All Heavens: Pick up cards starting from Naruto

Chapter 59 The correct posture of Uchiha pride

After sleeping until noon the next day, Chen Tian finally got rid of the seal of the quilt and struggled to get up.

I personally cooked some long-lost Chinese delicacies, such as Kung Pao chicken, spicy and sour potato chips, and fish-flavored shredded pork. I started drooling just by smelling the taste.

As a single man in his previous life, Chen Tian had become a master of cooking in order to fill his stomach.

"Bump bump bump!"

Just as he was about to enjoy the delicious food, he heard someone knocking on the door.

Chen Tian, ​​who was too lazy to open the door, used a perception ninjutsu. After recognizing that it was Kakashi outside the door, he said leisurely: "Come in yourself!"

"What's the matter?" Chen Tian asked hesitantly after stuffing a mouthful of food into his mouth.

"Minato-sensei has something to discuss with you and asks you to go to the Hokage's office." After completing the order, Kakashi turned his attention to the food and asked, "What are you talking about? Why haven't I seen it before?"

He smelled the fragrance as soon as he entered the door, and he couldn't hold it any longer.

Looking at Kakashi's expression, Chen Tian knew that Minato was not in a hurry, so he greeted, "Come on, come on, let's eat something together!"

Kakashi was not polite either. The two of them started eating with one chopstick and one with chopsticks.

While eating, Chen Tian stopped by and asked, "What does Brother Minato want from me?"

"The high-yielding grains promoted by you and Orochimaru-sama have given civilians in the Land of Fire a surplus of food, so many criminals have appeared."

At this point, Kakashi's mouth couldn't help but twitch, and then he continued: "I realized after catching them that they had nothing to do after they were full, so just find something to do for yourself!"

Kakashi found it incomprehensible when he thought of this. He used to be busy every day when he didn't have enough to eat; now that he has enough to eat, he just messes around when he has nothing to do. It's so simple.

After hearing what Kakashi said, Chen Tian suddenly understood. This kind of thing also happened in the previous life. After Yuan greatly increased food production, the Chinese people also had a period of time.

But later, as entertainment culture developed and people had things to pass their time, it calmed down.

It seems that the development of entertainment culture in Konoha will also be put on the agenda!

Thinking about Chen Tian, ​​he got a headache. He just wanted to help Minato grow Konoha. Why are there so many things going on now?

Uchiha's problems, the Fire Country's crime rate, one after another, are all his responsibility.

After the two of them finished eating, a water escaper took care of the dishes and then headed to the Hokage Building together.

After arriving at the Hokage Building, Minato was the only one inside. Nara Shikaku, who helped him handle government affairs, must have gone out to eat.

"Xiaotian, you are here. Kakashi should have told you. Is there any solution?"

Minato's face was full of hope, and he was obviously very worried about this matter.

Originally, these things were managed by the daimyo, but now the civilians have identified Konoha, and Minato can't bear to drive them away, so this situation has arisen.

Chen Tian did not disappoint him. He nodded and said, "I have an idea, but it will take some time."

"If there's a way, that's good, if there's a way, that's good!" When Minato heard this, he was so happy that he couldn't close his mouth from ear to ear.

He was tormented by such trivial matters. He had to deal with hundreds of such matters a day. It was simply inhumane and left him no time to spend with his son.

Sometimes he wanted to abdicate directly, give up the position of Hokage to others, and stay at home peacefully.

After bidding farewell to Minato, Chentian came all the way to Orochimaru's laboratory. After saying hello, he talked about what he needed.

After telling Orochimaru about everything from cameras to video cropping software, including functions and styles, he asked: "How long will it take to develop these?"

"One month at most, you can pick it up yourself then!" After saying that, Orochimaru waved his hand and started to chase people away.

In fact, these things have already begun to appear. Twelve years later, Fujisan Kazue will be a big star.

So with the basic knowledge, these things are not difficult for Orochimaru at all.

Chen Tian thought many times that Orochimaru was the greatest treasure in the world.

