What did this mean, Harry was confused.

But he didn't care to continue thinking, quickly got dressed, grabbed his wand and invisibility cloak, and was about to go out to find Locke.

He had already decided that if he couldn't find Locke, he would go to Dumbledore.

Because the scar on his forehead was aching violently, he thought it was definitely a sign of something! He couldn't wait any longer~ to go!

Harry's hunch was right.

When he slipped out of the dorm and common room, cautiously and without alerting Ron and Neville, he almost bumped into Professor Flitwick on the eighth floor, who was hurrying by.

Fortunately, Harry was wearing an invisibility cloak, and Professor Flitwick was distracted, not paying attention to the small movements around the circumference.

So Harry was able to follow Professor Flitwick all the way to the staircase between the second and third floors.

Harry's heart pounded violently as he approached that position, and he prayed in his heart not to see what he didn't want to see, but in the end, he saw it:

Locke, wearing the flat glasses given by Hermione and holding a wand in his hand, looked up in the direction of the stairs on the third floor, petrified in place.

Not far in front of him, the ghostly myrtle also maintained a fluttering appearance, floating stiffly in the air, motionless.

In addition to Professor Flitwick, McGonagall, Snape, Professor Sprout, and Dumbledore all arrived.

They surrounded the petrified Locke, with expressions of shock, bewilderment, sadness, and anger on their faces, to name a few.

Only Dumbledore, whose face looked just a little serious, even froze in place, thinking about something.

Just as Harry was recovering from the blow and about to remove the invisibility canopy and rush over to inquire, Lockhart fluttered past him.

Harry felt that the smell of men's perfume on Lockhart's body was so pungent at the moment!

"It looks like another student has been attacked, and that's terrible......! Oh, that's our favorite, Mr. Chen! That's, that's terrible!" Lockhart couldn't help but smile with a gloating smile on his face, despite that.

He didn't expect Tom to move so quickly.

In fact, the Defence Against the Dark Arts office was nearby, so he heard the huge movement made by the basilisk immediately.

To be honest, he was a little apprehensive at first, but after waiting for a while, when he came here, just by seeing the expressions on the professors' faces, he knew that Tom had succeeded.

Then, by finding an opportunity to cast that spell on Locke, he can turn Locke into a fool who has forgotten everything.

At that time, what if Locke didn't die?

What can a fool do, no matter how handsome and talented he is?

People will not doubt him for this, but will only attribute the reason why Locke became a fool to the after-effects of petrification.

Oh, that's what happens when you go against him, Britain's most popular wizard, Gilderoy Lockhart, young man!

Lockhart's schadenfreude made almost all the professors look at him with hatred.

Snape even clenched his wand in his hand!

And Dumbledore finally spoke at this time: "Professor Lockhart, your office is on the third floor, did you hear anything before?"

"Dear Mr.

Principal, actually, I have not been feeling well today, I haven't even eaten dinner, and I went to bed early.

While I did get woken up by the loud noise, I knew I was limited in my abilities and could only stay in the office......

In fact, I was about to tell Mr.

Headmaster that I felt that I was not qualified to be a professor of Defence Against the Dark Arts, so I was going to resign......

I'm probably going to leave Hogwarts in the next few days.

I'm sorry that this happened before I left, but I hope Hogwarts will soon be at peace!


Lockhart finally wished in a fake tone.

If you don't know him, you may really be deceived by his appearance. But the professors were not, and there was a look of disgust and suspicion on everyone's faces.

But Harry didn't doubt it, he felt that Lockhart was really planning to resign, because he was going to run away!

"Well, Lockhart, I approve your resignation. Go and write me a letter of resignation so I can give an account to the Ministry of Magic and the school board. Dumbledore didn't react, as if he didn't care about anything.

"Of course, I'll write it tonight. By the way, Chen, is he okay?"

"He's alive, Lockhart. Well, let's not let the two poor children continue like this. Minerva, Severus, and I sent Locke to Poppy (Madam Pomfrey). And Myrtle, Flitwick, Sprout, she's up to you. Dumbledore eventually assigned the task and asked everyone to leave.

Soon, Lockhart was left here, and Harry under the cloak of invisibility.

Before leaving, Dumbledore glanced at where Harry was, but did nothing.

Seeing that everyone was ignoring him, Lockhart didn't care, and admired the only line left on the wall for a while, and then walked briskly to his office.

He was probably so happy that he didn't notice that there was anyone following him.

When he returned to the office and closed the door, he happily sang and danced in place. []

It took him a long time before he carefully spoke, "Tom, are you there?"

But no one answered.

Lockhart regretted that there was no one to share the happy news.

Just when he felt tired and wanted to wash up and fall asleep, a magic wand was pressed against the back of his neck.

Lockhart was cold, and he tried to use his eyes to get the self in the photo to find a way to notify someone to save him.

But in the picture frames on the surrounding walls, I don't know when it began, there was no one left.

"Who are you, if you have something to say, please don't hurt me!" Lockhart said in horror.

"Professor, tell me who Tom is!" Harry's tone was a little hurried, nervous.

Harry...... Are you kidding me, playing a prank on the professor like this, even if you are a savior, you ......"

"I don't care about that, if Locke has anything in case, I don't mind putting you to the same price as him!Now tell me who Tom is, otherwise, I'll make you suffer!" Harry's tone gradually calmed down, but his holly wand hurt the back of Lockhart's neck even more.

"Okay, I say, I'll say anything, don't be nervous!Tom, it's one of my lovely pets, my new owl, we're ......" Lockhart began to ramble nonsense.

"Is its full name Tom Mavolo Riddle, or the heir of Slytherin!"

"Oh, Harry, I ......" Lockhart panicked.

"It seems that you don't want to say anything if you don't suffer a little. Thankfully, I learned some evil spells from Ron, such as the Pimple Charm, such as the Fire Roast Hot Spicy Charm. However, I am not proficient in using it, and it would be a pity if there were irreparable consequences, such as disfigurement or something!".

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