immediately, there was a surge of hot air, like a ferocious beast that smelled the fishy smell, and it immediately became restless, as if it was about to burst out of his body. He was so frightened that he immediately lost his mind.

Even so, it took a long time for the surging spiritual power in Li Yan's dantian to slowly subside, and the overwhelming heat in that corner of his dantian slowly receded until he could no longer feel it. Only then did Li Yan let out a long breath and thought to himself, "It turns out that what Dong Fuyi said is true. The fire poison in the body is really suppressed and entrenched here. Then, what he said about Gui The "Shui Zhen Sutra" is also true in my sea of ​​consciousness, but how can I enter this sea of ​​consciousness? "This is really confusing to a rookie like him who has no one to teach him.

"Could it be that you are running your spiritual power to Baihui Point? No, you will use your spiritual power in this way, and the only method you can use to activate your spiritual power is the 'Wu Ye Lian Qing Gong'. Then you are seeking death. That is using Is it meditation? Or what method is used to activate the consciousness? "

a moment later

, he shook his head and laughed at himself, "Well, since Dong Fuyi said that the immortal magic remained in the sea of ​​consciousness, and knew his current situation, he definitely didn't use spiritual power to open the sea of ​​consciousness, and what was he thinking here? What's more? He also once made it clear that the sea of ​​consciousness is an idea space composed of mental power. It should be opened with thoughts or mental power. The sea of ​​​​consciousness must be in the brain, nothing more than a few large acupuncture points on the top of the forehead, in front of the forehead, and at the back of the head. , there are only so many areas to try.”

At the moment, he didn't think too much. He breathed out slowly, calmly, and mobilized his mind to imagine the Baihui point in the center of his head. After a while, nothing happened, so he tried to move his mind to the Shenting point on the top of his forehead. After a while, there was still no response. He was not discouraged and moved his thoughts from the top of his forehead to his eyebrows again, preparing to check the Yintang point between the eyebrows, but when his thoughts moved to his forehead In the middle, before reaching the Yintang point, he felt his eyes blur, and a dizzying picture flashed quickly in front of his eyes. After a while, when the picture stopped, he was stunned, because he came to the same place as before and Dong. In the space where Fuyi met, the black lake was still under his feet, and the sky above his head was still dark. The lake was still windless, windless, and quiet, as if he had always been here, and he was still suspended above the lake.

He immediately understood. Dong Fuyi had said before that this was his sea of ​​consciousness. If it wasn't here, where could it be? How can I be different from ordinary people? I have a lot of knowledge.

He raised his head and looked around. The surroundings were gray and there were no items. He could see the whole thing at a glance, let alone any books and techniques.

Li Yan didn't think that Dong Foyi had spent so much effort to save himself and then lied to him. He knew that he just didn't find it, but there was indeed nothing here. He wanted to look further away, and just before he When he had this thought, his body flew forward, which frightened him so much that he couldn't help but sway in the air, and then stopped.

He had tried to move his body in this sea of ​​consciousness before, but no matter what he did at that time, he was unable to take steps or move his body. Now, with just a thought, he flew forward on his own. How could he not be shocked? After being frightened, he slowly calmed down and drove his thoughts forward again. He floated forward again, and then slowly accelerated, and the flying speed also began to gradually increase. This discovery immediately made him a little happy. Soon he was flying here like a child, and his movements became more and more skillful. He flew left and right, up and down, and had a great time.

After a long while, Li Yan hovered in the air, slowly calming down the excitement in his heart, and thought to himself, "It's great to fly, it's fast, and you don't have to walk zigzag along the road. It's a pity that this is an illusion after all. If you can really fly, you will be able to fly." How good it is." Thinking of this, he couldn't help but feel reluctant to let go. He liked this feeling, this feeling of freedom.

Human beings have longed to fly freely in the sky like birds since their birth. This is the dream of human beings, but it is just a dream. But later, his eyes slowly lit up. Immortals, immortals can fly. Yes, yes, after becoming an immortal, not to mention flying, it is also easy to go to heaven and earth. At this moment, he is extremely eager to become an immortal. However, if his thoughts are known to Dong Fuyi, he will definitely point at him and yell at him. talk about repair


Immortality can lead to immortality, but he doesn't want to become an immortal, but he only wants to go home and become a mortal. Now he wants to become an immortal, but it's just because he accidentally discovered the fun of flying. This reason is really hard to calm down.

After Li Yan stood there for a moment, he put aside these thoughts. The most important thing now was to find the immortal book here.

After half a cup of tea, he stopped. The space was not very vast. It was about five or six hundred feet long. It was like a hemisphere. Except for a small lake in the center of the circle, the rest of the space was gray. Yes, the ground is blue-gray in color, and the sky is gloomy. When flying to the edge, it seems that there is an invisible force, and it is impossible to get close to it no matter what. He just wandered around here, occasionally falling down, looking here and there. Time passed little by little, but he didn't find anything.

Li Yan stood on the ground, his eyes wide and unobstructed. At a glance, he could see the gray sky in the distance. He held his chin in one hand, "I have walked through the area of ​​several hundred feet, and there is nothing suspicious about it." I searched, but found nothing, so where are the books on immortal magic?"

After a moment, he suddenly slapped his head and secretly shouted "Stupid". In this space, only the small lake in the center was very obvious. Maybe he had the problem of darkness under the lamp. Thinking of this, he got up and flew towards the center. And go.

After a while, he reached the small lake in the center. Looking down, the lake surface was calm and waveless, the black water was like an abyss, and the bottom of the water was like a black abyss. "Are we going to go down to the lake? If so, this old man It's too funny, I have to play some kind of treasure hunt game." At that moment, he reluctantly descended into the lake, hoping that the lake would not be too deep, and he would play some tricks like "i-hole" and "sneaking while holding his breath".

But when he landed on the water, his expression froze again. He couldn't get down into the lake. The water was like a smooth black mirror. He could only stand on the water, unable to sink at all.

Li Yan suddenly felt very depressed, and he felt extremely depressed. This place gave him the feeling that it was a very likely place to hide books. In the end, he still couldn't get into the lake. Could he just look at it like a mirror? Lake? "Mirror-like lake surface", an idea flashed in Li Yan's mind, and he looked at the lake below his feet. Unfortunately, there was nothing there. At this time, the dark water surface was like Li Yan's dark face.

After Li Yan stood still for a while, he suddenly rose into the air. After he flew above the small lake, he narrowed his eyes slightly and concentrated on exploring the lake at his feet. The moment his mental power touched the lake, it was like a dark mirror. A golden light suddenly shone on the lake-like surface, and many handwritings appeared densely on the surface. Li Yan was overjoyed. Before he could see the handwriting clearly, his weak mental power suddenly dissipated, and the golden words in his eyes disappeared without a trace. trace. Li Yan stood in the air and exhaled a long breath, finally finding it.

He calmed down, gathered his mental strength again, and looked towards the lake below. Then, dense golden characters appeared in front of his eyes. Near the far right of the lake, four sparkling gold characters "Guishui Sutra" were placed next to it. On the left, there were rows of smaller handwriting neatly arranged vertically. He knew that his mental strength was too weak, so he did not dare to delay. He immediately started reading carefully. This was related to his life and the flying matter that he was very concerned about. , Don’t be careless at all.

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