As long as the time traveler has received nine years of compulsory education and casually talks to Orochimaru about physics and chemistry, he can give you a reward ten thousand times.

After making preliminary preparations, Chentian began to think about the problems of the Uchiha clan.

This matter is a huge process, and it is impossible to complete it in a while.

The first is to list the problems. The first is the suppression of Uchiha by the upper management of Konoha. This has been solved.

The second is that the middle-level ninjas and civilians in Konoha are hostile to Uchiha, which is deeply rooted and very difficult to deal with.

Third, the Uchiha clan is extremely arrogant, completely looking down on other ninjas and civilians, and showing no repentance!

This second and third problem is a vicious circle. The more Uchiha looks down on other people, the more hostile those people are to them.

"It's hard to solve!" Rubbing his chin, Chen Tian fell into deep thought.

If you want to solve the problem, you must change the attitude of the Uchiha clan, but their pride is engraved in their bones and cannot be changed at all.

In addition, we need to find a way for Uchiha to integrate into Konoha, but these villagers are unwilling!

"The root of the problem lies in the third point, Uchiha's attitude. As long as they can change, even if it takes a little longer, they can always integrate into Konoha."

"But how to change it? Those are all stubborn donkeys!"

Sad, Chen Tian's brows were all knitted together and he couldn't let go at all, just like an old man in his seventies or eighties.

"Yes!" Chen Tian suddenly clapped his hands, showed a surprised smile, and said: "Since there is no way to make them give up their pride, then let them change the way they are proud!"

"In that case, let's write a book called "The Correct Posture of Uchiha Pride".

Whatever he wanted to do, he immediately took out a pen and paper. Looking at the pen and paper in front of me, my mind instantly went back to the time when I was writing about breaking the sky and making money.

But these are fleeting, the focus is still on writing.

First of all, Uchiha's pride in treating civilians: he doesn't bother to take advantage when buying things, and he can even give him more money.

When greeting civilians, they are so proud that they are too lazy to look down on them, so I respond more friendly than them to prove that I am doing better than you.

When civilians encounter problems, I am a proud Uchiha and I can easily help you solve them!

The second is pride in dealing with other ninjas: I am the strongest when encountering conflicts, and I am so proud that I look down on conflicts with them, so I can give in.

When it comes to completing tasks, you are all scum, and I must complete them better than you.

When we cooperate with each other, I am the strong one and give you a chance to perform. I will definitely obey orders and make no mistakes, and I can also give you guidance.

When in danger: You are too weak, and the proud Uchiha comes to save you.

The third is to treat the pride of Konoha's top management: when faced with orders, is this the only thing? It will be completed in minutes for you to see.

When we met on the road, it turned out to be you. As a proud person like me, I had to speak first and say hello before you.

The fourth is pride in treating the enemy: If you can't defeat me, then just wait for death!

Summary: Facing the villagers, I am proud to do better than other ninjas.

Facing the Konoha ninja, I am proud to perform better than you, whether it is fighting, executing orders, getting along with others, etc.

Facing the enemy, I saw the ones who killed the most and the ones who killed the most ferociously!

That's roughly what it means. Chen Tian wrote much more than what we talked about, and he stopped after writing a total of 40,000 to 50,000 words.

On the home page, he wrote ""The Correct Posture of Uchiha Proud" written in large letters: Chen Tian." After that, he put down the pen in his hand with satisfaction.

Now everything is ready and all we need is Dongfeng. All we need is for everyone in Uchiha to read this book or even memorize it.

But this is also a big problem, after all, they will not just listen to Chen Tian's words.

Let alone Chen Tian, ​​even if Minato goes there in person, it may not have any effect.

This requires a little planning, but it needs to be discussed with Fugaku.

"Tsk, it's already so late, let's go tomorrow!"

After looking at the darkening sky outside, Chentian gave up the idea of ​​leaving for Uchiha.

After carefully putting away the "Correct Posture of Proud Uchiha" in his hand, Chen Tian began to tinker with his dinner.

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