American Comics: The Invincible Wheel of Fortune

Chapter 748 4. Friends with special skills

"I'm Bat-girl, I'm a Bat-girl, not a flying chipmunk!"

"Here, eat some pistachios."

"Oh, thank you...Hey, I'm not here to eat or drink!"

"So why did you call us all here, Hamster Girl?"


"Be good, eat some hazelnuts. I'll peel them for you."

"Oh, thank you... Hello!"

Brooklyn, an abandoned car scrapping plant.

Everyone in detention, including Vera and Curry who wanted to leave, were all summoned here by a petite and smart girl named Barbara Gordon.

Everyone also got to know each other. The white, rich and beautiful girl with long hair was named Zatanna Zatara, the hippie girl was named Jessica Cruz, the timid little black girl was named Karen Bichir, plus Lois Lane, This is all transfer students.

Here are Vera, her little brother, her little brother, and Hal Jordan, who is super courageous and not afraid of being fooled to death by Vera, and comes to join in the fun.

"I know that you are all people with strange abilities!"

"You three must have strong fighting abilities! In the food fight, not a single bit of food will touch you!"

Batgirl Barbara, with her mouth stuffed like a chipmunk, a Dutch mouse, and a golden hamster, but with sharp eyes, pointed at Vera and the three of them, with a look of determination as if she had just blindly discovered Hua Dian.

"You, Karen, accidentally fell down when you were at school and dropped the 'little things' all over the floor. I knew you were an inventive genius!"

"You, Zatanna, when you were in school, your housekeeper told you to pull down your schoolbag, and then it suddenly fell into your hands. I know I was definitely not just looking at it!"

"Jessica and Hal have been saying that the ring chose you. What about the Green Lantern Corps, courage, and ability? I know it must be extraordinary!"

"Is it true, Clark, that you're a master of combat?"

Lois Lane, who was not mentioned, curiously asked Clark beside her. The two of them kept talking and laughing all the way from Queens to Brooklyn.

"I... have practiced some fighting skills, just to... exercise my body." Clark stretched out his hand to show a small distance.

"Oh, cool, I do Pilates and long-distance running."

"Yes, I also like long-distance running."

"Two idiots... After having a girl, they forgot about their brothers and stuffed dog food in front of everyone. It's a waste of my loyalty to brothers." Middle school monk Curry never expected that Clark, with thick eyebrows and big eyes, would take one by himself first. He betrayed his comrade. He was obviously a shy and sullen guy. Man, I am more popular.

"you deserve it."

"Sister, you must not be seduced by the scumbag Hal and betray your companions."

"Have you lived enough?"

"No, no, no..."

Not only Vera and Curry, a pair of youthful and sour idiots, did not take Barbara as the focus, others also went their own way, some did not care, and some were unwilling to admit it.

"Guys! Listen to me! I, Barbara, Batgirl, a superhero who fights criminals in the dark. Now I have changed to a new environment. I want to gather my companions and form a new team. Now I sincerely invite you!"

"Please forgive me for refusing. I hate fighting and resist violence. I am a pacifist." Jessica, a hippie girl, said righteously and made a cross with her hands in front of her sizable chest.

"Me, me too, fighting is not good, and there are crimes and so on. It's too scary." Karen, a timid black girl, half-hidden behind Jessica, pulling on her clothes, Jesse Ka also bravely stood in front of Karen.

"Hmm~, I'm not interested. I'm very busy." Bai Fumei Zatanna held a makeup box and looked in the mirror to look pretty... not too pretty, she's a bling~ bling beautiful girl, and she's also good at dressing up. No matter what, I can score 90 points.

By the way, all the girls here have at least 85 points and above. Hal Jordan has long been dazzled by this guy.

"Guys, come on! Aren't you interested at all in superheroes versus super villains, fighting crime, super cool secret strongholds, secret dual identities?" Barbara refused to kill three times in a row and quickly saved her. .

"Secret identity, dear, secret is the key. The key is to keep a low profile and make others think that you are an ordinary person." Zatanna said, "Don't be ridiculous."

"What about you, are you interested?"

"Pass, come on, eat some badam." Vera said that superheroes were not as interesting as eating chipmunks.

"Pass." Curry also shook his head. It's not fun to knead dough for a superhero or something.

"Pa..." Clark wasn't very interested either.

"Superhero, so awesome! Barbara, are you really a superhero?" Lois Lane was starry-eyed.

"Of course, I am the main member of the Bat-family!"

"Bat Family! Are you Batman's companion!?"

"Well, I'll introduce it to you another day..."

"I'm joining!" Clark said righteously when he saw that Louise was going to transform into a little fangirl.

Pass is impossible to pass. Fighting crime is such a meaningful thing, it is impossible to pass in this life. I like to be a superhero or something like that!

"Really? Clark? How about I join in? Even though I don't have super powers, I still want to help."

"No problem! As long as you have a heart of justice, you are a partner of justice." Barbara winked at Clark.

"Oh, this idiot brother..."

"Oh, this idiot brother..."

Vera and Curry sighed in tacit understanding. When the younger brother grows up, he will not stay in the family. When the younger brother grows up, he will rebel and become a couple.

So Louise grabbed Clark, Clark grabbed his sister and brother, and the good brothers showed their loyalty. Curry asked Hal Jordan to grab Jessica. Jessica stayed, and Karen stayed.

"Why do you all want to see me? Well, if that's the case, I have to keep a low profile among you, so I'll join in reluctantly." Zatanna shrugged indifferently, followed the change of subject, and said playfully: "It's just I didn’t expect that the eldest young lady of the Amazon Group also has this kind of interest.”

"Oh yeah! I see how smart the Teen Titans are, how dare they laugh at me in the future! Wait, what did you say? Amazon Group?" Barbara was fed another mouthful of cashews, chewing them while talking quickly, both of them Delay is quite powerful, it’s not considered ability, it’s considered talent.

"Walker, like 'Jasmine Quinn Walker'? Still? Haven't thought of it yet? Tsk, Vera Quinn Prince Walker, Jasmine Quinn, Diana Prince? Ring any bells? Have you remembered anything?" Tanna pointed to Vera and Clark.

"Really, are you really...?"

"I didn't expect that the magic family Zatara turned out to be a magic family?" Vera also smiled playfully back at Zatanna, but she directly acquiesced to everyone's curiosity.

"Oh, awesome!" Barbara was surprised, but not shocked from the bottom of her heart. After all, she had been with another power god for a long time.

"So you are...?" Louise also looked at Clark with a surprised look on her face, this sunny and warm man who looked like the handsome guy next door and didn't have any dandy vibe at all.

"Adopted, I was adopted." Clark quickly waved his hand to express that I am me, a different Hanabi.

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